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Cattle Pinkeye Protection Livestock Supplies For Sale In Wichita

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Permectrin II Animal and Premise Insecticide Concentrate
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / each

One quart makes from 25 to 200 gallons. Apply to swine, beef, and dairy cattle, horses, sheep and premises. Cattle rub: 1 qt/20 gal oil. Contains 10% permethrin. Permectrin II provides long-acting killing power for flies, lice, mites, ticks, fleas and...
Saber Pour-on
Prices start at : 51.99 USD / each

Provides long-losting control of horn flies and biting and sucking lice on beef cattle. Effective low dosage rates approved for beef cattle of all ages. Contains lambdacyhalothrin, 10 ml per head or 600 lbs.
Prozap Bovi-Strips Face Flaps for Cattle Backrubber
Prices start at : 19.39 USD / each

Simply tie the Bovi-Strips to the Bovi-Rub for additional insecticide application to the face and sides of livestock. The Prozap Bovi-Strips face flaps are designed for use with the Bovi-Rub.
Tri-Zap Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 54.99 USD / each

Tri-Zap is a sustained-release ear tag containing a synergized formulation of Zetacypermethrin, a potent, enriched pyrethroid compound and Abamectin, a highly active macrocyclic lactone that has never before been used in combination on cattle, plus the...
Atroban 11% EC Insecticidal Spray Concentrate for Livestock and Premises
Prices start at : 26.29 USD / each

Contains permethrin. Gives long lasting control of horn flies, face flies, stable flies, house flies, horse flies and lice on beef and lactating dairy cattle, horses, sheep, goats and premises.
Cattle Rub
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / each

They ranked Cow Life-Cattle Rub Number 1 in every category! Backrubber products for use with cattle rub are listed below. In a recent Progressive Farmer Brand Awareness Study, producers were asked to rank 5 methods of fly control as to Dependability,...
Boss Pour-On Insecticide for Beef & Dairy Cattle & Sheep
Prices start at : 32.79 USD / each

Up to maximum of 18 ml. Animals, 1 gallon will treat 256-500 lb. SHEEP: 1 1/2 ml per 50 lbs. Low volume dosage for maximum control of horn flies, lice, sheep lice, sheep keds, face flies, and ticks.
Python Livestock Insecticide Dust
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / each

Python Livestock Insecticide Dust is used to control horn flies, lice, ticks and keds and to aid in the control of face flies, stable flies and other nuisance flies. Apply up to 2 oz.
Brute Pour-On
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / each

Or larger cattle. For use in cattle rubs, dilute 16 oz Brute Pour-On with 10 gallons diesel fuel or oil. Cattle or 32 head of 1000 lb. Y-Tex Brute Pour-On provides long-lasting residual control of lice, horn flies and Gulf Coast ticks on lactating and...
FarmGard Permethrin Concentrate Pest Control for Livestock & Dogs
Prices start at : 17.79 USD / each

Also great for back rubber use when mixed with oil. Versatile & cost-effective. Mixed with water it may be used as a spray, dip, or sponge-on application. FarmGard Permethrin Concentrate is a 13.3% permethrin total pest control concentrate.
Prozap Bovi-Bullet for Face Fly Control
Prices start at : 9.95 USD / each

Initially, charge the Bovi-Bullet with 1 liter of solution, and recharge it as necessary to maintain wetness. Superior insecticide charging and wicking action allow for low-stress application of insecticides on cattle.
Fly Bullets
Prices start at : 10.15 USD / each

Made from the same rot proof materials as the rub. Just the right size to suspend vertically in front of mineral feeders or in entry way of creep feeders. Each bullet holds one pint of insecticide.
Python Magnum Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 42.49 USD / each

Ear damage may result if used in calves less than 3 months of age. Controls biting lice and aids in the control of sucking lice for up to 3 months. Python Magnum insecticide cattle ear tags are synergized pyrethroid tags containing 10% zetacypermethrin...
Face Flyps
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / each

One box is enough flyps for one cattle rub. Polyester orlon strips made to hang from rub.
Flys-X Ready to Use Insecticide Fly Spray for Livestock
Prices start at : 11.57 USD / each

Kills fleas and brown dog ticks on dogs and premises. Effective and fast acting against stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, horn flies, house flies, mosquitoes and gnats. Contains 0.10% pyrethrins and 1.0% piperonyl butoxide.
Bull Master II Mineral Feeder
Prices start at : 168.00 USD / each

Durable mineral feeder with a 150 lb. Rugged 3/8", 36" diameter weathershield cover provides excellent weather protection for minerals. Use with cattle, horses, sheep and goats. Poly feeder tub is split into three compartments to allow the feeding of...
Dust Bag Refill - Permectrin
Prices start at : 69.95 USD / each

Refill cartridges. Contains 4 x 12-1/2 lb.
Prices start at : 28.69 USD / each

Dominator insecticide cattle ear tags are organophosphate tags containing 20% pirimiphos methyl. Dominator ear tags are approved for use on beef cattle, non-lactating dairy cattle and calves.
Prozap Insectrin CS Pour-On
Prices start at : 21.69 USD / each

When treating dairy cattle, beef cattle, and calves, it effectively controls horn flies, face flies, and lice, plus aids in the control of horse flies, stable flies, house flies, mosquitoes, black flies, and ticks.
E-Pro Adulticide Permethrin 36.8% for Livestock
Prices start at : 35.95 USD / each

E-Pro in 2-1/2 gallons water to treat 64-80 head. Feet of surface. Solution per 1000 cubic feet of surface. For low-pressure spray application against horn flies, face flies, stable flies, ear ticks, and lice on beef cattle, lactating and non-lactating...
Bull Master Mineral Feeder Lid
Prices start at : 40.95 USD / each

Constructed of 3/8" reinforced rubber. Replacement lid for Bull Master Mineral Feeder.
Cattle Armor 1% Permethrin Synergized Pour On
Prices start at : 28.45 USD / each

For pour-on use, apply 1/2 oz. Body weight, up to a maximum of 5 oz. Equil Cattle Armor Permethrin Synergized Pour On controls lice and flies on beef cattle, lactating and non-lactating dairy cattle, and calves.
Prozap Screw Worm Ear Tick Spray for Livestock
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / each

Prozap Screw Worm Ear Tick Spray kills screwworms, flies, and maggots in and around superficial wounds affecting beef cattle, horses, and sheep. Repeat treatment when flies are troublesome.
Python Dust Bag Kit
Prices start at : 69.95 USD / each

High quality dust bag and 12.5 lbs. Python Dust is approved for use on any age animal, including lactating dairy cows, beef cattle, horses, sheep and goats. Contains zetacypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide.
Prozap Insectrin Dust Bag Kit
Prices start at : 62.79 USD / each

Contains 0.25% Permethrin. Prozap Insectrin DustBag Kits are easy to use for horn fly, face fly, and lice control on beef and dairy cattle and horses; and lice control on swine. Refillable mildew-resistant canvas dust bag kit with 12.5 lbs.
Prices start at : 28.99 USD / each

Optimizer insecticide cattle ear tags contain 21% diazinon. Provides up to 5 months control of horn flies, including pyrethroid-resistant horn flies. Approved for use on beef and non-lactating dairy cattle.
Warrior Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 40.89 USD / each

Warrior insecticide cattle ear tags are dual organophosphate tags containing 30% diazinon and 10% chlorpyrifos. Use 1 tag to control pyrethroid-resistant horn flies for 3 to 4 months and aid in control of face flies.