Hank is a cute little black and tan with white markings smooth coat boy. I do not take PayPal.shipping is 300. Pet price is 500.00 one year written health guarantee. Any questions feel free to ask.
Little Stella is a Rich Chocolate Female with a white chest & toes. Great conformation, healthy, socialized and with a 1 year health guarantee. We strive to make the adoption of a puppy a positive experience and as stress free as possible.
Our goal is to connect you with a puppy that can be part of your family for years to come. Our litters are carefully planned with the primary goal of producing extremely high quality puppies.
Carrie is a smooth coat, female AKC chihuahua. Her weight is charting approximately, 5.5 Lbs. She will have all age appropriate shots and deworming. Her color is blue, with white markings.
This sweet, little boy is ready for his new home. Tyler is current on his vaccinations, dewormings and he is already micro chipped and started on his puppy pad training.
Lil Lacy is up to date on her vaccinations and worming and is microchipped.Her dew claws are removed and she has been raised around small children and plays great with them and also she is good around cats.
Liam is a Striking Black and White Small frame male. Great conformation, healthy, socialized and with a 1 year health guarantee. We strive to make the adoption of a puppy a positive experience and as stress free as possible.
He is registered ACA out of our prized parents: “My Bluest Gizmo Ever Found” & “Blue Bella Dream Cake”. We can travel by car or plane. We strive to make the adoption of a puppy a positive experience and as stress free as possible.
AKC Tinky Tiny smooth coat black tan tri est. Weight 31/2 4 lbs at the most. 10-10-18 patellas(knees) normal. She is quite an alpha she likes to run the show. Vet check excellent health eyes ears heart and lungs clear.
AKC Sade` she is a lovely long coat female she was an only pup. She has been socializing with other pups in the house hold. Patellas(knees)normal no hernias. Her parents on on my site Sky and Jose they are both smooth coats but have produced long coats...
This goofy chap wants to be loved so much, so please open your heart and home up to this happy-go-lucky chap! VINNIE is a high energy boy looking for an active family to call his own! He would enjoy a yard where he could run and play.
Gorgeous merle boy will ready 8-10 weeks old. Will be be microchipped a d dewclaws removed. 200 nonrefundable deposit to hold. Will ship by air or meet halfway within a reasonable distance at buyers exspense.
Full AKC is available for 750.00. Offered as a pet at listed price. If purchased as a pet his neuter is included. We do not give registration on pet puppies. Sire is red long coat.
Pretty blue spotted smooth coat boy. One year written health guarantee. Shipping is 300 to most US airports. I do not take PayPal. Full AKC registration is included. Any questions feel free to ask.
This outgoing, happy go lucky puppy is called Odie, he is a CHIWEENIE! He is a gorgeous champagne color that you are sure to fall for. Please open your heart and home up to Odie. Odie has a soft coat and soulful eyes that you can't help but fall in love...
Lil Tito is up to date on his vaccinations and worming and his dew claws are removed and he is microchipped.He has been raised around small children and plays great with them and he is also good with cats.
Beautiful black and tan spotted smooth coat boy. Shipping is 300 to most US airports. I do not take PayPal. Show prospect.one year written health guarantee. Any questions feel free to ask.
Cute smooth coat spotted boy.Offered as a PET Fixed and NO registration. Microchipped.One year written health guarantee. Any questions feel free to ask. I do not take Shipping available to most US airports.
No hernias, Testicles present. Will be sold as a pet with a limited AKC registration. Loves to play with his siblings and cuddle at sleep time. Patellas (knees) normal. A full reg could be the negotiated for an approved home.
Your questions are welcomed and we look forward to hearing from you! ***REFERENCES AVAILABLE*** Our puppies are raised in our home and are carefully handled each and every day. Any questions feel free to ask.
Your questions are welcomed and we look forward to hearing from you! ***REFERENCES AVAILABLE*** Our puppies are raised in our home and are carefully handled each and every day. Any questions feel free to ask.
Beautiful long coat boy. Possible show prospect. I do not take PayPal. One year written health guarantee. Half brother is a champion and full sister from last litter showing now. Shipping is 300 to most US airports.any questions feel free to ask.
He is so cute and built so nice. SALE PENDING Cisco is a spunky little chocolate ACA registered Chihuahua puppy out of my lavender male Lowrider and my chocolate female Bristol. He has the cutest little facial markings as well - so unique looking.
PET PRICE Beautiful Black and tan spotted long coat boy. One year written health guarantee. I do not take PayPal. Full AKC registration avaiable on approval for 1250.00 Any questions feel free to ask.
This sweet little girl is charting 4lbs grown. Shes ACA registered and had her dewclaws removed. Shes microchipped and ready to go now. Will ship by air or meet halfway within a reasonable distance at buyers exspense.