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Cattle Health Livestock Supplies For Sale In Concord

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Vitamin E-300 for Animal Use
Prices start at : 40.89 USD / each

No slaughter withdrawal. No tissue reactions. The quick vitamin E boost for beef, dairy, swine and sheep. Contains tocopherol, a natural vitamin E source, is more potent than synthetics.
Sullivan\'s Appetite Express Probiotic Granules
Prices start at : 34.50 USD / each

Appetite Express provides 19.5 billion microbials per 1/2 oz. Per head daily. Cattle, swine and horses: feed 1/2 oz. Helps maintain a healthy G.I. tract in animals on the farm or at shows.
Sullivan\'s Aspirnfre Paste for Livestock
Prices start at : 16.50 USD / each

Can be a benefit for animals that walk stiffly. One tube works for animals up to 1,000 lbs. This all natural product assists in the relief of pain. Administer 3 hours before time of showing.
Vitamin B Complex for Animal Use
Prices start at : 7.59 USD / each

For use in the relief of B vitamin deficiencies, and to provide supplemental nutritional vitamins to cattle, swine, and sheep. Vitamin B Complex for Animal Use is a fortified, high-potency, injectable multi-vitamin solution.
Orphan-No-More Calf Claimer Powder
Prices start at : 13.99 USD / each

Sprinkle a liberal amount of Orphan-No-More down the backline of calf to be adopted. If the calf is dry, dampen area for better adhesion. Confine calf and cow in a small area. Orphan-No-More Calf Claimer Powder helps assure calf fostering by natural or...
Nursemate ASAP Calf Concentrated Bioactives for Newborn Calves
Prices start at : 8.29 USD / each

Initiates digestion and provides a specially balanced blend of lactic acid producing bacterial strains that compete against pathogens often found in the intestine. No other milk or milk replacer is needed with this feeding.
Sullivan\'s Sole Paint Hoof Conditioner
Prices start at : 27.50 USD / each

Sole Paint aids in the relief of discomfort associated with minor cracks and bruising of the hoof. Apply to the injury every two to three hours, beginning 24 hours before activity or event.
The Fly Killer Kover
Prices start at : 179.95 USD / each

May also be used with your current feeder brand: Applegate, Behlen, Brower, Sioux, Vigortone or Vita-Ferm. Allows your herd to self-treat for face flies and pinkeye as they eat mineral.
First Defense Bovine Coronavirus-Escherichia Coli Antibody
Prices start at : 37.95 USD / each

Each package contains 5 single dose capsules. Do not use with modified-live oral coronavirus or rotavirus vaccines at birth, as the antibodies in First Defense may neutralize the vaccine.
Sullivan\'s Show Road Replenish Electrolyte Paste
Prices start at : 16.50 USD / each

Contains potassium, magnesium, and sodium, along with vitamins and minerals essential for water retention. Give cattle 30 cc per dose. Sullivan's Show Road Replenish Electrolyte Paste is designed to replenish vitamins and electrolytes in show animals.
Colostrum Bolus Forte
Prices start at : 10.49 USD / each

Also contains a source of live (viable) naturally occurring microorganisms. To assist in the replacement of colostrum where calves and sheep may be deficient.
Colostrx CR Bovine Origin Colostrum Replacer
Prices start at : 34.99 USD / each

Colostrx CR has a USDA dual-label claim: To aid in the treatment of Failure of Passive Transfer of immunity in newborn calves; and to aid in the prevention of death associated with E.coli K99.
LiquaFAT Vegetable Fats for Animal Feed
Prices start at : 87.95 USD / each

Contains a blend of quality liquid energy sources, including flax seed, soybean, and coconut oils that provide a very desirable blend of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. LiquaFat contains twice as many calories compared to normal feed grains.
  •  Swine: Feed 1 - 4 oz. per head daily or Mix 20 to 100 lbs. LiquaFAT per ton of complete feed.
  •  Beef and Dairy Cattle: Feed 4 - 8 oz. per head daily, mixed in daily ration.
  •  Horses: Feed 2 - 8 oz. per head daily, mixed in daily ration.
Firewater Energy and Electrolytes for Swine, Cattle, Sheep & Goats
Prices start at : 34.50 USD / each

Administer by drenching or top dressing on feed. Firewater Energy and Electrolytes was developed for exhibition swine, cattle, sheep and goats. Firewater provides a concentrated source of electrolytes and energy when needed, especially while showing and...
Python Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 36.89 USD / each

Use the Y-Tex UltraTagger to apply. Python insecticide cattle ear tags are synergized pyrethroid tags containing zetacypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide. Approved for use on beef and dairy cattle, including calves and lactating dairy cows.
Prozap Insectrin X Fly Spray Concentrate
Prices start at : 7.49 USD / each

For use on swine, beef, dairy cattle, horses, sheep and goats. Mix 1 quart to 20 gallons oil for back rubber use. Contains 10% Permethrin for long lasting control and quick knockdown of flies, mosquitoes, lice, mites, and ticks.
Sullivans Lite-Aid
Prices start at : 16.50 USD / each

No withdrawal period. For cattle use 1 tube daily. Pigs, sheep and goats use 1/3-1/2 tube daily. An all-natural diuretic paste which aids in the excretion of body fluids to drop the animals weight.
Tylan 50 Tylosin for Cattle & Swine
Prices start at : 21.39 USD / each

Dosage for swine is 1 ml per 12.5 lbs. IM twice daily. In California, a prescription from your veterinarian is required for purchase. The antibiotic to treat pigs for arthritis, pneumonia, erysipelas, and acute dysentery.
Evergreen Pro 60-6 Fly Insecticide Concentrate
Prices start at : 107.95 USD / each

Per gallon of water. Contains 6% pyrethrins and 60% piperonyl butoxide. Repeat every 5 to 12 days, or as needed. To kill and repel face flies, dilute 2 oz. Repeat treatment in 10 days to kill newly hatched lice.
QuickHit Gel for Dairy Cattle
Prices start at : 45.95 USD / each

Simply soak cotton or gauze with concentrated QuickHit Gel, apply to affected area and wrap. Provides fast relief from pain. For severe cases, wrapping may be necessary. Clean affected area.
First Defense Tri-Shield for Calves
Prices start at : 12.29 USD / each

Coli and bovine coronavirus, while also reducing severity and duration of scours caused by bovine rotavirus. DIRECTIONS: Do not delay colostrum. For best results, First Defense Tri-Shield gel should be administered to calves orally, within 12 hours after...
Focus Oral Calming Liquid for Livestock
Prices start at : 42.50 USD / each

Contains a blend of natural ingredients that provide a calming effect and take the edge off unruly animals during times of stress. Contains thiamine. Repeat as necessary. Administer by mouth or mix with a minimal amount of feed.
Stierwalt Crave Appetite Booster for Livestock
Prices start at : 12.99 USD / each

Give Crave orally once daily during times of stress: cattle 20 ml, yearling calves 15 ml, swine 10 ml, sheep 5 ml, lambs 2.5 ml. Crave is a unique blend of all-natural ingredients used to neutralize acidity caused by stress, weaning, hauling, vaccinating,...
  •  Increases appetite
  •  Develops a healthier digestive system
Compudose - Needle
Prices start at : 2.35 USD / each

Replacement needle for Compudose implant guns.
Co-ral Fly and Tick Spray
Prices start at : 42.99 USD / each

Mix 2-4 qt/50 gal water for a spray. Cattle rub: mix 1/2 gal/6.5 gal diesel. Organophosphate livestock insecticide spray for control of flies, lice and ticks in beef, dairy (including lactating), swine and horses.
Cattle Armor 1% Permethrin Synergized Pour On
Prices start at : 28.45 USD / each

Controls keds on sheep when applied as a pour-on. Body weight, up to a maximum of 5 oz. Pour along the back and down face. Apply to beef and dairy cattle and calves to target lice, horn flies, and face flies, and aid in the control of horse flies, stable...
B Complex Plus for Cattle, Swine and Sheep
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / each

Contains 1000 mcg vitamin B12. Dosage: 1-5 ml. Per 100 lb body weight I.M. For prevention and treatment of Vitamin B deficiencies in cattle, swine and sheep.