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Cedar Lumber Austin

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Beams, square timber, square posts made of Northern White Cedar naturally rot-proof very durable
Price : CALL

Our square timber and square posts are made of Northern/Eastern White Cedar (Thuya Occidental), a naturally rot-resistant wood with outstanding properties and durability, especially for outdoor use (untreated), with a Class 1 durability and excellent...
  • Quality: Pattern Grades : Quality Knotty
  • Type: Beams
  • Delivery deadline: Available on order in less than 30 days
  • Region: Quebec
  • Grading system: US Appearance grades
  • Width: 4 in
Beams, Northern White Cedar, FSC
Price : CALL

Available in rough or planed form, 4x4 inch (100mm x 100mm) rough sawn squares are available in lengths of 8 feet (2438mm) or 10 feet (3048mm). Squared pieces made of Northern White Cedar (Thuja Occidental), a very light and naturally rot-resistant wood...


    • Key feature: FSC
    • Type of species: North American Softwood
    • Width: 4 in
    • Quality: Tight knots
    • Delivery deadline: Available on order in less than 30 days
    • Certification: FSC
    KD Western Red Cedar Timber 46 mm
    Price : CALL

    Western Red cedar KD, Select Tight Knotty (premium) PEFC 70% 46 x 255 mm rough edges sawn timber 66 pieces / 245 cm 28 pieces / 275 cm 99 pieces / 305 cm 66 pieces / 335 cm 139 pieces / 365 cm 18 items / 400 cm 95 pieces / 430 cm 20 pieces / 460 cm 187...
    • Length: 245 / 275 / 305 / 335 / 365 / 400 / 430 / 460 / 490 / 520 / 550 / 580 / 610 mm
    • Delivery deadline: In Stock
    • Quality: nr 2 clear&better
    • Drying: Kiln dry (KD)
    • Thickness: 46 mm
    • Incoterm: EXW - ex-works (seller's), goods are at seller's place Country Netherlands Region Zuid-Holland
    South Holland
    33 mm Western Red Cedar KD Timber
    Price : CALL

    Western Red cedar KD, Select Tight Knotty (premium) PEFC 70% 33 x 310 mm Rectangular square sawn timber 60 pieces / 430 cm 160 pieces / 490 cm
    • Thickness: 33 mm
    • Quality: nr 2 clear&better
    • Length: 430 / 490 cm
    • Delivery deadline: In Stock
    • Drying: Kiln dry (KD)
    • Volume: 10,65 - 10,65 m3 Spot - 1 time
    South Holland
    Western Red Cedar Timber 33 mm
    Price : CALL

    Western Red cedar KD, Select Tight Knotty (premium) PEFC 70% 33 x 205 mm uncut wood sawn timber 109 pieces / 365 cm 21 pieces / 430 cm 260 pieces / 490 cm 138 pieces / 610 cm
    • Grading system: European - French CTBA grading rules
    • Thickness: 33 mm
    • Volume: 10 - 15 m3 Spot - 1 time
    • Type of species: North American Softwood
    • Length: 365 / 430 / 490 / 610 cm
    • Quality: nr 2 clear&better
    South Holland
    Chapel View Japanese Cedar
    Prices start at : 59.95 USD / #3 Container range: 2.3 - 2.8 gallons (10 - 12 liters)

    Your First Editions Chapel View Japanese Cedar is a dwarf, evergreen tree that will grow 7 to 10 feet in height with a 5 to 8 foot spread. While some cultivars acquire reddish-bronze needles for winter, Chapel Hill retains its color.
    • Foliage: Bright blue-green
    • Mature Height: 5 - 10 feet
    • Botanical Name: Cryptomeria japonica 'PIICJ-I'
    • Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Partial Sun
    • Growth Rate: Medium
    • Fall Color: Evergreen
    Half-Edged Lebanon Cedar Boards 60/80/100 mm
    Price : CALL

    Tables in cedar of Lebanon, trimmed various thicknesses of 6, 8, 10 cm, lengths varying from 2 meters to 4 meters and widths from 30 to 75 cm.
    • Origin: Italy
    • Type of species: Asian Softwood
    • Type: Half-Edged Boards
    • Quality: a vista
    • Grading system: US Appearance grades
    • Drying: Air dry (AD)
    Stakes, Poles, Logs of Northern White Cedar (Thuja Occidentalis)
    Price : CALL

    Available peeled or milled / machine rounded to obtain a uniform diameter and a smooth finish, our posts can also be chamfered and pointed. Tests carried out in Europe demonstrate a class 1 in terms of durability and resistance to rot.
    • Volume: 1 - 4 40'Container per month
    • Delivery deadline: Available on order in more than 30 days
    • Diameter: 2.5-3.5 in
    • Certification: FSC
    • Product: Stakes
    • Treatment: No treatment
    Standing Timber on 80 acres mostly Cedar
    Price : CALL

    Location Hwy 69 Greenville TX Hunt county Contact Sirish at 512-909-8752 if interested. Need land cleared for agriculture. I am selling Standing Timber on 80 acres mostly Cedar, some Pear and misc.
    Dwarf Japanese Cedar
    Prices start at : 33.95 USD / #1 Container range: 2.3 - 3.7 quarts (2.5 - 4 liters)

    Diminutive, 3/4-inch cones appear like tiny decorations on your Cedar, their reddish-brown coloring a gentle contrast against the evergreen foliage. These would look terrific on either side of your entry or provide a lovely hedge along your sidewalk.
    • Botanical Name: Cryptomeria japonica 'Globosa Nana'
    • Moisture: Well Drained / Drought tolerant
    • Mature Spread: 4 - 5 feet
    • Fall Color: Evergreen
    • Mature Height: 4 - 8 feet
    • Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Partial Sun
    Eastern Red Cedar Tree
    Prices start at : 44.95 USD / #1 Container range: 2.3 - 3.7 quarts (2.5 - 4 liters)

    Fast Growing, Hardy Evergreen Great for Wildlife The Eastern Red Cedar tree is an evergreen conifer. They make wonderful wreaths or just scatter a few boughs around for their invigorating pine bouquet.
    • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
    • Fall Color: Evergreen
    • Mature Height: 40 - 60 feet
    • Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Partial Sun
    • Botanical Name: Juniperus virginiana
    Deodar Cedar Tree
    Prices start at : 74.95 USD / #5 Container range: 2.9 - 4.6 gallons (13 - 20 liters)

    The arching branches grow downward only to sweep upward at the ends for a lively, graceful appearance. Wildlife love it for its protective branches and tasty seeds, and it can withstand a great deal (including wind, heat and drought).
    • Fall Color: Evergreen
    • Mature Spread: 20 - 30 feet
    • Foliage: Green
    • Brand: Nature Hills Nursery
    • Growth Rate: Medium
    Stakes, Poles, Logs of Eastern White Cedar (Thuja Occidentalis)
    Price : CALL

    Available peeled or milled / machine rounded to obtain a uniform diameter and a smooth finish, our posts can also be chamfered and pointed. Tests carried out in Europe demonstrate a class 1 in terms of durability and resistance to rot.
    • Quality: Knotty grade
    • Volume: 1 - 4 40'Container per month
    • Delivery deadline: Available on order in more than 30 days
    • Certification: FSC
    • Length: 48-120 in
    • Region: Quebec
    Pickets, posts, tree stakes made of Northern White Cedar (Very resistant and natural)
    Price : CALL

    We manufacture, among other things, logs / poles / stakes / pickets, which can be debarked or machine rounded to obtain a uniform diameter and a smooth finish, which can be sharpened and pointed.
    • Usage: Cloture/Fence, tuteur agricole/agricultural stakes, Jeux pour enfants/playground, support vinicole/vineyard support
    • Origin: Canada
    • Product: Stakes
    • Region: Quebec
    • Volume: 1 - 10 40'Container Spot - 1 time
    • Treatment: No treatment
    When To Trim Cedar Trees: Guide To Pruning Cedar Trees In The Garden
    The new green growth is dense. Cedars are stronger and more beautiful if they have only one central leader.If your young cedar tree grows competing leaders, you'll want to remove the weaker one.
    Roughcut Hackberry
    Price : CALL

    I will sell all for one ... It has been drying indoors over the last 5 years. I will sell all for one money. All the edges are uncut and natural. I have one Hackberry tree that has been rough-cut into 2 inch slabs.
    Flooring Siberian larch
    Price : CALL

    Precise Manufacturing Standards Create Installation Savings. Readily Available!. Available Unfinished & Prefinished. Environmentally Responsible. All Heartwood & Tight Grain Features Create Aesthetic Benefits!.
    Cladding Siberian larch
    Price : CALL

    Dense / Stable (Uniformly Kiln-Dried). Aesthetically Beautiful Traditional Look!. Accepts Stain Well Offers Variety of Design Options. Naturally Durable. Priming & Painting Not Necessary = Substantial Cost Savings!.
    Heart Pine Lumber
    Price : CALL

    It is unfinished but looks great when finished. It is 100 years old and is in very good shape. If you are interested please contact me anytime. I am interested in selling some heart of pine lumber.
    Ben Hill
    Decking Siberian larch
    Price : CALL

    Maintenance Optional. Packaging Allows for Easy Handling. Aesthetically Beautiful Tight Grain and Golden Brown Color looks great!. Environmentally Responsible. Least Expensive Quality Decking Material! Excellent Price/Performance Ratio!.
    Bishop Wood
    Blue Atlas Cedar
    Prices start at : 89.95 USD / 3.5-4.5 FEET (5 Gal)

    Never plant Blue Atlas Cedar deeper than originally planted in the pot. Feed on sap causing a chlorosis (yellow) look to the needles. After establishment and during the following years we recommend used at the recommended rates.
    Black walnut burl (i think)
    Price : CALL

    I seem to have inherited this small black walnut burl and have no idea what to do with it or what its worth. Any input or feedback, even an offer, would be very helpful. So if i don\'t know what i\'m talking about please correct me.
    Red oak, white oak, white ash and walnut
    Price : CALL

    Available for F Shipment White Oak 4/4-8/4 Red Oak 4/4-8/4 White Ash 4/4-/8/4 Walnut 4/4-8/4 Please send us you enuiries so we may offer you most compettitvely. Red oak, white oak, white ash and walnut We have a large stock of stable kiln dried semi-processed...
    Oak wood flooring
    Price : CALL

    Description: Red Oak heartwood is similar to other oaks and coloration runs from a light tan to pink with a reddish tinge. The wood is predominantly straight grained and coarse textured.
    Genuine Mahogany (Swietenia Macrophylla)
    Price : CALL

    Among our wood products we provide genuine Mahogany Rough Sawn, Air Dry We are a forest grower and wood processing company in South America. The Mahogany comes from a 40 to 45 year old plantation.
    Precision Cut Lumber - Architectural Structures
    Price : CALL

    Besides our furniture manufacturing facilities, our sawmill operation manufactures doors, windows, flooring & architectural timber structures for both residential and commercial projects.
    Chiang Mai
    Mae On
    Cryptomeria Black Dragon
    Prices start at : 69.95 USD / 3 GAL 3 to 3.5 feet tall

    Check the plant daily for the first week or so and then every other day there after. A sharp cut will heal quicker than a jagged cut, which will also minimize the likelihood of disease investing a cut during pruning.