Creates prodigious display of long-lasting, feathery, deep-red blooms. Bewitching 20-24” plants create drama blazing away in the autumn landscape, mingling in the midborder, or unleashing a blast of color from a lucky patio container.
Excellent as cut or dried flower. A Fleuroselect Gold Medal winner, compact, sturdy, well-branched 14-18” tall dwarf variety delivers outstanding garden performance. An electrifying new color in the lovely land of celosia plumosa.
Cut a few stems and create a festive family feast for the eyes! The vigorous, strong stems reach 3–4' high, to create a stunning impression and cause comments all over the neighborhood.
Dark rose, arrow-shaped plumes. Harden off and transplant outside when the danger of frost has passed. Thin to 6-12" apart.Pinching is not necessary for all species of Celosia, but is still recommended to increase branching (the number of stems and flower...
Vigorous, free-flowering tall plants with wide fans and tall green foliage are among the season's earliest bloomers; a crowd of celosia creates a floral velvet wall of color in the back of the border.
Fantastic in a border or in small beds as accent plants. ‘King Coral' reigns supreme in the garden with a sea of wondrous texture in a spectacular display of unusually gigantic flowers! Each small plant produces one king-sized coral-pink velvety head,...
A breeding breakthrough. Day after day, dense and brilliant rose-red plumes appear everlasting on tight bushy plants. 2004 All-America Gold Medal winner. Excellent displays through heat, humidity, rain and drought.
Two charming colors on one flower—light-pink at the bottom styling to fiery fuchsia-pink at the top! All-America Selections winner, this gorgeous annual with its spikey, delicate flowers is a big attraction for butterflies and hummingbirds all summer...
Transplant to cell packs or larger containers when the first true leaves appear. Harden off and transplant outside when the danger of frost has passed. Pinching is highly recommended for C.
Do not cover as light is required for germination. Also makes a great garden flower. Sow seeds 4" apart, 1/8" deep after the danger of frost has passed. Pinching is highly recommended for C.
Do not cover as light is required for germination. Thin to 6-12" apart.Pinching is not necessary for all species of Celosia, but is still recommended to increase branching (the number of stems and flower produced) and uniform flower size.
Transplant to cell packs or larger containers when the first true leaves appear. Harden off and transplant outside when the danger of frost has passed. Pinching is highly recommended for C.
Transplant to cell packs or larger containers when the first true leaves appear. Harden off and transplant outside when the danger of frost has passed. Pinching is highly recommended for C.
Vigorous, free-flowering tall plants with wide fans and tall green foliage are among the season's earliest bloomers; a crowd of celosia creates a floral velvet wall of color in the back of the border.
These flowers are gorgeous and they make long-lasting cut flowers. ‘Twisted Red' Celosia has vibrant, bright red, velvety flower heads with a unique twisted and curly shape. Celosia ‘Twisted Red' (Celosia cristata) Are you looking for an unusual plant...
Retain moisture by covering with plastic until germination occurs. We were not surprised to learn this new variety received a top award this year, for we were impressed with its vigor, exceptional healthy foliage and, of course, its many spires of long-lasting...
Retain moisture by covering with plastic until germination occurs. We were not surprised to learn this new variety received a top award this year, for we were impressed with its vigor, exceptional healthy foliage and, of course, its many spires of long-lasting...
8-10 days, 75°F. Strong cutting stems. Mix of dark red, orange, pink, salmon, rose, yellow gold. Flower heads are extremely long lasting, holding eight weeks or more before fading.
Sturdy plants with strong stems. Harden off and transplant outside when the danger of frost has passed. Thin to 6-12" apart.Pinching is not necessary for all species of Celosia, but is still recommended to increase branching (the number of stems and flower...
Flower heads are extremely long lasting, holding eight weeks or more before fading. Keep moist as seed is very sensitive to drying out. 34,000 seeds/oz. (12”) Cockscomb Mix crested type celosia features huge flower heads in shades of yellow, pink and...
What You'll Grow Plant: Sturdy, branched green stems tinged with red and covered in lush, bright to lime-green foliage. Placement & Cultivation An unusual addition to most any garden with its intensely bright colors and texture, Celosia makes for a fanciful...
Transplant to cell packs or larger containers when the first true leaves appear. Harden off and transplant outside when the danger of frost has passed. Pinching is highly recommended for C.
Transplant to cell packs or larger containers when the first true leaves appear. Harden off and transplant outside when the danger of frost has passed. Pinching is highly recommended for C.
Transplant to cell packs or larger containers when the first true leaves appear. Harden off and transplant outside when the danger of frost has passed. Pinching is highly recommended for C.
Crested-type flowers bloom prolifically on well-branched plants. Harden off and transplant outside when the danger of frost has passed. Thin to 6-12" apart.Pinching is not necessary for all species of Celosia, but is still recommended to increase branching...
Transplant to cell packs or larger containers when the first true leaves appear. Harden off and transplant outside when the danger of frost has passed. Pinching is highly recommended for C.