Features same rugged construction as Dr. Franks, but with 2 pulling points that alternately advance to shift the pull from one leg to the other to “ease” the calf out. Lightweight special strength aluminum construction makes it easy to handle.
Catch 'em on the first try with the Calf Catch. Fits behind pickup seat. Weighs 3 pounds. Use at the 5' length or push spring loaded release button to extend to10'. Can be used to catch the back leg of calves up to 250 pounds.
Popular, dependable calf puller has stood the test of time. Has wide cast aluminum breechen, and two section shaft that can be disassembled for easy storage. 45" OB chain included.
Cows can eat and drink and the udder can be treated or milked as needed. Come-a-longs not included The sling can be used to support the animal over extended periods of time, while allowing the repair of muscle and nerve damage.
Refined milled grooves on shaft with no sharp edges. Order OB chains separately. Wide cast aluminum breech spanner and longer solid shaft for those big calves. Heavy-duty construction throughout.
Corrects knuckling of the pastern in newborn calves. Fastens securely with three straps. Molded shape to conform to calf's leg and padded to reduce skin irritation. Eliminates taping or casting.
Individual pockets for OB handles, wire saw, chains, and other OB equipment. Protects equipment from scratches and wear. Vinyl case is a great organizer for the Utrecht Fetatome and related equipment.
Comprehensive kit allows you to quickly assist with births. OB lube, and 16 oz. Triodine-7 for umbilical cord care. Chlorhexidine disinfectant solution, two 30" OB chains, 10 count OB sleeves, 8 oz.
The cow is rolled onto sling, lifting straps are adjusted outside the sling, and C-hooks are secured to loader or bucket. Daisy Cow Lifter Kit includes sling with lifting straps and C-hooks.
Used for the repair of vaginal or uterine prolapses. Stainless steel, 6" long overall for ewes and does. Suture is passed under the skin around the vulva and tightened just enough to prevent re-prolapsing but still allow urine to pass.
Sturdy, cradle-like device does away with pressure points, so no bruising or damage to nerve endings which may cause permanent injury. Sling wraps around steel tubing frame. Unit can be attached quickly and securely to the loader of a tractor or to a...
Requires as little as a minute per animal, without the risks associated with rectal palpation. 2 year warranty. Sophisticated electronics combined with digital output make interpretation easy and straightforward.
Testing process is non-invasive, minimizing the chance of infection and disease transmission. The Preg-Alert Pro is a multi-purpose, highly versatile A-Mode ultrasonic instrument for performing tests and measurements in a wide range of animals.
Concentrated J-Lube powder dissolves easily in water to create an effective obstetrical lubricant. Makes 6 - 8 gallons. Includes plastic bottle with shaker top. Completely inert and non-irritating.
Use in cold, wet, or inclement weather to help protect newborn and young calves from the elements. Northern states often choose the double-insulated calf blanket. Udder Tech Calf Blankets are available with a single or double layer of Thinsulate insulation...
Pullers hinge to open over pig's head or rear, making it almost impossible to catch the uterine lining. No need to insert your hand to place the instrument. All stainless steel.
Lamb/Kid Birthing Kit includes: 6 quart stainless steel pail, 16 oz. Nutri Drench to provide quick energy to mother and babies. Chlorhexidine disinfectant, 5 oz. Triodine 7 for umbilical cord care, and 8 oz.
The hook has a handle on one end to give you a sure grip and a hook on the other for catching legs. Saves strain on your back and a lot of chasing. This sturdy steel hook makes easy work of catching elusive animals.
Includes two-section tubular steel shaft, wide cast aluminum breechen, and special cable hook for OB use on the patented Power Pull. Order OB chains separately. Capacity plus 50% overload factor.
Made of double plated rust resistant steel with permanent catch closure. Specify imprint desired: up to 19 characters on bubble side of tag; up to 9 characters on point side of tag.
Ritchey dual-color custom ear tags feature contrasting color "sandwiched" in the middle of the panel tag. The Ritchey dual-color design offers absolutely permanent customization. Add $15 Custom Number Manipulation Fee if ordering non-consecutive management...
Plastic coated 1/8" airplane cable is stiff enough to hold its shape. Shaped end allows operator to direct head after cable is placed behind ears. Designed with the safety of both the lamb and ewe in mind.