His marbling score is also in the top 1%. We are currently using him on a few heifers for next year but we just purchased a performance tested bull from PSU so we are looking to move him.
She is registered and will be sold with papers. Haven't bred her due to lack of registered Hereford bulls in the area. We have her as a show heifer and is very tame and follows easy.
Registered Red Devon Bulls for Sale - Bull pictured is Sire of many of our Bulls for Sale; dam of some Bulls shown - 3 Graduates of the all-forage Lakota Bull Test - two year olds(only top 50% make the cut) - Several 10-12 month old bulls - Docile and...
·Flanagan has bred around 60 head of cattle. ·flanagan is very calm, and can be led on a halter, and is pretty easy to separate and load on a trailer (but he is still a bull with a mind of his own) ·for more pictures, a video or pictures of his calves...
Registered Devon cows with 2018 spring calves at their sides, have been with bull all summer, so should be bred back. Make an offer! If you want them all, we can make a deal! All polled but one.
Should have good growth rate, very calm disposition cattle. Steer calf was born 3/17/17, ~500-600 pounds. Two Hereford calves for sale. Heifer calf was born 6/26/17, ~300 pounds, registered.
$1,600 Limousin X Beef Cow A2A2 Gene Tested Positive Disease Free Herd & Premises A.I. Bred to Red Angus, 2340 LB "Neo Sho Paradox" for 2016 Calf Brood Cow to produce beef & has been share-milked for ~ 3/4 gal/day while nursing calf
Dame: Simme Valley Yoplai ASA#2608970 Sire:BMR Explorer ASA#2385799 This bull was born at my farm, birth weight was 83 lbs, weaned at six months weighing 722lbs, one year weight was 1225 lbs.
$400 for calves and $1600 for cows, 5 gallons of milk daily tested from all and good, you can text or call you now for 518-512-9567 for more details , thanks We currently have 4 and 5 years old cows with calves A2/A2 ready now , they are all registered...
Reg No: 18802249 Sire: PVF Insight 0129 Dam: CTVR Hidden Candy DOB: 5-22-2017 Birth Weight: 92 lbs. Weight: 500 lbs. Worked with daily and use to being around small children. Broke to tie, lead, wash, and blow.
Beautiful Dun and black colored Dexter cows for sale. They need to be sold within a month as we can no longer keep them due to moving to another location. Dexters are multipurpose cows.
Dame is Simme Valley Yoplai ASA# 2608970, Sire is BMR Explorer ASA#2385700. Asking price is $3000 obo The bull pasture exposed my herd last year. He sired 15 calves that had an average birth weight of 80 lbs.
33 Grade Holstein Dairy Cows for Sale. 25% of herd are first calf heifers. Three just freshened on Dec 18. Asking $1400.00 or best offer. We also have springing heifers due late Dec through Jan.
Local delivery Thank you for supporting family farms Bred , born , and finished on our farm . Purebred grassfed angus , no hormones ,grains , or drugs . Fed on pasture in summer , fed our hay in winter.
Price is $1400 each located in Wrightsville, Pa. Call 717-891-2836 for details. 2 registered grass fed Black Angus Heifer. They are both 1 year old and open.