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The Tools You Need For Trimming Trees
A Wagon Or Wood Chipper Obviously, trimming trees produces a lot of debris, and you'll need a way to dispose of all the branches after they've been cut. You never know when a tangle of branches might spring toward your face, and if you're not paying enough...
After the Blossoms are Gone: A Gardener\'s Melancholia
Do you find yourself a bit blue when the gardening season ends? If so, you?re not alone. Do you actually mourn its passing? Over the years, many gardeners who live in areas with distinct seasons have written and spoken about their melancholic moods during...
El Segundo
Use Tree Prunings To Improve Your Soil
Trees absorb carbon from the atmosphere, and a 48 to 50 percent of their aboveground woody tissue is constituted of such. While we think of trees as growing out of the ground, they are also, in a sense, being constituted out of the atmosphere, making...
3 New Uses For Your Spent Christmas Tree
The easiest method is placing your tree in your backyard and staking it upright, so that birds and mammals can take shelter from winter weather and predators. If having your old tree in the yard for a few months doesn't sound appealing, there are a few...
What Is An Arborist: Tips For Choosing An Arborist
Arbor Day Foundation offers a page with certified arborist information that enables you to find a certified arborist in all 50 states of the U.S.Choosing an arborist you will be happy with takes time.
Hydrangeas...How and Where and What... Part III
Leaves the plant covered until spring when danger of freezing has passed.If this sounds like too much trouble you might want to try and grow hydrangeas in pots. Before moving harden it off like you would any seedlings.Those you in USDA Zones 6 and colder...
El Segundo
Recycling Fall Leaves & More as Fabulous FREE Garden Mulch
My friend Theresa always starts with a layer of old cardboard boxes, or half a dozen sheets of newspaper, when mulching around trees and between perennials. Your garden's hardworking earthworms will help break down the mulch over time, adding its nutrients...
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Is A Walk-Behind Tractor Right For My Farm?
What Will It Do? You've finally gotten a few acres in the country, and you're eager to start a farming endeavor: maybe some livestock, an acre of vegetables, an orchard or even a berry farm.
Uses for Apple Trees
This vinegar works as a skin tonic as well, improving blood circulation. Apple cider vinegar has been recorded to help ease allergies from the high content of quercetin, a compound that slows down the secretion of histamine (the chemical your body releases...
Santa Monica
Great Soil, Great Gardens
The heat in a compost pile will kill any weed seeds and break down the nitrogen than tends to burn plants.Many cities and towns are making compost available to residents.I do not recommend using this compost on vegetable gardens.It often contains grass...
El Segundo
A Bonus of Blossoms from your February Fruit Tree Pruning
Most people know that you should prune fruit trees when they are dormant, from the time when their leaves fall to late winter. The ideal location is no warmer than 60and away from heaters that will dry the air and also away from direct sunlight.
El Segundo
Mother Nature\'s Autumn Dividend \
However, be warned that leaf mold can take up to three years to make. They give us an endless panorama of color each fall. In yards and gardens across the country, fallen leaves are treated like trash but the smart gardener gathers up this free treasure...
El Segundo
From Nature Back to Nature: Bird Feeders from Vines
Wrap the vine in a circle, starting with 3 or 4 very long strands, all with uneven ends. It will be tacky enough to hold most small bits of food. It was there on the mountain side that I learned much about nature, including the habits of small wild critters,...
El Segundo
A Thanksgiving Tradition: Gratitude Journals
It became a tradition in New England to place five kernels of corn on each plate along with the feast at Thanksgiving. I've studied history and human nature as carefully as I know how, and I think I've discovered a truth about these grateful people.
Use Wood Chips to Make a Chicken Scratch & Snack Bar
There is a key requirement for this to work: The run must remain open to the rain. Simply lift up the edges of the tarp to consolidate the remaining pile to make it easier to load.
How to Throw a Modern-Day Barn Raising
The weather was absolutely perfect. I was very pregnant with three other small children, but it was an excellent apple year and I was not about to let the sun-sweetened fruit go to waste, so we headed over to our friends' farm who had a cider press.
5 Realities of Farmland Restoration
Don't overlook your local anglers' associations, birding clubs, native plant enthusiasts and town governments, which may have various reasons to support natural habitats. Steve points out a simple fact about trees: “They really grow slow!” The diverse...
15 Reasons You Need A Tractor
The selection of a 12-volt electric winch, gas-powered winch or power-takeoff (PTO) winch depends on your budget and how much pulling you need to do. Fence Building Reeling out four 80-pound rolls of barbed wire, as well as carrying steel posts, post...
Buyer\'s Guide To Small Farm Utility Vehicles
Sprayer : With a pump that draws off the engine, power sprayers anchored in the bed of a ute can spray herbicides, liquid fertilizer, or other agricultural chemicals much more quickly and evenly than a backpack sprayer.