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Chinese Herbal Medicine

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Tumbleweeds, a Russian Invasion
Rickety wooden buildings line a deserted street. Other unrelated plants that exhibit this same behavior are also sometimes called tumbleweeds. We've all seen the old Western movies and television shows.
El Segundo
The Amazing All-Purpose Pine Needle Tea
Her article,, includes much useful and interesting information about this generous tree.Prophet, healer, and herbalist Edgar Cayce used pine needle oil in many of his remedies to ailing patients.
El Segundo
Identifying Wildflowers: Goldenrod
Wildflowers are beloved little treasures that have inspired poets, artists and storytellers from around the world and learning to recognize them and preserving their declining habitat is something all gardeners should aspire to.
El Segundo
Identifying Wildflowers: Lyreleaf Sage; Salvia lyrata
If you are intending to use this plant as a host, make sure it is the species. Like most wildflowers, ordinary garden soil is sufficient when it comes to nutrients and there's no need for fertilizer, but a top dressing of compost each spring wouldn't...
El Segundo
Quit Smoking With Home-Grown Herbs
One side-effect is that this herb can stimulate the appetite, so be careful if you want to avoid unwanted weight gain as you cut down on smoking.has the opposite effect on humans than it does on cats.
El Segundo
Homemade Herbal Tinctures for Cold & Flu Season
The World Health Organization estimates that four billion people (80% of the world's population) use herbal remedies for part of their primary health issues along with, or instead of, over-the-counter medicines and prescribed drugs.
El Segundo
Making Your Own Gardener\'s Hand Cream
The mixture will start to cloud up as soon as the oils are introduced. I found many unique recipes for particular conditions, but no multipurpose solution. Hand cream has been made using the same techniques throughout history.
El Segundo
Babies and Colicroot
The leaves are not very big, maybe 5 inches in length. I had been gathering roots for several years, traipsing up and down the mountains, but I had never heard of colicroot. The Native Americans were the first to experiment with it, since it was native...
El Segundo
After the drying process, they are ground into an orangey yellowish powder for dyeing, and to impart color to mustard condiments. It is used by Indian women to keep their bodies rid of unwanted hair.
El Segundo
Chinese herbal medicine
Price : CALL

Cas No:50647-08-0 American Ginseng Root Extract(Panax quinquefolium)Ginsenosides 20-30%HPLC. Cas No:84929-27-1 Grape Seed Extract, Grape Skin Extract Polyphenols OPC 95% UV 3. Cas No 22888-70-6;65666-07-1 Milk Thistle Extract(Silybum marianum extract)...
chinese herbal medicine,plant extracts,h
What\'s in Your Acifidity Bag? Asafoetida is in Mine!
The potent powder is best fried in butter (ghee) to dissipate the smell before adding the remaining ingredients to the pot. Very little of the spice is necessary so a small container lasts a long time.
El Segundo
Dave\'s Garden Book Review: The Complete Herb Book
Each herb has an excellent large color photograph and it is listed by its botanical name, along with the common names that it is known by around the world. We hope this spotlight on some of our members' favorites is a nice change of pace for your Saturday...
El Segundo
Herbal Remedies for Cold & Flu Symptoms: What\'s For Dinner?
When we are sick, it makes us feel better just knowing someone took the effort to make chicken soup for us, it's like getting a hug in a bowl! Dr. Stephen Rennard tested his family's cold remedy, "Grandma's Soup," in the lab to find that there was indeed...
El Segundo
Velvet beans, cultivating velvet beans, medicinal plants,
Price : CALL

Velvet beans have various medicinal effect and it is being sold at a whopping price of 45000 indian rupees per 1 kg in USA in form of drug. Please contact me. Want to sell some serious buyer in bulk quantities.
Wholesale Hyssop officinalis seeds
Price : CALL

Calendula officinalis 2. Harvest 2012 Seeds of medicinal herbs for sale: 1. Hyssop officinalis 5. United Kingdom based company offers Hyssop officinalis seeds in bulk 80% minimum guaranteed seeds germination
West Berkshire
Wholesale Motherwort quinquelobate seeds
Price : CALL

Calendula officinalis 2. Harvest 2012 Seeds of medicinal herbs for sale: 1. Hyssop officinalis 5. Motherwort quinquelobate seeds for sale in bulk Botanical name "Leonurus quinquelobatus" Variety "Samara" 85% minimum guaranteed seeds germination
West Berkshire
Ashwagandha cultivation
Price : CALL

It is also used to tone the uterus after the miscarriage. After some days the berries are separated, washed and dried up properly. Currently we are cultivating Ashwagandha in 500 Acre under contractual farming in whole the nation.
Price : CALL

Using dandelions for a science project, and are needed before March 27, 2017- it would be much appreciated! Unfortunately, spring has not sprung early here to grow my own in ... Using dandelions for a science project, and are needed before March 27, 2017-...
Eucalyptus camaldulensis
Price : CALL

I am in need for eycalyptus camaldulensis (common name red gum) young plants between 6-12 months old and at about 15-30cm height. My purposes are scientific and i am not interested in older plants of 2 year age or more.
Required toothed clubmoss plants or seeds
Price : CALL

Must ship to canada, must be feasible for growth. Interested in purchasing a small amount for planting. Interested in purchasing a small... Looking for a few toothed clubmoss seeds or live plants,possibly roots if rooting is an option .
British Columbia
Sage seeds/Plants for sale
Price : CALL

Sheikh GULZAAR Head, The Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR J&K 190001 Organic Sage seeds/Plants/Leaves for sale in the state of Jammu and Kashmir (South Asia)
Jammu and Kashmir
Kratom Red Veined Crushed or Powdered
Price : CALL

We are kratom seller from indonesia, superior quality, higher alcaloid, sample available, cheap price, red veined, green vein, white vein, horned kratom all available We are kratom seller from indonesia, superior quality, higher alcaloid, sample available,...
Kalimantan Barat
Neem plant cultivation
Price : CALL

Whole the Neem is being cultivated under close supervision of our highly trained agriculture technologist. Currently we are cultivating Neem in 2000 Acre under contractual farming in whole the nation.
Dandelion Flower Heads Needed for Wine
Price : CALL

I have been home brewing wine for the last year and part of the reason got into this is to make dandelion wine. Ever since I was a kid my mother had told me about how my grand ... Ever since I was a kid my mother had told me about how my grand father...
United States
New York
Dried marigold flower
Price : CALL

Samples and pictures can be send. I have 200kg of dried marigold flower production 2010.samples and pictures can be send. Production field is in Romania southern part. Dried marigold flower.
Wholesale Melissa officinalis seeds
Price : CALL

Calendula officinalis 2. Harvest 2012 Seeds of medicinal herbs for sale: 1. Hyssop officinalis 5. Melissa officinalis seeds - (Lemon Balm seeds) Variety "Erfurt upright" 85% minimum guaranteed seeds germination
West Berkshire
Wholesale seeds of Chamomile officinalis
Price : CALL

Calendula officinalis 2. Harvest 2012 Seeds of medicinal herbs for sale: 1. Hyssop officinalis 5. Chamomile officinalis tetraploid seeds Harvest 2012 Botanical name "Matricaria recutita" Variety "Goral" tetraploid 70% minimum guaranteed seeds germination
West Berkshire