Use 1 tag per calf. Use 2 tags per cow for effective control of face flies and pyrethroid susceptible horn flies for up to 5 months, and to aid in the control of Gulf Coast ticks and spinose ear ticks.
Up to a maximum of 30 ml per animal. 1 quart will treat 64-500 lb. Approved for dairy cattle with no milk withdrawal and no pre-slaughter withdrawal. Up to maximum of 18 ml. Contains permethrin.
One gallon treats 378 head of 600 lb. Simply apply Martin's Cyonara Pour-On Insecticide down backline, 10 ml for calves under 600 lbs., 15ml for cattle over 600 lbs. Martin's Cyonara Pour-On Insecticide provides effective control of horn flies, biting...
Martin's Permethrin 1% Synergized Pour-On is ready to use as a pour on or mist spray. Kills keds and lice on sheep. Mix one pint per gallon #2 diesel or mineral oil for backrubber use.
Approved for use on beef and non-lactating dairy cattle. Use 2 tags for optimal control of horn flies and ear ticks and to aid in the control of face flies, lice, stable flies and house flies.
Galvanized top cover protects dust and mineral from rain. It is best to add a couple of bags of powder at a time, rather than adding a whole bucketful (four bags). Special rack will hold up to 4 mineral or salt blocks or loose mineral can be placed in...
For spray or back rubber use in lactating dairy, beef, swine, horses, sheep, poultry, goats. Cattle rub: mix 4 oz/10 gal diesel or mineral oil. Contains 40% permethrin. Excellent control of lice and keds on sheep.
Repeat treatment when flies are troublesome. Protects beef and dairy cattle, sheep, hogs, and horses from attacks of stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, horn flies, mosquitoes, ticks, and gnats.
Effective low dosage rates approved for beef cattle of all ages. Contains lambdacyhalothrin, 10 ml per head or 600 lbs. Convenient squeeze and measure bottle. Provides long-losting control of horn flies and biting and sucking lice on beef cattle.
The Corathon ear tag contains 25% more active ingredients than its predecessor, Co-Ral Plus. Corathon insecticide cattle ear tags are organophosphate tags that contain 35% diazinon and 15% coumaphos.
Product diluted with water must be used within 24 hours. One quart makes up to 200 galllons of spray. For use on swine, beef, dairy cattle, horses, sheep and goats. Contains 10% Permethrin for long lasting control and quick knockdown of flies, mosquitoes,...
Proven effective with no withdrawal period. Spray Vetericyn Plus Pink Eye Spray 3 times directly into each eye. Apply to animal's eyes to provide relief from irritation, burning, stinging, itching, pollutants, and other foreign materials.
Dominator insecticide cattle ear tags are organophosphate tags containing 20% pirimiphos methyl. Dominator ear tags are approved for use on beef cattle, non-lactating dairy cattle and calves.
Apply to beef and dairy cattle and calves to target lice, horn flies, and face flies, and aid in the control of horse flies, stable flies, house flies, mosquitoes, and black flies.
900 ml treats 90 calves or 60 cows. Synergized formula with lambdacyhalothrin and piperonyl butoxide for long-lasting control of horn flies and lice in beef cattle and calves. 10 ml per head for 600 lbs.
Approved for use on beef and dairy cattle, including calves and lactating dairy cows. Use 2 tags to control horn flies, face flies, lice, Gulf Coast ticks and spiose ear ticks for 4-5 months and to aid in the control of stable flies, black flies, house...
Repeat in 3 to 4 weeks and once annually. 7-way blackleg and pinkeye protection for cattle. For prevention of Clostridium chauvoei, septicum, novyi, sordellii, perfringens Types C & D and Moraxella bovis.
To 10 gallons of diesel or mineral oil; apply 1 gallon solution per 750 sq. E-Pro in 2-1/2 gallons water to treat 64-80 head. Contains 36.8% permethrin. For fog or mist application, dilute 1.5 to 2 oz.
Body weight, up to a maximum of 30 ml (1 oz.) Pour uniformly along back line and down face. For cattle and mature horses, apply 3 ml per 100 lbs. Clean-Up II Pour-On Insecticide with IGR is a ready-to-use suspension for control of flies and both biting...
Just pour insecticide into the one quart reservoir to saturate felt. Allows your herd to self-treat for face flies and pinkeye as they eat mineral. Bolts directly to the top of Bull Master feeders (feeder not included).
Apply up to 2 oz. Contains Zeta-cypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide. Python Livestock Insecticide Dust is used to control horn flies, lice, ticks and keds and to aid in the control of face flies, stable flies and other nuisance flies.
Refill cartridges. Apply using a dust bag, or by direct application to the animal and/or animal bedding. Easy-to-use for horn fly and lice control on beef and dairy cattle, lice control on swine and horn fly control on horses.
Tri-Zap is for use on beef and dairy cattle, calves, and lactating dairy cows to control horn flies, face flies, lice, and spinose ear ticks. 1-2 tags per head controls face flies for up to 2 months.
For prevention of Clostridium chauvoei, septicum, novyi, sordellii, perfringens Types C & D and Moraxella bovis . Give 2 ml SQ prior to the onset of pinkeye season. Annual booster is recommended.
Ready-to-use liquid. One gallon treats up to 378 head of 600 lb. For use on beef cattle, cows, and calves. Down the backline. Martin's Cyonara Plus Pour-On Insecticide is ready to use, no dilution necessary.
Contains 6% pyrethrins and 60% piperonyl butoxide. For effective control of biting and sucking lice on cattle, horses, sheep, goats and hogs, dilute 1 quart with 75 gallons of water (1 fluid oz.