One of the most popular, the Wedding Party Series, was created by breeder Hans Hansen. This series has flowers that are larger than other hellebore blooms.Also popular in double flowering hellebores is the Fluffy Ruffles Series, which includes the varieties...
Each individual flower will last roughly 3-8 days before the petals start dropping, at which point you will want to cut off the bloom. Other than this occasional soaking, watering is really not a major consideration, as poppies do not need to be watered...
« More Dirt on Gardening » Tags flower The plant grew to nearly 2 feet tall, and the heavy blossoms did require staking, but the plant itself performed beautifully, tripling in size through the season! I have it growing in full sun at the top of a retaining...
Pansies ( Viola tricolor ) Medicinal Parts: flowers and roots In the early spring and late fall it is common in my area to see pansies tucked under just about every housing development sign.
Cover crops offer your garden many benefits, ranging from reduced erosion and compaction to increased fertility and soil organic matter, and different types of cover crops serve different purposes: Legumes, for example, boost nitrogen in your soil while...
Swiss Chard Another colorful addition to the garden, the stalks of Swiss chard come in array of bright colors from ruby red to snow white and bright yellow. As an added bonus, okra flowers will help attract many beneficial pollinators to your yard.
Gardeners working together can get this serious problem under control.Sources used in this article and for more information on rose rosette. It is deadly for species and cultivated roses.
She has five herds doing work in four counties, according to ABC30, and each herd can mow down 1 to 2 acres of brush per day. Learn more about these heroic goats by watching the video report on ABC30.
You might also apply foliar sprays made from a nutrient-rich compost tea containing live beneficial microbes to convert atmospheric nitrogen.An alternative is to use commercial fertilizers, choosing wisely with the planet ecology in mind, and applying...
Cover that with more soil (by now you should be getting the lasagna analogy) and place a layer of small, early-spring bulbs.Top it all off with one more layer of soil, then surround and cover the container with, leaves, or pine needles to insulate it...
Once you understand the area, then you can begin to choose the correct tree.Teenagers going 80 mph took out two young trees and a shopping center sign near my houseIt is wise to search for trees that will be successful in your specific area.
If you use the double digging technique, however, you can start hand tilling soil without expensive machinery.How to Till Soil by Hand with the Double Digging Technique2. In turn, this helps to get nutrients and water down further in the soil, which encourages...
« More Shop Talk » If not, he is missing out on the best reason of all to work at night. There is so much to get done and seemingly so little time to do it. That said, there were times when the fieldwork halted, perhaps to talk to my brother or father,...
But can you blame him? “Who's billy goat it's this?” Those were the improv lyrics sung by Grammy Award-winning R&B singer-song writer Anthony Hamilton and his crew “The Hamiltones” at the Indiana State Fair this summer.
To make this tepee, I took three 4-foot-long pieces and secured them at the top with aluminum wire. The beans can be easily harvested from both sides of the metal frame. The spring frame was attached between two wooden 4-by-4s and smothered with vining...
Then screw braces across the corners of the chalkboard to reinforce the frame. The board can be big or small—whatever fits your needs. Reinsert the painted glass or mirror into the frame, and voila, your chalkboard is complete.
This year through the Organic Initiative, the USDA is making up to $50 million available for producers to plan and implement conservation practices that address natural-resource concerns in ways that are consistent with organic production .
We'll end up with a fresh new assortment of plants to come in and brighten the indoor garden.A large plastic bin holds a supply of soil and catches my peaty dribblings as I work.Who doesn't have a wandering jew or golden pothos or philodendron, all grown...
Give the bottle a shake before spraying to help distribute the oils evenly. « More of The Craft Hub » Tags all-purpose cleaner , essential oils This cleaner is great for use on non-porous surfaces, such as kitchen counters and bathtubs.
They laid the gravel base for the retaining wall and expect to begin setting the wall in the next day or two. They will likely be here for about two weeks, weather willing, and then it will be our job to create the flowerbeds, sow the grass seed and set...
Find the perfect spot for your display. Some even planting seeds in their home in the middle of winter to get a head start on the season.There has been a trend for many years now to plant patriotic gardens.
We hope to see your livestock photos in an upcoming print issue of Hobby Farms . Email the best images of your brood to, with “Say Cheese!” in the subject line.
Tags birds , cat In addition, the threat of cat predation results in lower feeding rates of young birds for prolonged periods. At the old-chick stage, there was no predation, as young birds could escape on their own.
I'll tell you about some of those next week! « More Mondays with Martok » The cat survived yet again, but that marked the end of his seafaring career. (Rats were a liability, particularly on ships that transported grain.) At the same time, ship's cats...
Pods are 3 to 6 inches in length, smooth green, and paired. At that stage, they are quite easy to pull.Honeyvine has no known toxicity, and none of the literature mentioned medicinal uses for the plant, other than in China (a different species).
Don Holman, former farmer and engineering technician with the Army's Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center, is heading up the research, testing more than 80 fruits and vegetables.
But I do know how these things traveled around the world, to delight the families and descendants of those brave and stalwart men who sailed to the ends of the world in the tall ships.