Selling to bring new genetics into herd, asking price $2,000. He is even tempered, easy to handle and move, and trained to a single strand electric fence. Bred by Rotokawa Cattle Company, LLC, born 07/28/2010.
They are very gentle and will make a very nice set of cows. They currently average 600 pounds. These heifers have been weaned for about 45 days and are current on their vaccinations.
Call or text with any questions: 256.647.1403 Libby is 2 & 1/2 yrs old, and just had her 1st calf, a little girl named Grace. It wouldn't take much to train Libby to be a good family milk cow.
All good mothers, very healthy. 30 part-Piedmontese calves, born April 1st to August 1st 2018. Free range, 100 % grass fed. Will also sell some mature breeding cows or cow/calf pairs.
Most are black or bwf with a 3-4 red ones. If you want hybrid vigor in your calves put these mostly purebred heifers with an angus bull to get the very popular sim-angus cattle. Sire of some of them pictured.
They are on pasture with occasional feed. They are currently (as of mid-June) 13 and 14 months old. Both are friendly heifers. Sire is pictured last. One picture is from last summer when shown.
Up today date on shots and worming. Bottle raised with 3 other heifers. She is 10 months old. We have started with a small herd. She has been giving Triangle 10 , Alpha 7 , and Long Range.
3 younger heifers by Hobbs Tackle 7112-129Y. 3 fall 2013, 3 early spring 2014 and 3 later spring 2014. All good looking, 6 older heifer ready to breed now. Asking $2500.00 each neg.
Please feel free to call or text me for more information! They are very gentle and easy to work with. We are asking $3,000 for the pair. I have one cow/calf pair FOR SALE! The cow was born on 3-28-13 and the heifer calf was born 9-10-15.
Good birth weights, no pulling or any other calving issues. Lots of Vigor and very well proven. Him and another Wagyu bull of ours were put on 50 heifers a year ago. 4 year old Purebred Wagyu bull for sale.
He has been shown in La. and Texas livestock show. Very thick and will produce great calves that can be shown in the 4-H shows. Registered Aberdeen Full Blood Bull -DOB 9-12-2015.
Bloodlines: Sire Side: Was formerly #1 marbling bull in U.S. Wagyu Sire Summary and consistently ranks 2nd in Ribeye area, 4th in backfat thickness. Fullblood Wagyu Bull FB18512, SCD:AA, Tenderness:8, call or email for more info.
-Riverbend Genetics -i50k gene tested -Semen tested and passed -Raised at 6000 feet in elevation -Sound feet, developed on good grass, very little grain $2700 OBO. KBRB Rita Z003 Consensus E13, registration number: 18978338 Located in Kilgore, Idaho.
I would like to sell the entire group. Asking $1,750 per head or best offer. All are bred to a Registered South Poll Bull. These are very gentle and calm animals with a great look.
Makes a wonderful bull for first calf heifers including 15 month old commercial cows. Fast growing calves, see my ad for feeder steers (hereford, lowline angus) He is frame score 0 and successfully bred cows up to Frame 4 on our ranch Sale private treaty...
Angus Bull, purebred, Dynasty Bloodline, 4 years old, Excellent low birth weight calves. Calves on the ground. Lost pasture lease, closing out cattle. Pasture raised, one owner.
I am including pictures of her bull calf and the bull she is bred to. Grass fed genetics make a HUGE difference. She will be five years old June 1st and has had three calves easily.
$2100 each for the bred F1 cows $1800 each for the open F1 cows These cows are 4, 5 and 6 years old and have calved atleast two seasons before this year. 17 are May June calving and three (3) are September calving.