Feed at the rate of 1 lb. Per head daily top dressed over ration or mixed in complete ration. Sure Champ Cattle Pellets are much higher than conventional protein supplements in vitamins and minerals including organic Cu, Zn, Mn, niacin, and B-12 for better...
Attain Liquid can be fed alone orally, or in maternal colostrum, colostrum supplement, colostrum replacer, or milk replacer. Feed an additional 10 ml on days two and three, for a total of three consecutive days.
Cattle: 4 - 12 oz. Per head daily. Top dress on feed or use as a drench. Goats and sheep: 2 - 6 oz. Pigs: 2 - 8 oz. Feed Game On for an award-winning look in all classes and stages of developing livestock.
Zinpro 4-Plex C can be used as a nutritional aid for preventing and treating lameness and foot rot. Goats: 1 gram per head daily. For dairy and beef cattle, mix 1 lb. The patented feed additive is not a drug.
May be mixed with water and soaked overnight before feeding for extra fill. Per head daily. S'more Fill Livestock Supplement can be fed wet or dry to enhance an award winning full appearance in show cattle, swine, sheep and goats.
With 8 to 16 oz. Top dress, drench or add to water. Give every 2 hours for 6-12 hours prior to show. For all species except dairy cattle. Quickly restores fluid to the muscle tissue, promoting overall freshness and a more defined muscle appearance.
Made from the finest ingredients, it's highly palatable, highly digestible, and an outstanding protein and energy supplement. Calf-Manna provides highly digestible carbohydrates from multiple sources, providing your animals with an excellent source of...
Essential Double Dip may be fed to cattle, swine, sheep, and goats. Essential Double Dip improves the appetite of show livestock. Helps increase weight gain and improve cover. Solution twice daily.
Introduce gradually with feed each day. Steers: 2 to 4 oz. Healthy Coat Show Formula is an easily digestible source of nutrients for energy, performance, stamina and strength. Pigs: 1/2 to 2 oz.
Formulated specifically for palatability and pellet quality. You can count on Oxy-Gen 2X to deliver fast results in cattle, lambs, goats, swine and horses. Oxy-Gen 2X is formulated to get your animals into top condition fast! Contains twice the original...
Contains valerian root extract and thiamine hydrochloride. Feed 2 scoops twice daily as a daily ration in addition to regular feed. Use for cattle to maintain a calm and focused composure without causing drowsiness.
Hide and Hair contains kelp and seaweed, which have been shown to lower body temperature. Results are often seen within 45 days. Hide and Hair for Livestock is a revolutionary hair growth product.
The high energy formula provides a complete feeding of essential proteins, energy, vitamins and minerals, plus BioMos to support enteric health and immunoglobulin absorption. Contains 55 grams globulin protein, made with easily absorbed bovine serum and...
Perfect for stubborn, lethargic and dead-headed cattle that act too tame and have no mo-jo. Sullivan's Alert is designed to perk up their metabolism, much like your morning coffee or energy drink does for you.
This chemistry boosts metabolic fat burning that targets specific areas of the body to reduce fat content, most notably in the neck and brisket area. This helps to offset the results seen from aggressive, high energy show cattle diets.
Swine over 270 lbs.: 5 oz. Sheep and goats: 1 oz. Ideal for use during times of stress, including showing and transporting. Vita Charge Liquid Boost is a multi-species nutritional supplement to promote feed and water intake while supporting digestive...
It also improves muscle and bone development, feed utilization, and creates more aggressive appetites in all livestock. Per day to cattle, swine, sheep, horses, and goats. Oxy-Explosion PLUS is a technically advanced feed supplement that combines the...
Formulated for calves, foals, goat kids, lambs, pigs, fawns, llamas, alpacas, and elk calves. Nurse All Milk Replacer with Probiotics for Multi-Species contains 24% protein and 24% fat for fast, healthy growth.
Double the amount fed for the first four days. Femininity HP is fortified with a hair promoter to give her extra eye appeal in the show ring. Femininity HP also improves breeding and calving performance.
Top dress on feed or dissolve in water. Each combo pack contains a 4 oz. Packet of Definition Activator. Feed one Definition combo pack per 250 lbs. Packet of Definition Base and a 2 oz.
Daily with feed. Gamma Grow is a high-performance show stock feed supplement for barrows, gilts, goats, sheep, lambs, steers, and heifers. Topdress 1/2 - 1 oz.
Can be top dressed or mixed into grain or feed ration. Body weight; swine: 4 1/2 oz. Dyne High Calorie Liquid Nutritional Supplement for Livestock provides maximum calories in a minimal volume for all classes of livestock.
Start Strong is a colostrum-based oral drench developed to boost calf performance. Start Strong provides highly available energy from vital nutrients. Stimulates the appetite to get calves up and drinking for superior growth and immunity.
Essential Uni4M contains 50% crude fat, plus lysine and vitamins A, C, D, and E. Twice daily; calves 2 oz. Essential Uni4M is a highly palatable fat and energy supplement for cattle, horses, swine, sheep, and goats.