Or less-15 ml per head for 600 lbs. Effective low dosage rates approved for beef cattle of all ages. Convenient squeeze and measure bottle. Contains lambdacyhalothrin, 10 ml per head or 600 lbs.
One gallon will treat 25 head of 1,000 lb. For use on sheep and lambs, lactating, non-lactating dairy and beef cows, and calves. Contains 1% permethrin and 1% piperonyl butoxide. Mix one pint per gallon #2 diesel or mineral oil for backrubber use.
Proven effective with no withdrawal period. No rinsing necessary. Use 1 to 2 times per day until condition is no longer visible. May be used to wash away mucus secretions and discharge.
For use on swine, beef, dairy cattle, horses, sheep and goats. Contains 10% Permethrin for long lasting control and quick knockdown of flies, mosquitoes, lice, mites, and ticks. One quart makes up to 200 galllons of spray.
First in dependability, economy, ease on cattle & cowboys 10' rub is constructed of orlon, polyester and acrylic. See the more info button on each product for rate of dilution. Has breaking strength of 2700 lbs.
Use 2 tags to control horn flies, lice, Gulf Coast and spinose ear ticks up to 5 months and aid in control of face flies, stable flies and house flies. Use the Y-Tex UltraTagger to apply.
For back rubber use, mix one pint Equil Cattle Armor 1% per gallon #2 diesel or mineral oil. Keep rubbing device charged. Ready-to-use formula contains 1% permethrin and 1% piperonyl butoxide.
900 ml treats 90 calves or 60 cows. Or less; 15 ml per head over 600 lbs. Synergized formula with lambdacyhalothrin and piperonyl butoxide for long-lasting control of horn flies and lice in beef cattle and calves.
Can be applied as a spray or wipe-on. When treating horses and foals, Prozap Insectrin CS effectively treats stable flies, horn flies, face flies, house flies, eye gnats, and ticks, and aids in the control of horse flies, mosquitoes, and black flies;...
With a metal ring for easy hanging, the Bovi-Bullet is ideal for use in mineral feeders. The Prozap Bovi-Bullet face rub is designed for effective and economical control of face flies, horn flies, lice, and ticks on cattle and other livestock.
Protects beef and dairy cattle, sheep, hogs, and horses from attacks of stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, horn flies, mosquitoes, ticks, and gnats. For ear ticks, spray directly into ear.
Simply apply Martin's Cyonara Pour-On Insecticide down backline, 10 ml for calves under 600 lbs., 15ml for cattle over 600 lbs. Ready-to-use liquid. Martin's Cyonara Pour-On Insecticide provides effective control of horn flies, biting lice, and sucking...
Repeat in 3 to 4 weeks. For prevention of Clostridium chauvoei, septicum, novyi, sordellii, perfringens Types C & D and Moraxella bovis. Annual booster is recommended. Give 5 ml SQ prior to the onset of pinkeye season.
Ready-to-use liquid. Apply 10 ml for calves under 600 lbs., 15ml for cattle over 600 lbs. Martin's Cyonara Plus Pour-On Insecticide is ready to use, no dilution necessary. Contains 1% lambda cyhalothrin and 5% piperonyl butoxide.
Use as a wipe or spray on beef and dairy cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, and horses for protection from stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, face flies, house flies, horn flies, mosquitoes, and gnats.
Stryker Insecticide Concentrate can be used to kill and repel horn flies, face flies, house flies, stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, mosquitoes, and gnats, and to control lice and sheep keds.
Calves vaccinated prior to 3 months of age should be revaccinated at weaning or 4-6 months of age. For prevention of Clostridium chauvoei, septicum, novyi, sordellii, perfringens Types C & D and Moraxella bovis .
Diesel or mineral oil. To a maximum of 5 oz. Safe for beef, lactating dairy, sheep, and premises. Cattle rub: 1 qt/2 gal. Ready to use as a spray. Pour on at the rate of 1/2 oz. Synergized DeLice Pour-On Insecticide for Cattle, Sheep and Premises contains...
Annual booster is recommended. Single dose protection against pinkeye caused by Moraxella bovis in cattle 2 months of age or older. Give 2 ml SQ prior to the onset of pinkeye season.
Annual booster is recommended. Give 2 ml SQ prior to the onset of pinkeye season. Single dose for prevention and control of pinkeye caused by Moraxella bovis in cattle 2 months of age or older.
The first and only commercially available vaccine for prevention of pinkeye in cattle caused by Moraxella bovoculi. Administer 2 ml SQ to cattle 14 weeks of age or older; repeat in 21 days.
Horn flies, lice: Apply 2 oz. The bags should hang 4 to 6 inches below the back line of the cattle. Per head as a uniform coat to the head, shoulder, and back. Contains 2 x 12.5 lb.
For protection from face flies, house flies, stable flies, mosquitoes, and gnats, apply 1 to 2 oz. Repeat as necessary, but not more than once daily. When using Prozap VIP Insect Spray as a premise spray in barns, milk rooms, stables, etc., apply at the...
Durable Bullmaster II mineral feeder has a 150 lb. As animal lifts cover to eat mineral, their face, head and shoulder contacts the insecticide saturated felt. The one quart reservoir holds insecticide and dispenses to saturate felt.
Double Barrel VP tags are approved for use on beef cattle, non-lactating dairy cattle and calves. Double Barrel VP insecticide cattle ear tags are organophosphate and synthetic pyrethroid tags containing 6.8% lambdacyhalothrin and 14% pirimiphos methyl.
With water to make up to 50 gallon spray. For spray or back rubber use in lactating dairy, beef, swine, horses, sheep, poultry, goats. Cattle rub: mix 4 oz/10 gal diesel or mineral oil.