Safe-T-Katch is strong and durable. Hook shape lessens kickout escapes. Fully cushioned, plastic covered steel tool avoids bruises. Easy to use, one size fits all. 6' 4" with forearm cradle.
Belly strap keeps blanket snug when calf is lying down. Constructed with premium Thinsulate insulation and a water-resistant nylon outer shell. Use in cold, wet, or inclement weather to help protect newborn and young calves from the elements.
Includes two-section tubular steel shaft, wide cast aluminum breechen, and special cable hook for OB use on the patented Power Pull. Order OB chains separately. Capacity plus 50% overload factor.
The crucial probe end length is 7 cm. Newly developed vaginal probe to detect freemartin heifers and/or determine if heifers born co-twin to a bull have a normal reproductive tract.
Testing may also be done with ewe in standing position at 60-65 days. When amniotic fluid is detected, the instrument produces a loud, continuous tone. A short, intermittent tone indicates good contact.
Use at the 5' length or push spring loaded release button to extend to10'. Can be used to catch the back leg of calves up to 250 pounds. Catch 'em on the first try with the Calf Catch.
Spiral tip swine insemination catheters allow insertion without damage to the reproductive tract. Spiral tip insemination catheters are appropriate for swine artificial insemination.
One person can operate the Resuscitator using a simple push/pull action. The Calf Resuscitator is a constant delivery resuscitator, designed to inflate the lungs of newborns that are unable to breathe, but have a heartbeat.
Made of 2" wide nylon for strength with nickel plated hardware. Keeps legs from slipping and spreading. Deluxe lightweight hobble aids cows following nerve injuries due to calving.
Made of 2" wide poly webbing with nickel plated hardware. Nylon strap between legs is a fixed 21" length. Durable hobble with Velcro leg cuff adjustments.
Tension is released with the press of a lever. The cam jack moves easily on smooth shaft. Popular, dependable calf puller has stood the test of time. Has wide cast aluminum breechen, and two section shaft that can be disassembled for easy storage.
Protect your livestock from injury and provide stability for cows after difficult calving with these completely adjustable, 6,000 lb. Made from machine washable nylon in the U.S.A. 1" strap with 1 1/2" leg cuffs.
Fitted with a 30" OB chain. Use with your OB handle or calf puller. Specifically designed to catch the leg, hoof or hock to assist in breech deliveries.
Completely adjustable to fit any size of cattle. The cow hip lift is a must when faced with downed cows, calving paralysis or a prolapsed uterus. Best not left on animal more than 30 minutes at a time.
More important, she must strain by lowering the head which actually pulls the harness more tightly against her "backside." Adjust for length and girth to fit any size ewe. This harness is easier on the ewe because there is no foreign body inside the vagina.
Pregnancy detection can be done by detecting the echoes from the interface between amniotic fluid and the far side of the intrauterine wall, or by detecting the echoes from the fetus.
Two-piece smooth shaft and wide cast aluminum breechen. Two-piece cam jack has special easy release feature. Features same rugged construction as Dr. Franks, but with 2 pulling points that alternately advance to shift the pull from one leg to the other...