Designed to predict calving ease in heifers. Constructed of precision cast aluminum with easy-to-read centimeter scale. A real management tool for heifer selection.
Fits behind pickup seat. Can be used to catch the back leg of calves up to 250 pounds. Weighs 3 pounds. Use at the 5' length or push spring loaded release button to extend to10'. Catch 'em on the first try with the Calf Catch.
Because the animal's uterus changes density soon after conception, you can identify pregnancy as early as 14 days after breeding in mares, and 22 days after breeding in cows. They agreed on 499 out of 500 cows.
Hook and loop leg straps are easy to apply and take off. Keeps legs from slipping and spreading. Has fixed length of 21". Made of 2" wide nylon for strength with nickel plated hardware.
Detects pregnancy in mammals ranging in size from large rabbits and foxes to cattle and horses. The Preg-Alert Pro is a multi-purpose, highly versatile A-Mode ultrasonic instrument for performing tests and measurements in a wide range of animals.
Easy to use, one size fits all. Hook shape lessens kickout escapes. 6' 4" with forearm cradle. Safe-T-Katch is strong and durable. Fully cushioned, plastic covered steel tool avoids bruises.
Chest closure features hook-and-loop closure along with quick-release buckle strap. Machine washable. Constructed from 600 denier rip-stop nylon outer shell with 250 gram poly fill insulation.
Steel cable is slipped behind calf's ears and snugged around head by sliding yoke under the chin. Assists in difficult births when traction is needed on the calf's head.
Use when dehorning and castrating calves. Helps reduce pain, licking and chewing on wounds and surgical incisions. Dries in approximately 3 minutes and forms a durable film coating which can last up to 24 hours.
Administer by drenching or top dressing on feed. Cattle: Add 4 heaping scoops (approx 12 oz) to 1/2 - 1 gallon water. Swine, sheep and goats: Add 2 heaping scoops to 18 - 24 oz water.
Synergized abamectin eartags. Controls horn flies, Gulf Coast ticks & Spinose ear ticks. Aids in controlling face flies, American dog ticks, cattle fever ticks, lone star ticks & reduces face flies.
Feeding Instructions: Oxy-Calm Paste is uniquely formulated to address issues that are preventing your animal from performing at its best, Oxy-Calm provides essential nutritional and digestive technology that is suited for animals of any age or sex.
✓ Cattle: 40 cc two hours before event.
✓ Lambs, Goats, Pigs: 20 cc two hours before event.
Dust bag cartridge will treat up to 30 head of mature cattle for up to 8 weeks. Approved for use on lactating and non-lactating dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, goats and horses. Apply up to 2 oz.
Hogs: 15 ml daily. Lubrisyn was developed to provide circulating hyaluronic acid to aid in healthy join function in show livestock. Hyaluronic acid replenishes synovial fluid in joints which has been broken down as your animal gains weight and muscle...
The 90 degree tub exit is also available with the double alley system. The 90 degree or the 135 degree tub exits are great ways to diver the cattle two different directions out of the tub.
Cows will be 2-7 with a few short solids good calf raisers with some calves on the ground 900 obo motivated to sale!for more info contact mark 662 296 0109
BJ 10X 3175 AAA# 17837878 For Sale $2500 Sold at the 2015 BJ Angus Genetics Bull Sale for $10,000 Own Son of Ten X 7008 Qualifies in all 3 Bull Categories for the Tennessee Ag Enhancement Program Great Disposition // Proven Producer See His Progeny at...
CHUTE DIMENSIONS: LENGTH: Inside-9', Outside-9' 3"; WIDTH: Inside-2' 2", Outside-3'; Overhead Clearance-8' 1". This chute is a Special Order Item and may take several weeks to stock.
Call or text or email for more photos 10 corriente pairs, 5 year old cows weighing 800-850 lbs, calves are horned and weigh from 250-275 lbs. Cows are bred back to beef Ultra Black bull.
Reliable & accurate Tru-Test Heavy Duty load bars easily mount to this frame. Load bars are bolted to an independent, heavy duty frame that utilizes the same trailering principle as our portable chutes.