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25 Photos of You and Your Cow
Courtesy Laura B. Courtesy David G. Courtesy Stacey B. They provide dairy and meat . 7 Heritage Cattle Breeds to Raise with Your Children 6 Ways to Prepare Yourself and Your Cows for Calving Keep Cows Cool in Hot Weather Tags cattle , cows , farm , Lists...
9 Baby Cows We\'ll Go Grassfed For
Courtesy @thurlow94/via Instagram Courtesy Robin J. As we continue our celebration of Baby Animal Month on, we hope these photos from our readers' hobby farms will bring a bit of happiness to your day.
7 Things To Look At When Selecting Grassfed Cattle For Your Herd
Still, there are a few breeds you might consider first. There will always be some variation in the quality of the animals in a herd, but overall, the herd should look healthy and well muscled and have good temperaments.
How To Milk A Cow
The first step to getting quality milk from your dairy cow is ensuring you feed it a nutritious diet comprised of water, roughage and grain. Pasteurization Method 2: Continuous High-temperature Short-time Method Prepare an ice-water bath for cooling.
Is Fall Calving Right For You?
Biology is purposefully timed this way. White-faced sheep breeds, like Dorsets , can be difficult to breed in the spring for fall lambs because sheep are generally considered short-day breeders, meaning they naturally breed in the fall for spring births.
How To Castrate A Calf
In this particular context, they meant Rocky Mountain Oysters: cooked testicles . Grandma wants oysters for dinner. While I was there, the family asked if I had time to castrate the calves, too.
Are Cattle Right For My Farm?
Examine Your Water Cattle drink different amounts of water at different times of the year. Choose Your Grazing System There are two main ways of keeping cattle on pasture , and you'll have to decide which works best for you.
Create an Easy-to-Build Cattle Corral for Your Herd
This enables a person who is located in the crowd pen area to hold the gate open for the animals. The entrance to the single-file race or double-file race can be equipped with either a sliding entrance gate or one-way backstop gates.
What\'s the Deal With Grassfed Meat?
“Grassfed beef is also higher in precursors for vitamin A and E and cancer fighting antioxidants, such as GT and SOD activity, as compared to grain-fed contemporaries.” Advocates of grain-fed meats and adherents of grassfed, more naturally grown meats...
About Cattle Farming
Recombinant bovine somatotropin (aka recombinant bovine growth hormone) is used in dairy farming to maintain higher milk production. All of this manure has to go somewhere, so it's stored in lagoons and spread on farm fields but often leaches into waterways,...
Florida Cracker and Pineywoods Cattle
So, instead of razing the land as occurred in more fertile regions of the South, homesteaders claimed their home sites, built cabins with the logs they felled and carved out a hard, subsistence life.
Raising Calves: Tips On The Best Time For Vaccination
Furthermore, she gives an oral nutritional drench to encourage appetite, nutrient absorption and energy. At Pine Crest Dairy in Custer, Montana, Jack and Maggie Howley don't vaccinate at birth but wait until the calves are several months old, administering...
How To Keep Your Cattle Healthy This Winter
This article originally ran in the November/December 2016 issue of Hobby Farms. If you're unfamiliar with how to collect or send in a sample, contact your local extension office for assistance.
5 Key Aspects of Feeding Cattle
But after its rumen starts to develop, it needs to eat forages, and the forage should contain protein, especially after weaning. This story originally appeared in the January/February 2018 issue of Hobby Farms.
How To Make Grassfed Cattle Gain Weight
“You've got to have good grass for them to forage on.” At Buchanan's Colorado ranch, it takes 20 to 30 acres per year to raise a cow-calf pair—slightly fewer acres than that in the past two years thanks to some much-welcomed rain.
Have a Cow—and We Mean a Pet Cow
Equine round-pen panels work well. Don't choose unwisely because you're unaware. Shutterstock Training Cattle are intelligent creatures and they readily perform for food. You can even teach your bovine to do tricks! Bovine Byproducts Call it cowpie, cow...
Nutrition Matters: What To Feed Your Cattle
For example, alfalfa hay is a good source of protein. See the chart below for a table which outlines nutrient guidelines for cows during various stages of lactation. If you would prefer a more marbled, tender and less grassy taste, you will want to finish...
Livestock Pregnancy & Its Problems: Cattle
The calving process may take a few hours—in this species, you shouldn't expect things to happen quickly, which is much different from horses, as we'll learn next month. Cows during pregnancy typically carry a single calf, but twins are not uncommon,...
Raising Calves: A Guide To Getting The Best Possible Start
A hand-raised cow may merely shuffle nervously and calm down when you talk to her. “Over time, you will notice the subtlest drooping head position, lack of vigor and energy, and slight reluctance to eat grain or milk as your first warning signs of sickness,”...
6 Ways to Prepare Yourself and Your Cows for Calving
Protect Shy Mothers Some cows are shy or nervous about calving around other cows. Allow at least 4 square feet of space per calf. Others will never let you near their calves. Ensure they get a good start to life with shelter, feed and other protections...
Why Body Condition Score Your Cows?
Rapid fat use can lead to problems, such as ketosis and fatty liver syndrome. Mature cows that are always thin might be an indication that they don't fit your production system. Your cows should also be evaluated individually—what is normal for one...
7 Things To Know About Your First Dairy Cow
This is especially important at the time of milking and right after, as this is when the teat sphincter is open and bacteria can enter the udder. The best way to prevent calving problems is by matching the bull to the cow.
Belfair Cattle: A Dual-Purpose Breed For Small Farms
A confusing second term—Belmont—sometimes gets tossed into the mix; this name refers to a 75/25 mix, with either breed contributing the genetic bulk. But small farmers and homesteaders don't need maximum meat yields; they need beef for the freezer...
Once-a-Day Milk Cows
There are times in life when it's just so busy!” “Once-a-day made a huge difference in our daily lives,” says Jersey-cow owner Debra Gates. Milking OAD might be a bit untraditional, but hobby farmers are inventive and adventurous, as a rule.
How Now, Tiny Cow? On Raising Small Cows
What more could you ask for? While the “bigger is better” boom ultimately impacted this ancient dairy breed, enough bantam Jerseys remained to make selectively breeding them back to miniature frame a relatively easy task.
Your 6-Step Biosecurity Plan For Cattle
With proper records, you will see drops in production before your animals show any signs of clinical disease, allowing you plenty of time to step in and rectify the issue. You should have separate equipment, feeding tubs and clothing, including boots...
Chianina Cattle
Chianinas remained largely unchanged through the passage of time. Use: Chianinas are not only outstanding beef producers by and of themselves, they are wide employed as sires to produce composite breeds like the Chiangus and Red Chiangus (a blending of...