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What to Put Under House Plants for Water
The plant should be placed in a pot that is large enough to hold the roots in potting soil. Large plates, dinner trays or pie tins can be used for larger plants, where saucers and bowls can be used for small houseplants.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Mushrooms as a Business
You will receive your sales tax number immediately, and you can use it to establish vendor accounts, so you don't have to pay sales tax on item or ingredients used for resale products.Choose a name for your business by visiting website like
Santa Monica
How to Care for a Bodhi or Bo Tree
Bodhi trees are long-lived, and one Indian specimen is said to be over 3,000 years old. Water young trees as soon as the surface of the soil around their trunks is dry. The leaves are glossy and dark-green with a long, pointed tip.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Chia in Soil
The planter should get at least four hours of warm sun a day. Chia grass grows very quickly, making it a fast way to decorate your window sills. You can also trim it and add it to salad greens and homemade juice.
Santa Monica
How to Cut Ceramic Pots
Apply light to medium pressure, and let the saw do most of the work.Re-mist the pot with water as you cut to keep it damp.Sand down the sharp edge once the cut is finished. Do not apply too much force, from either the saw or your supporting hand, as this...
Santa Monica
Different Types of Clay Soil
It occurs as the result of the weathering of feldspars, silicate minerals found in igneous rocks. Today it is used to line ponds and as an ingredient in cat litter and pelleted feed.Calcium smectite clay does not swell as much as sodium smectite clay,...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Bamboo in Pots
It is just as important in winter to make sure the bamboo doesn't freeze. Better care must be taken to ensure the potted plants get lots of water and shade in the hot summer sun. The plants need lots of water, fertilizer aids in growth, and keeping weeds...
Santa Monica
How to Plant Mother-in-Law\'s Tongue
Set the plant in the new pot at the same level it was growing in the old pot, and fill in with new potting mix. Outdoors, the plant can spread out of control because of its aggressive roots.Mother-in-law's tongue's spear-shaped leaves are 2 to 3 inches...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Emerald Green Arborvitae in Pots
Do not water it so much that the soil becomes muddy. Replace the old soil with new soil every 3 years or so, even if the shrub does not need a larger container. When growing in the ground, it will need warmer temperatures and protection when growing in...
Santa Monica
How to Make a Cactus Grow Faster
Plant it in compost formulated for succulents or a mixture of equal parts of potting soil and coarse sand. Making your cactus grow faster is a question of providing its ideal growing conditions during the warmer months of the year.Re-pot your cactus in...
Santa Monica
How to Plant Hydrangeas in Pots
That way you know the water penetrated through to the bottom.Fertilize right after planting, then every two weeks, with a complete. An alternative method is to seal the drain holes temporarily -- try duct tape -- then fill the container up to the top...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Indoor Ivy
Fertilize the plant once or twice each month during the growing season, spring through early fall. Spray the plant until it's dripping, or turn the entire plant upside down into a bucket of soap solution, covering soil with foil or paper to keep it in...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Coleus as a Houseplant
Pinching back growing tips regularly helps prevent this problem and promotes attractive, bushy growth by stimulating lots of branching. It's also a good idea to place the coleus pot on a water-filled tray that contains pebbles to raise humidity in its...
Santa Monica
How to Create a Fairy Garden
The plants don't need too much room because the goal is to keep them small and manageable.Lower a plant's roots into the hole you made. Place the moss around the fairy pond and plants.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Blackberries Indoors
Like it's name, this type of blackberry tree will be stiff and self-supporting. When your first crop comes in, it should fall easily away from the branch and taste sweet. Experienced gardeners recommend covering the holes with mesh to keep soil from washing...
Santa Monica
How To Store Plastic, Clay And Ceramic Pots For Winter
It is better to start each year with fresh potting soil.Once your containers are empty, wash them in warm, soapy 10 percent bleach water. It is a good idea, though, to cover your plastic pots if you will be storing them outside.
Magical Mushrooms: Easy Polymer Clay Creations
The clay bakes better if it's not too thick, so form the stem around something.rapped a pipe cleaner around the top of a stick from a brokenpinwheel and then squashed on a layer of multicolored clay.for subtle colors and realistic textures or simple shapes...
El Segundo
Drying Hydrangea Flowers
After the paint is dry, dye the blossoms the color you like. It took much experimentation to find the best way. Cutting fresh hydrangeas for indoor use is most successful if a few basic steps are followed.
El Segundo
Need a Sticky Solution?
Need a sticky solution? Other pages on This to That include triva about adhesives, news, the philosophy of the website's creators, and links to other glue websites that are both fun and technical.
4 Creative Accents to Invigorate Your Garden
Colorful Trellises Brightly painted trellises and garden stakes not only provide support for vining plants, they also draw the eye and add color to the landscape. It's easy to paint existing wooden Tudors, trellises, A-frames and the like.
Chicken Chat: Hens for Health
After he built a brooder cage so we could raise our flock from chicks, he began work on an 8-by-9-foot coop, which would be large enough for four hens that would provide the number of eggs we needed.
Pot Potential
They also come with their own matching saucer!! The one pictured was my Grandmothers. The African Violets I plant in the China teacups are easy to monitor for watering needs. The beauty of these is they can be found in any thrift shop.
El Segundo
Summer Soups: Gifts From the Garden
Drizzle some of the olive oil over the bread and begin mashing it with a serving spoon until it becomes paste. Here are two chilled soups that are sure to convince even the most skeptical diner that going green is a good thing!In a large saucepan, melt...
El Segundo
Bulbs To Grow As Indoor Houseplants
When planted, the tops of the bulbs should be just about level with the rim of the bowl. You should plant your bulbs right away to prevent deterioration. Always check that bulbs for early indoor flowering have been especially prepared for “forcing.”When...
How To Make A Tabletop Fire Pit Bowl
Step 3: Insert Fire Gel Canister & Fire Glass Jessica Walliser Place the canister of fire gel fuel in the center of the pot and surround it with a one- to two-inch-deep layer of fire glass.
Guide To Fall And Winter Container Gardening
If you have a hardy plant in a weak container, put the plant in the ground and bring the container inside to safety. Choosing a container that's bigger than your plant needs will make for more insulating soil and a better chance of survival.Not all plants...
Container Grown Shasta – Caring For Shasta Daisy Plants In Pots
If you live in a colder area, you should overwinter your plant in an unheated garage or basement and water it only very keep it from getting root bound. They certainly can.