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Cattle Vaccines Livestock Supplies For Sale In Salinas

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Presponse HM Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 29.49 USD / each

Single dose protection against pasteurella (shipping fever) caused by Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida in cattle 7 months of age or older. A booster is recommended whenever subsequent stress is likely.
Puerto Rico
Titanium 5 Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 12.19 USD / each

Safe for pregnant cows, or calves nursing pregnant cows, providing cows were vaccinated according to label directions with Titanium 5, Titanium L5 HB, Titanium 4L5,or Titanium 3, 30 to 60 days prior to breeding.
Puerto Rico
Endovac-Dairy with ImmunePlus Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 42.49 USD / each

For vaccination of healthy cattle to aid in the prevention of clinical mastitis caused by E. Recommended for vaccination of cows during the dry period and heifers during the third trimester of pregnancy.
Puerto Rico
Mannheimia Haemolytica Pasteurella Multocida Bacterin Cattle, Goat & Sheep Vaccine
Prices start at : 6.99 USD / each

Administer a 2nd dose at 2 to 4 weeks. Animals vaccinated at less than 3 months of age should be revaccinated at weaning or at 4 to 6 months of age. Inject 2 ml SQ. For vaccination of healthy cattle, sheep and goats against pasteurellosis caused by the...
Puerto Rico
Bovi-Sera Cattle & Sheep Vaccine
Prices start at : 45.49 USD / each

Antiserum for prevention and treatment of A. For treatment, give calves 40-100 ml; give cattle 75-150 ml; give sheep 20-40 ml; repeat every 12 to 24 hours until improvement is satisfactory.
Puerto Rico
Piliguard Pinkeye-1 Trivalent Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 14.19 USD / each

Give 2 ml SQ or IM in the neck 3-6 weeks prior to the onset of pinkeye season. Single dose protection against pinkeye caused by Moraxella bovis in cattle. Annual booster is recommended.
Puerto Rico
Imrab Rabies Cattle, Horse & Sheep Vaccine
Prices start at : 79.95 USD / each

For vaccination of healthy cattle, horses and sheep against rabies. Do not order Rabies vaccine unless you find that you can legally administer the vaccine to your animals. Inject 2 ml SQ or IM into healthy animals 3 months of age or older.
Puerto Rico
Elite 4-HS Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 22.78 USD / each

IBR, BVD, PI3, BRSV and Haemophilus somnus. Safe for pregnant cows. Ideally, calves should receive the first dose 2-4 weeks before weaning with a booster at weaning. Repeat in 2-4 weeks and once annually.
Puerto Rico
Ultrabac 7/Somubac Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 11.89 USD / each

Give cattle 5 ml SQ. Repeat in 4 to 6 weeks and once annually. For prevention of Clostridium chauvoei, septicum, novyi, sordellii, perfringens Types C & D plus Haemophilus somnus infections.
Puerto Rico
Bovine Pili Shield
Prices start at : 26.99 USD / each

1 shot immunity View manufacturer and/or label information Coli Bacterin For use in healthy heifers and cows as an aid in the prevention of colibacillosis in calves caused by K99 piliated Escherichia coli Shake well before using.
  • Form: Injectable
  • Prevention Type: Scours
Puerto Rico
Calf-Guard, box of 25 (1 dose) vials - 25 Dose
Prices start at : 99.99 USD / each

Cows should be revaccinated with 2 doses during each subsequent pregnancy. Aids in preventing 2 of the most prevalent forms of viral scours. 21-day slaughter withdrawal. Calves: Give a 3 mL dose as soon as possible after birth into back of calf's mouth.
  • Brand: Zoetis
  • Form: Injectable
Puerto Rico
Express 5-HS Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 18.29 USD / each

Modified live, requires mixing. For primary vaccination, booster with BRSV and H. Do not use in pregnant cows or calves nursing pregnant cows. Somnus in 2-4 weeks. Calves vaccinated before 6 months of age should be revaccinated at 6 months of age.
Puerto Rico
Pyramid 10 Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 19.29 USD / each

IBR, BVD Types I and II, PI3, BRSV and 5 strains of Lepto. Modified live, requires mixing. Annual booster is recommended. Safe for pregnant cows, or calves nursing pregnant cows, provided they were vaccinated pre-breeding, according to label directions,...
Puerto Rico
MpB Guard Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 23.95 USD / each

Repeat in 2-4 weeks. May cause reduced milk production in lactating dairy cattle. Mycoplasma bovis protection for calves 45 days of age or older.
Puerto Rico
Pulmo-Guard PHM-1 Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 26.89 USD / each

A booster is recommended 21 days prior to subsequent stress. Contains leukotoxoid to neutralize lung-damaging leukotoxins. Can cause reduced milk production in lactating dairy cattle.
Puerto Rico
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / each

Dosage: Prevention Calves 20 - 40 mL as soon after birth as possible; Cattle 50 - 75 mL; Sheep 10 - 15 mL. Treatment Calves 40 - 100 mL; Cattle 75 - 100 mL; Sheep 20 - 40 mL; Administer every 12- 24 hours intervals until improvement is noted.
  • Brand: Colorado Serum
  • Prevention Type: Shipping Fever (Pneumonia), Respiratory, Scours
Puerto Rico
Super Poly-Bac B Somnus
Prices start at : 96.99 USD / each

Administer second dose approximately 14 days later on the opposite side of the neck. 60-day slaughter withdrawal. Dosage Instructions: Administer 2 ml SQ in the neck. SAFE for pregnant cows and calves nursing pregnant cows.
  • Brand: Texas Vet Labs
  • Prevention Type: Shipping Fever (Pneumonia), Respiratory
Puerto Rico
Bar-Guard 99 for Calves & Lambs
Prices start at : 11.29 USD / each

Coli antibodies to provide scour protection for newborn calves and lambs. Give calves 10 ml orally; give lambs 2 ml orally, within 12 hours (preferably within 6 hours) after birth.
Puerto Rico
Alpha-7 Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 10.39 USD / each

Transient swelling at the injection site may occur. Annual booster is recommended. Unique adjuvant stimulates high levels of protection. For prevention of Clostridium chauvoei, septicum, novyi, sordellii and perfringens Types C & D.
Puerto Rico
Vira Shield 6 + Somnus
Prices start at : 21.99 USD / each

60 day withdrawal period. Dosage Instructions: Administer 5 mL IM, and revaccinate 4-5 weeks. View manufacturer and/or label information Calves vaccinated before weaning should be revaccinated after weaning.
Puerto Rico
UltraChoice 8
Prices start at : 9.49 USD / each

Recommendation: Withdrawal period of 21 days for both cattle and sheep. View manufacturer and/or label information Cattle: administer 2 doses at 2 mL subcutaneously under the skin (SC) 4-6 weeks apart Sheep: administer 1 mL subcutaneously in the neck...
  • Form: Injectable
  • Brand: Zoetis
Puerto Rico
Bar Vac CD-T Cattle, Sheep & Goat Vaccine
Prices start at : 11.79 USD / each

Dosage is 2 ml for sheep and goats and 5 ml for cattle injected SQ. Repeat in 21-28 days, booster annually. Perfringens types C & D (overeating disease) and tetanus. For the immunization of healthy sheep, goats and cattle against enterotoxemia caused...
Puerto Rico
Tetanus Toxoid Livestock Vaccine
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / each

Give sheep, goats and swine 0.5 ml IM. Repeat in 3-4 weeks. Give cattle and horses 1 ml IM. Booster annually or at the time of injury, regardless of interval. For the vaccination of cattle, horses, sheep, goats and swine against tetanus.
Puerto Rico
Vision 7 Somnus with Spur Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 13.39 USD / each

Give cattle 2 ml SQ. Repeat in 3 to 4 weeks and once annually. For prevention of Clostridium chauvoei, septicum, novyi, sordellii, perfringens Types C & D plus Haemophilus somnus. 7-way blackleg plus somnus protection for cattle.
Puerto Rico
Lysigin Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 16.99 USD / each

Repeat in 14 days. Start vaccinating all heifers at 6 months of age. Revaccinate every 5 to 6 months. Protection against mastitis caused by Staph aureus in cattle.
Puerto Rico
Master Guard 10 HB
Price : CALL

21 slaughter withdrawal. Vaccine is SAFE for pregnant cows and calves nursing pregnant cows. TRUE Type II BVD protection (with Bolin 125 strain) in a combination KV/MLV product. Repeat in 14-28 days.
  • Form: Injectable
  • Brand: Elanco
Puerto Rico
Pyramid 5
Prices start at : 13.49 USD / each

Click here for Mail-In Rebate Voucher (PDF) (downloadable & printable). View manufacturer and/or label information Single-dose protection against IBR, BVD Types 1 & 2, PI3 and BRSV.
  • Prevention Type: Respiratory
  • Brand: Boehringer Ingelheim
Puerto Rico