Machine washable. Adjustable belly strap with quick release buckle helps keep blanket in place when calf is lying down. Constructed with 600 denier nylon outer shell, fiberfill insulation, and nylon inner lining.
If vaginal length is 7-14 cm, a chromosome testing should be done to confirm if it's a freemartin. Over 95% of heifers born co-twin to a bull and with a normal reproductive tract have a vaginal length of 14 cm or more.
Concentrated J-Lube powder dissolves easily in water to create an effective obstetrical lubricant. Includes plastic bottle with shaker top. Makes 6 - 8 gallons. Completely inert and non-irritating.
It is a two-tube guide that is 38" long for insertion into a cow. Comes complete with insertion coil and cleaning brush. OB wire saw (#17141) is threaded around the fetal structure to be severed, inside the cow, and the Fetatome is used as a wire guide...
Fully portable, 2 year warranty. When properly aimed at the uterus, the display will show a pattern or spike indicating pregnancy and no spike if the animal is open. The ultrasound instrument displays the exact location of density changes or tissue interfaces.
This harness is easier on the ewe because there is no foreign body inside the vagina. Although it is possible in most cases for the ewe to lamb with the harness in place, it is suggested that the harness be removed immediately prior to lambing.
Made of 2" wide poly webbing with nickel plated hardware. Durable hobble with Velcro leg cuff adjustments. Nylon strap between legs is a fixed 21" length.
A short, intermittent tone indicates good contact. Preg-Tone comes pre-calibrated for use with swine, but the user can easily recalibrate it for use with other species. The Preg-Tone Series 6 Model is a safe and accurate ultrasonic pregnancy detector...
Hook-and-loop closures. Durable, breathable canvas bag with separate pocket for chains and OB lube. Fits Ratch-A-Pull, Cable Calf Puller and most others.
Constructed of precision cast aluminum with easy-to-read centimeter scale. Designed to predict calving ease in heifers. A real management tool for heifer selection.
Order OB chains separately. Puller disassembles for storage. Wide cast aluminum breech spanner and longer solid shaft for those big calves. Refined milled grooves on shaft with no sharp edges.
The cow hip lift collapses for minimal storage space. Best not left on animal more than 30 minutes at a time. Completely adjustable to fit any size of cattle. Powder coated paint finish.
Fitted with a 30" OB chain. Specifically designed to catch the leg, hoof or hock to assist in breech deliveries. Use with your OB handle or calf puller.
Measure around the top of the front foot and the tape will reveal the weight of the calf. A great way to measure the birthweight of a newborn calf. A must for every cow-calf producer.
Individual pockets for OB handles, wire saw, chains, and other OB equipment. Vinyl case is a great organizer for the Utrecht Fetatome and related equipment. Protects equipment from scratches and wear.
Cows can be lifted comfortably for 2-3 hours or longer to get circulation and movement in the legs. Unit can be attached quickly and securely to the loader of a tractor or to a block and tackle.
Can be used to catch the back leg of calves up to 250 pounds. Weighs 3 pounds. Use at the 5' length or push spring loaded release button to extend to10'. Fits behind pickup seat. Catch 'em on the first try with the Calf Catch.
Calf Birthing Kit includes: 13 quart stainless steel pail, 16 oz. Triodine-7 for umbilical cord care. Chlorhexidine disinfectant solution, two 30" OB chains, 10 count OB sleeves, 8 oz.
Daisy Cow Lifter Kit includes sling with lifting straps and C-hooks. Adjusts to fit dairy and beef cattle. Sling and straps provide support over a large body area to reduce pressure points.
Includes two-section tubular steel shaft, wide cast aluminum breechen, and special cable hook for OB use on the patented Power Pull. Capacity plus 50% overload factor. Order OB chains separately.
Nylon OB straps spread tension over wider area on calf's leg to prevent fractures. The 52" comes with a chain and the 108" comes with hand holds (to be used without a calf puller.)
OB chain and hip strap are included. Release and reset is fast and easy. The rotating shaft stays hooked even when cow goes down during birth. The breech is black powder-coated steel and other parts are plated for rust resistance.