Fits Ratch-A-Pull, Cable Calf Puller and most others. Durable, breathable canvas bag with separate pocket for chains and OB lube. Hook-and-loop closures.
The sling can be used to support the animal over extended periods of time, while allowing the repair of muscle and nerve damage. Cows can eat and drink and the udder can be treated or milked as needed.
Use with your OB handle or calf puller. Specifically designed to catch the leg, hoof or hock to assist in breech deliveries. Fitted with a 30" OB chain.
Extra-long strap length to allow for growth and custom fit. Udder Tech Calf Blankets are designed to stay in place, keeping calves warm and comfortable. Udder Tech Calf Blankets are available with a single or double layer of Thinsulate insulation to best...
Wide cast aluminum breech spanner and longer solid shaft for those big calves. Refined milled grooves on shaft with no sharp edges. Order OB chains separately. New, improved model double action puller.
Popular, dependable calf puller has stood the test of time. Tension is released with the press of a lever. Has wide cast aluminum breechen, and two section shaft that can be disassembled for easy storage.
Protects equipment from scratches and wear. Vinyl case is a great organizer for the Utrecht Fetatome and related equipment. Individual pockets for OB handles, wire saw, chains, and other OB equipment.
The ultrasound instrument displays the exact location of density changes or tissue interfaces. It is ideal for miniature mares, donkeys, llamas, goats, sows, ewes and alpacas. Fully portable, 2 year warranty.
Large 10" rings are placed over pelvic bones and tightened by turning crank. Completely adjustable to fit any size of cattle. Chain is placed into ring at top of cow hip lift so that animal can be raised with loader or block and tackle.
Sling and straps provide support over a large body area to reduce pressure points. The cow is rolled onto sling, lifting straps are adjusted outside the sling, and C-hooks are secured to loader or bucket.
Assists in difficult births when traction is needed on the calf's head. Steel cable is slipped behind calf's ears and snugged around head by sliding yoke under the chin.
Fully cushioned, plastic covered steel tool avoids bruises. Safe-T-Katch is strong and durable. Easy to use, one size fits all. 6' 4" with forearm cradle. Hook shape lessens kickout escapes.
For better monitoring of sheep or goat breeding. Quick fit with snap-lock buckles and easy strap adjustment. Click-in crayon has shallow walls to prevent waste and is easily changed when empty.
Has 9' of aircraft cable with 1500 lb. Includes two-section tubular steel shaft, wide cast aluminum breechen, and special cable hook for OB use on the patented Power Pull. Order OB chains separately.
Corrects knuckling of the pastern in newborn calves. Molded shape to conform to calf's leg and padded to reduce skin irritation. Fastens securely with three straps. Eliminates taping or casting.
Chlorhexidine disinfectant, 5 oz. Lamb/Kid Birthing Kit includes: 6 quart stainless steel pail, 16 oz. Nutri Drench to provide quick energy to mother and babies. Be prepared to assist in the birth of lambs and kids.
Eye is large enough to accept umbilical tape easily. Used for the repair of vaginal or uterine prolapses. Stainless steel, 6" long overall for ewes and does. Suture is passed under the skin around the vulva and tightened just enough to prevent re-prolapsing...
Includes standard probe which may be used to detect pregnancy after 90 days gestation in cows and mares. Preg-Alert Pro can also be used to determine backfat and loin thickness. The Preg-Alert Pro is a multi-purpose, highly versatile A-Mode ultrasonic...