Completely inert and non-irritating. Concentrated J-Lube powder dissolves easily in water to create an effective obstetrical lubricant. Includes plastic bottle with shaker top. Makes 6 - 8 gallons.
Assists in difficult births when traction is needed on the calf's head. Steel cable is slipped behind calf's ears and snugged around head by sliding yoke under the chin.
6' 4" with forearm cradle. Easy to use, one size fits all. Fully cushioned, plastic covered steel tool avoids bruises. Safe-T-Katch is strong and durable. Hook shape lessens kickout escapes.
Powder coated paint finish. Best not left on animal more than 30 minutes at a time. The cow hip lift is a must when faced with downed cows, calving paralysis or a prolapsed uterus.
Heavy-duty construction throughout. Wide cast aluminum breech spanner and longer solid shaft for those big calves. New, improved model double action puller. Order OB chains separately.
Backlit screen. Detects pregnancy in mammals ranging in size from large rabbits and foxes to cattle and horses. Once a reading is obtained, the reading can be held on the screen until reset.
Fits Ratch-A-Pull, Cable Calf Puller and most others. Durable, breathable canvas bag with separate pocket for chains and OB lube. Hook-and-loop closures.
It is designed to be used on heifers 30 days of age or less. Over 95% of heifers born co-twin to a bull and with a normal reproductive tract have a vaginal length of 14 cm or more.
Triodine-7 for umbilical cord care. OB lube, and 16 oz. Comprehensive kit allows you to quickly assist with births. Chlorhexidine disinfectant solution, two 30" OB chains, 10 count OB sleeves, 8 oz.
Unit can be attached quickly and securely to the loader of a tractor or to a block and tackle. Sling wraps around steel tubing frame. Sturdy, cradle-like device does away with pressure points, so no bruising or damage to nerve endings which may cause...
Easy on and easy off. Constructed with premium Thinsulate insulation and a water-resistant nylon outer shell. Machine wash and dry. Belly strap keeps blanket snug when calf is lying down.
Easy on and easy off. Constructed with premium Thinsulate insulation and a water-resistant nylon outer shell. Machine wash and dry. Belly strap keeps blanket snug when calf is lying down.
45" OB chain included. Has wide cast aluminum breechen, and two section shaft that can be disassembled for easy storage. Popular, dependable calf puller has stood the test of time.
Maximum lift load is 2200 lbs. Sling and straps provide support over a large body area to reduce pressure points. The Daisy Cow Lifter Kit is designed for medium-term support of a downed cow using a front end loader or tractor bucket.
Tensile strength nylon hobbles. Protect your livestock from injury and provide stability for cows after difficult calving with these completely adjustable, 6,000 lb. They adjust from 12-21” for custom application for different breeds or needs, and the...
Calf Resuscitator includes C20 pump, aspirator mask, resuscitator mask and case. Once clear, aspirator mask is removed, and resuscitator mask is attached to the narrow end of the pump.
No withdrawal period. An all-natural diuretic paste which aids in the excretion of body fluids to drop the animals weight. For cattle use 1 tube daily. Pigs, sheep and goats use 1/3-1/2 tube daily.
Ready-to-use formula. Can be used every 3 weeks to control lice. Sweat and rain-resistant pyrethroid formula kills pests for up to 4 weeks when used as a premise spray in barns and on hard surfaces.
Recommended for use at least 120 days prior to show in cattle and hogs; 60 days prior to show in sheep and goats. LubriSyn provides a high molecular weight hyaluronic acid and is easily absorbed in the upper gastrointestinal tract.
Per day for lambs and pigs. Has a fruity flavor that animals like. Top dress 6-8 oz. A 90% fat liquid supplement that improves energy levels and feed consumption making for a smoother looking animal.
Contains a blend of quality liquid energy sources, including flax seed, soybean, and coconut oils that provide a very desirable blend of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. LiquaFAT is a specially formulated blend of liquid vegetable oils to provide additional...
✓ Swine: Feed 1 - 4 oz. per head daily or Mix 20 to 100 lbs. LiquaFAT per ton of complete feed.
✓ Sheep and Goats: Feed 1 - 2 oz. per head daily, mixed in daily ration.
✓ Beef and Dairy Cattle: Feed 4 - 8 oz. per head daily, mixed in daily ration.