The first and only commercially available vaccine for prevention of pinkeye in cattle caused by Moraxella bovoculi. Bovoculi isolates. Bovoculi pinkeye, it should be given in addition to traditionally available pinkeye vaccines which offer protection...
A booster is recommended whenever subsequent stress is likely. Single dose protection against pasteurella (shipping fever) caused by Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida in cattle 7 months of age or older.
Booster with ReproSTAR L5 HB in 4-6 weeks. Safe for pregnant cows. Hardjo-bovis, Vibrio and 5 strains of Lepto. Give 2 ml IM, 2-4 weeks prior to breeding. Annual booster is recommended.
Repeat in 3 to 4 weeks. Annual booster is recommended. For prevention of Clostridium chauvoei, septicum, novyi, sordellii, perfringens Types C & D and Moraxella bovis. Give 5 ml SQ prior to the onset of pinkeye season.
For vaccination against IBR, BVD Types I and II, PI3, BRSV, and 5 strains of Leptospirosis caused by Leptospira pamona, L. Grippotyphosa, L. Icterohaemorrhagiae, prevention of urinary shedding of L.
Annual booster is recommended. Do not use in pregnant cows or calves nursing pregnant cows. Give 2 ml SQ or IM. Calves vaccinated before 6 months of age should be revaccinated at 6 months of age.
Give 2 ml SQ to cattle 3 months of age or older. IBR, BVD Types I and II, PI3, BRSV, Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida. Modified live, requires mixing. Annual booster is recommended.
Contains 8 Moraxella bovis isolates for broad protection. Single dose for prevention and control of pinkeye caused by Moraxella bovis in cattle 2 months of age or older. Annual booster is recommended.
Read more about Vira Shield 6 and other Elanco cattle vaccines here . View manufacturer and/or label information Vira Shield Vaccines contain the superior Xtend SP adjuvant for maximum duration and amplitude to antigenic stimulation.
✓ Calves vaccinated before weaning should be revaccinated after weaning.
✓ Vaccinate dairy cows during the dry-off period. revaccinate annually.
Tritrichomonas, Vibrio and 5 strains of Lepto. Repeat in 2-4 weeks, with second dose given 4 weeks prior to breeding. Annual booster is recommended. Safe for pregnant cows.
Mannheimia (Pasteurella) haemolytica Bacterin - Toxoid Helps protect against respiratory infections and shipping fever caused by Mannheimia (Pasteurella) haemolytica type A1. Booster recommended whenever stress or exposure is likely.
Protection against mastitis caused by Staph aureus in cattle. Repeat in 14 days. Revaccinate every 5 to 6 months. Start vaccinating all heifers at 6 months of age.
Safe for pregnant cows. Dosage: 2 mL IM for cows and heifers, 30-60 days prior to breeding. StayBred VL5 is for the vaccination of healthy cattle as an aid in preventing Vibrio and the most common 5 strains of Lepto.
IBR, BVD, PI3, BRSV, Mannheimia haemolytica, and Pasteurella multocida. Titanium 5 + PH-M is the only combination product that contains M. Multocida, and a leukotoxoid. Haemolytica, P.
View manufacturer and/or label information Can be administered to pregnant cows ONLY if they were vaccinated, according to label instructions, with Bovi-Shield FP line or Bovi-Shield Gold FP line prior to breeding initially and within 12 months after.
21 day withdrawal. In calves 4 weeks of age with a second dose 4-6 weeks later. Recommendation: Revaccinate annually with a single dose, and include all bulls in program vaccination.
Safe for use in colostrum-fed calves. Modified live, requires mixing. Bovilis Coronavirus Vaccine is approved for use in calves as young as 3 days of age. Administer 2 ml intranasally in one nostril, or split the dose between both nostrils.
Withdrawal period of 21 days. Dosage Instructions: administer 5 mL subcutaneously. Ultrabac 7/Somubac is a cattle vaccine used as an aid in prevention of blackleg caused by Clostridium Chauvoei, Septicum, Haemolyticum Somnus, Novyi, Sordellii, Perfringens...
Calves vaccinated before 6 months of age should be revaccinated at 6 months of age. Safe for pregnant cows. Repeat in 2-4 weeks and once annually. IBR, BVD, PI3, BRSV and Haemophilus somnus.
Do not vaccinate within 60 days of slaughter. View manufacturer and/or label information Give 2 mL IM or SQ in neck to beef or dairy cattle 3-6 weeks prior to onset of pinkeye season.
Give 2 ml SQ, 14-60 days prior to breeding. IBR, BVD Types I and II, PI3, BRSV and 5 strains of Lepto including hardjo-bovis. Modified live, requires mixing. Annual booster is recommended.
Give 2 ml SQ, 14-60 days prior to breeding. IBR, BVD Types I and II, Vibrio and 5 strains of Lepto including hardjo-bovis. Modified live, requires mixing. Annual booster is recommended.
Give 10 mL orally to each calf or 2 mL orally to each lamb as soon as possible after birth. Coli Antiserum Protects newborn calves and lambs against scours caused by K99 strain of E.
Cattle: administer 2 doses at 2 mL subcutaneously under the skin (SC) 4-6 weeks apart Sheep: administer 1 mL subcutaneously in the neck followed by a second dose 4-6 weeks later. UltraChoice 8 is a 7-way cattle and sheep vaccine used as an aid in prevention...
Annual revaccination with 1 dose of UltraChoice 8 is recommended. 50 dose Inject 2 mL SQ. One Shot Ultra 8 Cattle Vaccine aids in the prevention of blackleg, malignant edema, bacilary hemoglobinuria, black disease, enterotoxemia and enteritis, and bovine...
✓ No age restrictions on use.
✓ Has no adverse effect on feed intake, feed efficiency or average daily gain.
✓ Contains stimugen, a patented, water-soluble adjuvant that enhances the immune response with minimal risk of injection-site reactions.
For prevention of Clostridium chauvoei, septicum, novyi, sordellii, perfringens Types C & D and Moraxella bovis. 7-way blackleg and pinkeye protection for cattle. Repeat in 3 to 4 weeks and once annually.