✓ Call or email us for a freight rate
You can see everything we have at our website by clicking on our name below where it says contact johnandleroytomlinson and is underlined below
✓ with 2 extra shanks
✓ Model 2310 Heston
10 shank chisel plow
✓ can be dismantled to 6' 6" wide to put on a semi
It is 14' wide the way it sits. DMI coulter champ 9 shank disk chisel in good usable condition. Email us with your zip code for a quote. This one has decent shovels the blades on the front are in good shape.
The gang bearings are field proven 211 rubber mounted bearings with cast housings mounted to our heavy duty 1”x3” “C” Shank standards. Demo Unit - Very low acres! 7 shank Turbo Chisel / ripper, HD shanks, rear chopper / leveler / pulverizer wheels...
✓ Email or call us for a freight rate
You can see everything we have at our website by clciking on our name below where it says contact
johnandleroytomlinson and is underlined below
7 spring shank, 24" spacing, 3 bar coil tine harrow, Hyd disc adjustment, Super single transport tires Wil-Rich Soil Pro 513 - Same as Sunflower 4610-7.