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Cattle Vaccines Livestock Supplies For Sale In Rancho Cucamonga

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Vista 5 VL5 SQ Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 24.89 USD / each

IBR, BVD Types I and II, PI3, BRSV, Vibrio and 5 strains of Lepto including hardjo-bovis. Give 2 ml SQ, 14-60 days prior to breeding. Annual booster is recommended. Modified live, requires mixing.
Rancho Cucamonga
Lysigin Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 16.99 USD / each

Revaccinate every 5 to 6 months. Repeat in 14 days. Protection against mastitis caused by Staph aureus in cattle. Start vaccinating all heifers at 6 months of age.
Rancho Cucamonga
Bovine Ecolizer
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

Protects newborn calves against E. Used in prevention of E. Colostrum should also be fed. Coli scours in newborn calves. The single dose is an oral syringe. Keep refrigerated until use.Do not freeze.
Rancho Cucamonga
Piliguard Pinkeye-1 Trivalent Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 14.19 USD / each

Single dose protection against pinkeye caused by Moraxella bovis in cattle. Annual booster is recommended. Give 2 ml SQ or IM in the neck 3-6 weeks prior to the onset of pinkeye season.
Rancho Cucamonga
Moraxella Bovoculi Bacterin Pinkeye Vaccine for Cattle
Prices start at : 18.95 USD / each

Bovoculi is often referred to as "Winter Pinkeye" due to its ability to cause pinkeye year-round. Previously, the only way to biologically prevent M. The first and only commercially available vaccine for prevention of pinkeye in cattle caused by Moraxella...
Rancho Cucamonga
Vira Shield 6 Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 19.29 USD / each

Safe for pregnant cows. Vaccinate dairy cows at dry-off. Repeat in 4-5 weeks and once annually. IBR, BVD Types I and II, PI3 and BRSV.
Rancho Cucamonga
Bovi-Shield Gold One Shot™
Prices start at : 21.99 USD / each

IMPORTANT: 21 day slaughter withdrawal Recommendations: Annual revaccination & Calves vaccinated before the age of 6 months should be revaccinated after 6 months or at weaning. Shake well and adminster 2 mL SQ.
  • Brand: Zoetis
  • Form: Injectable
  • May be administered to calves nursing pregnant cows provided their dams were vaccinated within the past 12 months as described aboved.: Yes
Rancho Cucamonga
Super Poly Bac B Somnus Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 102.95 USD / each

Pasteurella, salmonella and somnus protection for cattle. For prevention of Mannheimia haemolytica types A1 and A6, Pasteurella multocida type A3, Salmonella typhimurium and Haemophilus somnus.
Rancho Cucamonga
ReproSTAR VL5 HB Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 20.99 USD / each

Safe for pregnant cows. Give 2 ml IM, 2-4 weeks prior to breeding. Booster with ReproSTAR L5 HB in 4-6 weeks. Hardjo-bovis, Vibrio and 5 strains of Lepto. Annual booster is recommended.
Rancho Cucamonga
Vira Shield 6 + L5 Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 21.29 USD / each

IBR, BVD, PI3, BRSV, and 5 strains of Lepto. Safe for pregnant cows. Repeat in 2-4 weeks. Calves vaccinated before 6 months of age should be revaccinated at 6 months of age or at weaning; ideally calves should receive the first dose 2-4 weeks before weaning...
Rancho Cucamonga
Ocu-guard MB-1 Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 12.39 USD / each

Single dose protection against pinkeye caused by Moraxella bovis in cattle 2 months of age or older. Annual booster is recommended. Give 2 ml SQ prior to the onset of pinkeye season.
Rancho Cucamonga
Vira Shield 6 + VL5 HB Somnus Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 33.95 USD / each

IBR, BVD Types I and II, PI3, BRSV, Vibrio, 5 strains of Lepto, L. Safe for pregnant cows. Give 5 ml IM 2-4 weeks prior to breeding. Booster in 4-5 weeks. Hardjo-bovis and Haemophilus somnus.
Rancho Cucamonga
Myco-B One Dose Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 36.49 USD / each

Only one dose vaccine for Mycoplasma bovis. Recommended for the vaccination of healthy cattle 60 days of age or older as an aid in the reduction of respiratory disease and arthritis caused by Mycoplasma bovis.
Rancho Cucamonga
Nasalgen* IP
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / each

Bovine Rhinotracheitis, Parainfluenza 3 Vaccine (MLV) An intranasal IBR and PI3 vaccine for immunization of healthy cattle. View manufacturer and/or label information Calves vaccinated under 6 months of age should be revaccinated at 6 months of age should...
  • Prevention Type: Respiratory
  • Form: Intranasal
Rancho Cucamonga
Virashield 6 + Somnus Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 23.19 USD / each

Safe for pregnant cows. Vaccinate dairy cows at dry-off . Repeat in 4-5 weeks and once annually. IBR, BVD Types I and II, PI3 BRSV and Haemophilus somnus. Give 5 ml IM to cattle 3 months of age or older.
Rancho Cucamonga
Vibrin Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 56.95 USD / each

Vibrio protection. Give 2 ml SQ to cows and heifers, 1-7 months prior to breeding. Annual booster is recommended. Safe for pregnant cows.
Rancho Cucamonga
Vira Shield 6 + L5 HB Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 26.29 USD / each

Repeat in 4-5 weeks. Vaccinate dairy cows at dry-off. IBR, BVD Types I and II, PI3, BRSV, 5 strains of Lepto and L. Safe for pregnant cows. Annual booster is recommended.
Rancho Cucamonga
Pulmo-Guard PHM-1
Prices start at : 26.99 USD / each

View manufacturer and/or label information Vaccine is SAFE for pregnant cows and calves nursing pregnant cows. Withdrawal period of 60 days. Pulmo-Guard PHM-1 is a cattle vaccine used in the aid of respiratory disease caused by Mannheimia haemolytica...
  • Prevention Type: Shipping Fever (Pneumonia), Respiratory
  • Brand: AgriLabs
Rancho Cucamonga
Bovi-Shield Gold FP 5 L5
Prices start at : 11.99 USD / each

Modified live virus BVD Types 1 & 2, IBR, PI3, BRSV; liquid bacterin Lepto 5. View manufacturer and/or label information Also, safe for calves nursing pregnant cows ONLY if their dams were vaccinated prior to breeding as described above.
  • Prevention Type: Reproductive, Respiratory
  • Form: Injectable
Rancho Cucamonga
Mycoplaz Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 82.49 USD / each

Mycoplasma bovis protection for calves 4 months of age or older. Repeat on days 7 and 14, alternating sides of the neck. Give 2 ml SQ in the neck.
Rancho Cucamonga
Pulmo-Guard PHM-1 Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 26.89 USD / each

Can cause reduced milk production in lactating dairy cattle. A booster is recommended 21 days prior to subsequent stress. Single dose protection against pasteurella (respiratory infection, shipping fever) caused by Mannheimia haemolytica type A1 and Pasteurella...
Rancho Cucamonga
Express FP 5 VL5 Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 25.29 USD / each

IBR, BVD Types I and II, PI3, BRSV, Vibrio and 5 strains of Lepto including hardjo-bovis. For primary vaccination, give about 4 weeks prior to breeding and booster in 14-28 days. Annual booster is recommended.
Rancho Cucamonga
One Shot Ultra 7
Prices start at : 39.99 USD / each

One Shot Ultra 7 aids in the prevention of blackleg in cattle caused by Clostridium Chauvoei, Septicum, Novyi, Sordellii, Perfringens Types C & D, Pasteurella Haemolytica Bacterin Toxoid Inject 2 mL SQ.
  • Form: Injectable
  • Brand: Zoetis
Rancho Cucamonga
UltraChoice 8
Prices start at : 9.49 USD / each

UltraChoice 8 is a 7-way cattle and sheep vaccine used as an aid in prevention of blackleg caused by Clostridium Chauvoei, Septicum, Haemolyticum, Novyi, Sordellii, Perfringens Types C & D Bacterin.
  • Brand: Zoetis
  • Prevention Type: Blackleg
Rancho Cucamonga
Cl. Perfringens Type A Toxoid Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 17.29 USD / each

Controls disease caused by C. Revaccinate annually. Administer 2 ml SQ in the neck. Revaccinate in 2-4 weeks. Perfringens Type A. Calves vaccinated prior to 5 months of age should be revaccinated at 5-6 months of age.
Rancho Cucamonga
Presponse HM Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 29.49 USD / each

Single dose protection against pasteurella (shipping fever) caused by Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida in cattle 7 months of age or older. A booster is recommended whenever subsequent stress is likely.
Rancho Cucamonga
Vira Shield 6
Prices start at : 18.99 USD / each

IBR, PI3, BRSV (KV), BVD NCP Types 1 & 2 & CP Type 1 First vaccine with 3-way BVD coverage. View manufacturer and/or label information University studies have shown 12 month immune stimulation along with 11 month protection against the deadly Type 2 BVD...
  •  Calves vaccinated before weaning should be revaccinated after weaning.
  •  Vaccinate dairy cows during the dry-off period. revaccinate annually.
  •  Give 5 ml sq to cattle. repeat in 4-5 weeks.
  • Brand: Elanco
Rancho Cucamonga