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Christmas Tree Plant With Fast Growth For Sale In Seattle

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Downy Oak Quercus pubescens
Price : CALL

* The Quercus pubescens acorns are light brown to yellow, 8–20 mm long, usually thin and pointed. * Quercus pubescens is a medium-sized deciduous tree growing up to 20 m. They are long-lived, to several hundred years, and eventually grow into very stout...
  • Common Name: Downy Oak
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Botanical Name: Quercus pubescens
  • Height: 50-60 feet
Dragon Tree, Fortunes Empress Tree, Sapphire Tree, Phoenix Tree Paulownia fortunei
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

Its characteristics of rot resistance and a very high ignition point ensures the timber's popularity in the world market. * Paulownia is extremely fast growing; up to 20 feet in one year when young.
  • Height: 60-75 feet
  • Germination Test Type: estimate
  • Species: fortunei
  • Crop Year: 2017
  • Genus: Paulownia
Japanese Red Cedar, Japanese Cedar, Sugi Cryptomeria japonica     - Cryptomeria fortunei
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

It is superficially similar to the related Giant Sequoia ( Sequoiadendron giganteum ), from which it can be differentiated by the longer leaves (under 0.5 cm in the Giant Sequoia) and smaller cones (4–6 cm in the Giant Sequoia), and the harder bark...
  • Species: japonica
  • Collection Locale: China
  • Purity: 98%
  • Seeds Per Pound: 99,561
  • Botanical Name: Cryptomeria japonica
  • Common Name: Japanese Red Cedar, Japanese Cedar, Sugi
Scotch Pine, Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris    Turkey
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* Scots pine is an important tree in forestry. * It was one of the first trees introduced to North America, in about 1600. * Scots pine is the only pine native to northern Europe. The wood is used for pulp and sawn timber products.


    • Genus: Pinus
    • Germination Test Type: Actual
    • Common Name: Scotch Pine, Scots Pine
    • Location: Turkey
    • Seeds Per Pound: 52,210
    • Collection Locale: Turkey
    Scotch Pine, Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris    Scotland, Speymouth
    Price : CALL

    * Scots pine is an important tree in forestry. * It was one of the first trees introduced to North America, in about 1600. * Scots pine is the only pine native to northern Europe. The wood is used for pulp and sawn timber products.
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
    • Common Name: Scotch Pine, Scots Pine
    • Species: sylvestris
    • Botanical Name: Pinus sylvestris Scotland, Speymouth
    • Genus: Pinus
    Dahurian Birch Betula davurica
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

    * Small landscape tree * Somewhat reminiscent of Betua nigra bark, but the sections that break off are smaller and more block like. * Grown mostly for it's beautiful exfoliating bark.
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
    • Germination: 77%
    • Collection Locale: China
    • Lot#: 980064
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 84
    • Germination Test Type: Cut
    American Sycamore, American Plane Platanus occidentalis
    Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 packet

    * A huge tree when mature--early explorers in central New York noted one with a diameter of 12'; open habit, attractive exfoliating bark, sometimes nearly all white and beautiful in winter.
    • Seeds Per Pound: 73,548
    • Collection Locale: Utah
    • Family: Platanaceae
    • Quantity: 47.43 lb
    • Botanical Name: Platanus occidentalis good balls
    • Crop Year: 2013
    Redgum, Sweetgum, Sapgum Liquidambar styraciflua    Southern
    Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

    The fruits are a spiny, globe shaped 1 to 1.25" ball which become brown. They have five sharply pointed lobes, but are easily distinguished from maples in being glossy and leathery in appearance, and arranged alternately, not in opposite pairs.
    • Height: 60-100 feet
    • Collection Locale: Louisiana
    • Family: Hamamelidaceae
    • Genus: Liquidambar
    • Common Name: Redgum, Sweetgum, Sapgum
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    Chinese Wingnut Pterocarya stenoptera
    Price : CALL

    The major difference lies in the shape of the wings on the fruit: reminiscent of the wings of the common fly, they are connected to the two sides of the walnut shaped fruit, which is about the size of a garbanza .
    • Species: stenoptera
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
    • Family: Juglandaceae
    • Genus: Pterocarya
    Dragon Tree, Fortunes Empress Tree, Sapphire Tree, Phoenix Tree Paulownia fortunei
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

    Its characteristics of rot resistance and a very high ignition point ensures the timber's popularity in the world market. * Paulownia is extremely fast growing; up to 20 feet in one year when young.
    • Height: 60-75 feet
    • Common Name: Dragon Tree, Fortunes Empress Tree, Sapphire Tree, Phoenix Tree
    • Family: BIGNONIACEAE
    • Genus: Paulownia
    • Germination: 30%
    • Crop Year: 2017
    Norway Spruce Picea abies    European - Picea excelsa    European
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

    For an inexpensive Bonsai that is readily available the Spruce is your choice. Norway Spruce has short needles and nice bark making it a natural bonsai. New needles are bright green, darkening later; full sun; popular in the U.S. * Young trees often grow...
    • Species: abies
    • Genus: Picea
    • Family: Pinaceae
    • Botanical Name: Picea abies European
    • Seeds Per Pound: 56,296
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    Scotch Pine, Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris    France, Auvergne
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

    * Scots pine is an important tree in forestry. * Scots pine is the only pine native to northern Europe. * Widely grown as a Christmas Tree in the United States. The wood is used for pulp and sawn timber products.
    • Common Name: Scotch Pine, Scots Pine
    • Species: sylvestris
    • Germination Test Type: Actual
    • Family: Pinaceae
    • Crop Year: 2015
    • Location: France, Auvergne
    Catalpa Paulownia, Paulownia Tree Paulownia catalpifolia     - Paulownia catalpafolia
    Price : CALL

    * Some species of plantation Paulownia can be harvested for saw timber in as little as five years. * Paulownia is extremely fast growing; up to 20 feet in one year when young. * It is being used as a reforestation tree in several countries, including...
    • Family: BIGNONIACEAE
    • Botanical Name: Paulownia catalpifolia
    • Height: 30-50ft
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
    Redgum, Sweetgum, Sapgum Liquidambar styraciflua    Southern
    Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

    The fruits are a spiny, globe shaped 1 to 1.25" ball which become brown. They have five sharply pointed lobes, but are easily distinguished from maples in being glossy and leathery in appearance, and arranged alternately, not in opposite pairs.
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    • Family: Hamamelidaceae
    • Quantity: 1.02 lb
    • Germination: 98%
    • Crop Year: 2016
    Downy Oak Quercus pubescens
    Price : CALL

    * The Quercus pubescens acorns are light brown to yellow, 8–20 mm long, usually thin and pointed. * Quercus pubescens is a medium-sized deciduous tree growing up to 20 m. They are long-lived, to several hundred years, and eventually grow into very stout...
    • Botanical Name: Quercus pubescens
    • Genus: Quercus
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
    • Common Name: Downy Oak
    Scotch Pine, Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris    England, East Anglia
    Price : CALL

    * Scots pine is an important tree in forestry. * It was one of the first trees introduced to North America, in about 1600. * Scots pine is the only pine native to northern Europe. The wood is used for pulp and sawn timber products.
    • Genus: Pinus
    • Species: sylvestris
    • Botanical Name: Pinus sylvestris England, East Anglia
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
    • Common Name: Scotch Pine, Scots Pine
    Black Cottonwood , Western Balsam Poplar, California Poplar Populus trichocarpa
    Price : CALL

    The buds are harvested in the spring before they open and are dried for later use. In some situations, abscission may be one means of colonizing exposed sandbars . * Western balsam poplar has a long history of herbal use.
    • Family: SALICACEAE
    • Genus: Populus
    • Species: trichocarpa
    • Common Name: Black Cottonwood , Western Balsam Poplar, California Poplar
    African Hackberry, White Stinkwood Celtis africana
    Price : CALL

    This Hackberry produces a pale trunk and branches with green leaves . It can be indoors with much care but grows best outside. * It is a fast growing and popular garden tree in South Africa and is easily propagated.
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
    • Family: Ulmaceae
    • Species: africana
    • Height: 80 feet
    Maritime Pine, Cluster Pine Pinus pinaster  aberdoniae
    Price : CALL

    * Often planted as a shelterbelt along exposed coasts and also to stabilize sandy soils. It was introduced into Britain by the Earl of Aberdeen in 1725. It has become naturalised in parts of southern England, South Africa and Australia.
    • Botanical Name: Pinus pinaster aberdoniae
    • Variety: aberdoniae
    • Species: pinaster
    • Genus: Pinus
    • Height: 60-100 feet
    White Alder, Sierra Alder Alnus rhombifolia
    Price : CALL

    White alder ALRH2 Summary Duration Perennial Growth Habit Tree Native Status L48 (N) Federal T/E Status National Wetland Indicator FACW Morphology/Physiology Active Growth Period Spring and Summer After Harvest Regrowth Rate Bloat None C:N Ratio High...
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
    • Botanical Name: Alnus rhombifolia
    • Genus: Alnus
    • Common Name: White Alder, Sierra Alder
    Scotch Pine, Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris    Spain, Teruel
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

    * Scots pine is an important tree in forestry. * It was one of the first trees introduced to North America, in about 1600. * Scots pine is the only pine native to northern Europe. The wood is used for pulp and sawn timber products.
    • Common Name: Scotch Pine, Scots Pine
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
    • Germination: 91%
    • Height: 75 feet
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 74
    • Genus: Pinus
    Nepal Alder Alnus nepalensis
    Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 packet

    * It is called Utis in Nepalese and Nepalese Alder in English . * A fall-flowering species. * Multipurpose alder tree found in the subtropical highlands of the Himalaya. * Prefers a heavy soil and a damp situation.
    • Purity: 46%
    • Genus: Alnus
    • Crop Year: 2012
    • Species: nepalensis
    • Collection Locale: India
    • Family: Betulaceae
    White Spire Birch Betula platyphylla  Japonica White Spire
    Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

    * The glossy green foliage turns yellow in the fall. * The parent is a vigorous cultivar said to be more resistant to birch borers and tolerant to heat. * This deciduous tree has bark that is white and does not exfoliate (peel off).
    • Seeds Per Pound: 2,133,800
    • Species: platyphylla
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
    • Cultivar: White Spire
    • Collection Locale: Wisconsin
    • Family: Betulaceae
    White Mulberry Morus alba
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

    * The white mulberry ( Morus alba ) is a fast-growing, small to medium sized tree. * Dense, round-domed tree with variable shiny dark green leaves. * Originally imported as food for silkworms.
    • Height: 40-50 feet
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
    • Collection Locale: India
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 507
    • Seeds Per Pound: 282,500
    • Genus: Morus
    Cottonwood, Eastern Cottonwood Populus deltoides
    Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

    The bark is silvery-white, smooth or lightly fissured when young, becoming dark gray and deeply fissured on old trees. * It is a large tree growing to 20–40 m tall and with a trunk up to 1.8 m diameter, one of the largest North American hardwood trees.
    • Family: Salicaceae
    • Genus: Populus
    • Germination: 30%
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 36
    • Botanical Name: Populus deltoides
    • Germination Test Type: estimate
    Siberian Elm, Chinese Elm, Asiatic Elm, Dwarf Elm Ulmus pumila
    Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

    The leaves are deciduous in cold areas, but semi-evergreen in warmer climates, < 7 cm long and < 3 cm broad, with an oblique base and a coarsely serrated margin, changing from dark green to yellow in autumn.
    • Common Name: Siberian Elm, Chinese Elm, Asiatic Elm, Dwarf Elm
    • Purity: 97%
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
    • Genus: Ulmus
    • Germination: 67%
    • Crop Year: 2018
    Deodar Cedar, Himalayan Cedar, Deodar Cedrus deodara
    Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

    Succeeds in very chalky soils. Its historical use to construct religious temples and in landscaping around temples is well recorded. It grows beautifully in the south and west coast in the U.S. Mature specimens have a graceful, horizontal, weeping habit...
    • Germination Test Type: cut
    • Family: Pinaceae
    • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
    • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 16
    • Botanical Name: Cedrus deodara
    • Quantity: 22.39 lb