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Cattle Id Tags Livestock Supplies For Sale In Vancouver

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Lone Star EZ Numbered Medium Cattle ID Ear Tags
Price : CALL

Fees will be applied during processing. Add $40.00 for one-time custom die charge (per side) when adding a brand or logo. Please include imprint instructions when finalizing your order in the "special instructions" field.
British Columbia
Blank Large Cattle ID Ear Tags
Prices start at : 26.29 USD / each

4-3/4” high x 3-1/4” wide. Y-Tex large (4-star) ear tags are ideal for cattle use. Also add $10.00 minimum order charge for drop ship tag orders less than $100.00. Sanitary button tip does the piercing to prevent spreading infection between animals.
British Columbia
DuFlex Numbered Extra Large Cattle ID Ear Tags
Prices start at : 26.39 USD / each

Please include imprint instructions when finalizing your order in the "special instructions" field. DUFLEX SPECIAL IMPRINTS: Add $.15 per tag (per side) for special imprints including tags numbered on both sides, name/address/phone, brand, logo, artwork,...
British Columbia
DuFlex Numbered Large Cattle ID Ear Tags
Prices start at : 23.79 USD / each

Please include imprint instructions when finalizing your order in the "special instructions" field. DUFLEX SPECIAL IMPRINTS: Add $.15 per tag (per side) for special imprints including tags numbered on both sides, name/address/phone, brand, logo, artwork,...
British Columbia
Blank Medium Cattle ID Ear Tags
Prices start at : 21.99 USD / each

3-7/8” high x 2-1/2” wide. Y-Tex medium (3-star) ear tags are excellent for cow and calf use. Also add $10.00 minimum order charge for drop ship tag orders less than $100.00. Sanitary button tip does the piercing to prevent spreading infection between...
British Columbia
Z2 2-Piece Blank Maxi Cattle ID Ear Tags
Prices start at : 29.49 USD / each

Male buttons included. Z2 No-Tear 2-piece cattle ear tags are designed for ease of use, durability, and improved tag retention. 4.5" high x 3" wide. Maxi tags are appropriate for beef and dairy cattle use.
British Columbia
A-Tag Numbered Calf Ear Tags w/ Free ID
Prices start at : 103.96 USD / each

Numbered ear tags are printed in high contrast Allflex Laser-Ink Marking. Allflex A-Tag calf ear tags are one-piece tags designed for easy application. ID is limited to 20 characters and/or spaces on 1 line above management number.
British Columbia
DuFlex Extended Panel Numbered Large Cattle ID Ear Tags
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / each

Please include imprint instructions when finalizing your order in the "special instructions" field. DUFLEX SPECIAL IMPRINTS: Add $.15 per tag (per side) for special imprints including tags numbered on both sides, name/address/phone, brand, logo, artwork,...
British Columbia
E.Tag RFID Ear Tags
Prices start at : 59.10 USD / each

Includes buttons. Built to be a permanent, tamper-evident identification tag for the life of the animal with its robust design for durability and longevity. Global Animal Management (800) 235-9824 AgInfoLink (800) 282-0570 Cow Sense (402) 323-6969 IMI,...
British Columbia
FDX EID Ear Tags + A-Tag Cow Numbered Matched Set
Prices start at : 86.13 USD / each

Allflex FDX EID Tags are tamperproof, single-use tags that utilize Full Duplex Technology. Each tag is printed with the unique 15-digit ID number that is stored within the tag's FDX transponder.
British Columbia
Numbered Medium Cattle ID Ear Tags
Prices start at : 25.49 USD / each

3-7/8” high x 2-1/2” wide. Add $5 freight charge per drop ship tag order. Y-Tex male buttons make a very small ear hole and have a longer shaft to provide greater air circulation around the incision, for rapid healing.
British Columbia
HR5 Hand-held EID Tag Stick Reader Data Collector
Prices start at : 2277.85 USD / each

Featured video, click image to play. - replacing a lost EID tag number Enter numeric, text, date, and pick-list type traits - breed, sex, condition score, pregnancy status, or free typing in 'lame' or 'loose'
  •  Fast and continuous reading - read multiple tags in quick succession with one trigger click – no need to repeatedly click the trigger between reads
  •  View animal history - view past traits, activities, and life data recorded against an animal
  •  Link mother's ID to newborn's as soon as the EID tag is in place, add birthing details such as sex, birthing ease, and fate
  •  Records weight and displays weight gain
  •  Add Visual ID's to identify and record information against an animal
  •  Animal notes can be set to appear when the animal is next scanned
British Columbia
840 USDA HDX EID Ear Tags + Medium Blank Matched Set
Prices start at : 73.99 USD / each

Each EID tag can be visually verified by looking at the printed tag ID number or automatically verified with use of a reading device. 840 USDA HDX EID tags are compliant with USDA animal traceability requirements.
British Columbia
Double Panel Numbered Medium Female + Medium Male Cattle ID Ear Tags
Prices start at : 27.99 USD / each

Female and male tags 2” high x 1-5/8” wide. Allflex Medium Global ear tags are for use in all livestock species, but particularly suited for calves, hogs, goats, and sheep. To add customization, you will be prompted with product-specific questions...
British Columbia
840 USDA FDX EID Ear Tags
Prices start at : 44.95 USD / each

Also add $10.00 minimum order charge for drop ship tag orders less than $100.00. You can also use the tag ID to track animal-specific information for use in herd management. Please provide your 7-character alpha/numeric Federal Premise ID number (PIN),...
British Columbia
Bluetooth Module for Stick EID Ear Tag Reader
Prices start at : 300.00 USD / each

The module allows you to upgrade the standard RS340HD or RS320 Stick Reader with Bluetooth capabilities. Allows wireless transfer of data to a Bluetooth compatible remote computer.
British Columbia
DuFlex Blank Medium Cattle ID Ear Tags
Prices start at : 16.39 USD / each

Add $40.00 for one-time custom die charge (per side) when adding a brand or custom logo. *DuFlex ear tags can be applied with the DuFlex ProGrip Universal Applicator. DuFlex ear tags are molded from a patented flexible polyurethane for rugged, lightweight...
British Columbia
840 USDA HDX EID Ear Tags + Large Blank Matched Set
Prices start at : 75.99 USD / each

Each EID tag can be visually verified by looking at the printed tag ID number or automatically verified with use of a reading device. 840 USDA HDX EID tags are compliant with USDA animal traceability requirements.
British Columbia
840 USDA Panel Large Blank Cattle ID Ear Tags w/Male Buttons
Prices start at : 42.99 USD / each

4-3/4” high x 3-1/4” wide. Please provide your 7-character alpha/numeric Federal Premise ID number (PIN), farm name, and complete address when ordering. Apply with Y-Tex UltraTagger Plus or Y-Tex UltraTagger Compact.
British Columbia
840 USDA FDX EID Ear Tags + Med Numbered Matched Set
Prices start at : 62.99 USD / each

Each EID tag can be visually verified by looking at the printed tag ID number or automatically verified with use of a reading device. 840 USDA FDX EID tags are compliant with USDA animal traceability requirements.
British Columbia
840 USDA HDX EID Ear Tags + Large Numbered Matched Set
Prices start at : 77.99 USD / each

Each EID tag can be visually verified by looking at the printed tag ID number or automatically verified with use of a reading device. 840 USDA HDX EID tags are compliant with USDA animal traceability requirements.
British Columbia
840 USDA Panel Numbered XL Cattle ID Ear Tags w/ Male Buttons
Prices start at : 40.51 USD / each

These tags signify to buyers that the animals were born in the USA. Unique 840 series numbers are printed at the top of each visual ID tag, with herd ID numbers printed below. Using 840 series USDA tags gives you compliance with the USDA Country of Origin...
British Columbia
Tagger  - Extra Pin
Prices start at : 4.49 USD / each

Pin used in Y-Tex applicator to apply Y-Tex tags.
British Columbia
Universal 3\'\' Blank Large Cattle ID Ear Tags
Prices start at : 27.99 USD / each

Purchase All-flex or Y-Tex buttons separately. Tags constructed with contrasting color "Sandwiched" in middle so that numbers or letters can be permanently etched into tag by grinding through top layer.
British Columbia
Retract-O-Matic - Extra Pin
Prices start at : 12.39 USD / each

Pin used in Allflex Retractomatic tagger to apply Global Allflex tags.
British Columbia
840 USDA RFID Ear Tags
Prices start at : 56.95 USD / each

If you wish to be age and source verified, there are several sources to assist you. Global Animal Management (800) 235-9824 AgInfoLink (800) 282-0570 Cow Sense (402) 323-6969 IMI, Inc (303) 895-3002 Verified Beef (406) 867-2333 Each tag contains its own...
British Columbia
Universal Total Tagger Blue Pin - Piglet
Prices start at : 4.49 USD / each

Blue pin is required when using the Allflex Universal Total Tagger to apply Allflex Piglet Tags.
British Columbia