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Chicken Breeds

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Polish Chickens
Some strains lay three to four medium-sized, white eggs per week while others are mediocre layers. Special Considerations/Notes: If a Polish chicken's crest gets wet and dirty, it can hang directly in its eyes, leading to eye infections and the inability...
Cornish Chickens
His goal was to breed a fighting chicken with the power of the Aseel and the speed of Old English Games. The Cornish is a heritage meat chicken. In 1905, the organization renamed the breed Cornish Indian Game, and in 1910, simply Cornish.
Modern Game Chickens
As a way of emphasizing the chicken breed's shape and slenderness, Modern Games once underwent a now commonly outlawed procedure called “dubbing,” in which they were stripped of their combs and wattles; however, the American Poultry Association's...
Booted Bantam Chickens
Use: The ornamental Booted Bantam chicken makes a striking appearance at poultry exhibitions. The breed is not entirely opposed to confinement; however, as good fliers, Booted Bantam chickens will need fairly tall fencing around yards and coops.
Jersey Giant Chickens
They are vigorous, hardy, easygoing and gentle. The Jersey Giant was accepted into the American Poultry Association's Standard of Perfection in 1922. Jersey Giant pullets start laying at about 6 months of age, and hens lay an average of 135 to 160 extra-large,...
Barnevelder Chickens
Use: The striking Barnevelder chicken lays dark-brown eggs year-round and is a gentle addition to backyard flocks. Barnevelders are poor flyers, so a garden fence will help keep them contained.
Yokohama Chickens
Standard Yokohama cocks weigh 4½ pounds and hens weigh 3½ pounds. Bantam cocks weigh 26 ounces and hens weigh 22 ounces. Conformation: The Yokohama is a regal, slim chicken breed with a game-like appearance.
Cochin Chickens
Although they're hardy, their feathered feet and legs pick up mud and ice, so they should be kept indoors when it's muddy or snowy outside. Although they never met with commercial success, Cochins were raised for meat prior to the industrialization of...
Australorp Chickens
Black is the only variety. Cockerel: 7 ½ lbs. Conformation: Australorps are a medium-sized breed. They were used extensively in the United States in 1930's and 1940's for crossbreeding with White Leghorns to produce AustraWhite which was a heavier, high-producing...
Cubalaya Chickens
Conformation: The Cubalaya has several distinctive attributes, one being a “lobster tail” that trails behind it. Its small pea comb, wattles and earlobes are bright red. Interestingly enough, it tends to develop close relationships with its keepers.
Crevecouer Chickens
Standard Crevecouer cocks weigh about 8 pounds and hens weigh 6½ pounds. Special Considerations/Notes: Crevecoeurs are active but friendly chickens that do well in confinement. Conformation: Both sexes of the Crevecouer chicken breed have shiny, black...
La Fleche Chickens
The rarely broody hens lay well and produce large, white eggs into winter months. The La Fleche can be standoffish and somewhat difficult to tame; however, it more than makes up for this with its reputation as a great layer and producer of juicy, tender...
Japanese Bantam Chickens
History: The Japanese Bantam arrived in Japan as early as the 7th century, perhaps from Indo-Chinese stock. This extraordinary, ornamental Japanese Bantam chicken breed was originally favored by the aristocratic class of Japanese society as ornamental...
Plymouth Rock - Non-industrial
They are available in Barred, White, Buff, Columbian, Partridge, Silver Penciled and Blue. One of the first breeds admitted to the American Standard of Perfection, Plymouth Rocks offer both eggs and meat.
Sicilian Buttercup Chickens
The Sicilian Buttercup chicken breed was admitted to the American Poultry Association's Standard of Perfection in 1918. Hens are golden buff accented with black, elongated spangles set in parallel rows all over their bodies.
Sumatra Chickens
Breeders should place an older rooster among male chicks in order to avoid any battles over rank and should separate the cock once chicks are old and strong enough to overtake it. In 1885, Nelson A.
Araucana Chickens
The breed has yellow skin and yellow- or willow-colored shanks. Bantam cocks weigh 34 ounces and hens weigh 28 ounces. It has a small pea comb and lays medium-sized blue or bluish-green eggs.
Malay Chickens
The breed was admitted into the American Poultry Association's Standard of Perfection in 1883. The strawberry comb, wattles, and earlobes are small and red. Special Considerations/Notes: The modern Malay chicken breed still displays some aggression toward...
Houdan Chickens
The Houdan chicken breed meets dual-purpose criteria as a great layer and table fowl. The crest, comb, beard and five toes characteristic of the breed make it easily identifiable, even as chicks.
Rhode Island Red Chickens/Rhode Island White Chickens
History: Named after the State of Rhode Island, these majestic birds were bred from Red Malay Game, Asiatic native stock and Leghorns in the section around Little Compton near Buzzard's Bay and Narragansett Bay.
Sebright Bantam Chickens
Conformation: Sebright Bantams are hen-feathered. Special Considerations/Notes: The Sebright Bantam is an excellent backyard or show chicken breed. Sebright, a member of Parliament and England's landed gentry, was a writer devoted to working on breeding...
Minorca Chickens
Single-comb Minorcas have huge, six-point combs and large wattles, both of which have thermoregulatory capabilities and help keep their bearers cool in the summer but predispose them to frostbite in the far North.
Chantecler Chickens
Bantam cocks weigh 34 ounces and hens weigh 30 ounces. Chanteclers mature to fryer size in 16 to 20 weeks. The cushion comb is so small that it resembles a small, round button perched low on the chicken's head.
Hamburg Chickens
The chickens have strong flying abilities and were once thought to be the result of a cross between common chickens and pheasants. Standard Hamburg cocks weigh 5 pounds and hens weigh 4 pounds; bantam cocks weigh 26 ounces and bantam hens weigh 22 ounces.
Ameraucana Chickens
Special Considerations/Notes: Many hatcheries over the years have sold ‘Araucanas', ‘Ameraucanas' or most recently ‘Easter Eggers' which is a non-standard mix of chicken that lays blue shelled eggs.
Nankin Chickens
The chicken breed is recognized by the American Bantam Association and comes in shades of Chestnut with black tails and black in its wings. Special Considerations/Notes: Nankins are calm, ultra-friendly chickens; some say they're the best of all barnyard...
Andalusian Chickens
Conformation: Like other Mediterranean chicken breeds, the Andalusian is symmetrical and compact with a stately carriage. Special Considerations/Notes: Andalusian chickens are superlative foragers, graceful, stately and rugged.