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Cattle Fly Lice Cattle Pinkeye Protection For Sale In New Jersey

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Prices start at : 28.99 USD / each

For optimum control of horn flies, lice, Gulf Coast ticks and spinose ear ticks, and to aid in the control of face flies, use 2 ear tags per animal. Use the Y-Tex UltraTagger to apply.
United States
New Jersey
Patriot Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 45.95 USD / each

Use 2 tags for optimal control of horn flies and ear ticks and to aid in the control of face flies, lice, stable flies and house flies. Offers protection against pyrethroid-resistant horn flies for up to 5 months.
United States
New Jersey
Tri-Zap Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 54.99 USD / each

1-2 tags per head controls face flies for up to 2 months. Apply with the Y-TEX Ultra Tagger Plus. Tri-Zap is for use on beef and dairy cattle, calves, and lactating dairy cows to control horn flies, face flies, lice, and spinose ear ticks.
United States
New Jersey
XP-820 Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 48.99 USD / each

Use 2 tags to control horn flies up to 5 months, control ticks up to 4 months and reduce face flies. Slow release formula contains synergist piperonyl butoxide to increase potency.
United States
New Jersey
E-Pro Adulticide Permethrin 36.8% for Livestock
Prices start at : 35.95 USD / each

E-Pro in 2-1/2 gallons water to treat 64-80 head. For spray application in barns, dairies, stables, feedlots, and other agricultural buildings, dilute 4 oz. Solution per 1000 cubic feet of surface.
United States
New Jersey
Clean-Up II Pour-On Insecticide with IGR
Prices start at : 69.99 USD / each

For cattle and mature horses, apply 3 ml per 100 lbs. Please note: Click on the Shipping & Return Policy tab below to see state restrictions. Clean-Up II Pour-On is not effective in controlling cattle grubs; therefore, the product can be used on cattle...
United States
New Jersey
Prozap Insectrin X Fly Spray Concentrate
Prices start at : 7.49 USD / each

Mix 1 quart to 20 gallons oil for back rubber use. Product diluted with water must be used within 24 hours. For use on swine, beef, dairy cattle, horses, sheep and goats. Contains 10% Permethrin for long lasting control and quick knockdown of flies, mosquitoes,...
United States
New Jersey
Flys-X Ready to Use Insecticide Fly Spray for Livestock
Prices start at : 11.57 USD / each

Kills fleas and brown dog ticks on dogs and premises. Contains 0.10% pyrethrins and 1.0% piperonyl butoxide. Absorbine Flys-X contains botanical pyrethrins plus piperonyl butoxide.
United States
New Jersey
Prozap VIP Insect Spray for Dairy & Beef Cattle, Horses & Premises
Prices start at : 20.79 USD / each

Prozap VIP Insect Spray synergized organophosphate formula contains 0.025% pyrethrins, 0.25% piperonyl butoxide, and 0.50% Vapona. For protection from face flies, house flies, stable flies, mosquitoes, and gnats, apply 1 to 2 oz.
United States
New Jersey
FarmGard Permethrin Concentrate Pest Control for Livestock & Dogs
Prices start at : 17.79 USD / each

Use indoor and outdoor around the farm and home. FarmGard Permethrin Concentrate aids in the control of flies, fleas, ticks, mites, mosquitoes, lice, cockroaches, gnats, spiders, and much more.
United States
New Jersey
Evergreen Pro 60-6 Fly Insecticide Concentrate
Prices start at : 107.95 USD / each

Crop, Livestock and Premise Protection Evergreen EC 60-6 is a multi-purpose quick knockdown insecticide approved for crop, livestock and premise use. Livestock and Poultry Spray: To kill and repel horn flies, house flies, mosquitoes, and gnats, dilute...
United States
New Jersey
The Fly Killer Kover
Prices start at : 179.95 USD / each

Just pour insecticide into the one quart reservoir to saturate felt. If you must dilute insecticide, use a white mineral oil. May also be used with your current feeder brand: Applegate, Behlen, Brower, Sioux, Vigortone or Vita-Ferm.
United States
New Jersey
Boss Pour-On Insecticide for Beef & Dairy Cattle & Sheep
Prices start at : 32.79 USD / each

Low volume dosage for maximum control of horn flies, lice, sheep lice, sheep keds, face flies, and ticks. Contains permethrin. Approved for dairy cattle with no milk withdrawal and no pre-slaughter withdrawal.
United States
New Jersey
Corathon Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 49.99 USD / each

Corathon insecticide cattle ear tags are organophosphate tags that contain 35% diazinon and 15% coumaphos. The Corathon ear tag contains 25% more active ingredients than its predecessor, Co-Ral Plus.
United States
New Jersey
Synergized DeLice Pour-On Insecticide for Cattle, Sheep and Premises
Prices start at : 29.29 USD / each

Pour on at the rate of 1/2 oz. Diesel or mineral oil. Cattle rub: 1 qt/2 gal. Ready to use as a spray. Synergized DeLice Pour-On Insecticide for Cattle, Sheep and Premises contains permethrin and piperonyl butoxide as a synergist.
United States
New Jersey
Dustacator Replacement Skirt
Prices start at : 78.95 USD / each

Full circle dust bag releases dust every time cattle eat mineral. In such an example, the solidified clumps of powder break up much slower than if a smaller amount of powder is involved.
United States
New Jersey
Martin\'s Permethrin 1% Synergized Pour-On
Prices start at : 24.99 USD / each

Martin's Permethrin 1% Synergized Pour-On is ready to use as a pour on or mist spray. One gallon will treat 25 head of 1,000 lb. Contains 1% permethrin and 1% piperonyl butoxide. Mix one pint per gallon #2 diesel or mineral oil for backrubber use.
United States
New Jersey
Alpha-7/MB-1 Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 18.29 USD / each

Give 2 ml SQ prior to the onset of pinkeye season. May cause injection site swelling. For prevention of Clostridium chauvoei, septicum, novyi, sordellii, perfringens Types C & D and Moraxella bovis .
United States
New Jersey
Cattle Rub
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / each

Has breaking strength of 2700 lbs. See the more info button on each product for rate of dilution. Strong polypropylene rope runs through core of entire rub and at each end for hanging.
United States
New Jersey
Atroban 11% EC Insecticidal Spray Concentrate for Livestock and Premises
Prices start at : 26.29 USD / each

Contains permethrin. Cattle rub: mix 1 pint per 10 gallons diesel. Gives long lasting control of horn flies, face flies, stable flies, house flies, horse flies and lice on beef and lactating dairy cattle, horses, sheep, goats and premises.
United States
New Jersey
Warrior Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 40.89 USD / each

Use 2 tags to control horn flies, lice, Gulf Coast and spinose ear ticks up to 5 months and aid in control of face flies, stable flies and house flies. Use the Y-Tex UltraTagger to apply.
United States
New Jersey
Piliguard Pinkeye-1 Trivalent Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 14.19 USD / each

Annual booster is recommended. Give 2 ml SQ or IM in the neck 3-6 weeks prior to the onset of pinkeye season. Single dose protection against pinkeye caused by Moraxella bovis in cattle.
United States
New Jersey
I-Site XP Pinkeye Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 11.69 USD / each

Single dose for prevention and control of pinkeye caused by Moraxella bovis in cattle 2 months of age or older. Annual booster is recommended. Contains 8 Moraxella bovis isolates for broad protection.
United States
New Jersey
Prozap Bovi-Bullet for Face Fly Control
Prices start at : 9.95 USD / each

Initially, charge the Bovi-Bullet with 1 liter of solution, and recharge it as necessary to maintain wetness. With a metal ring for easy hanging, the Bovi-Bullet is ideal for use in mineral feeders.
United States
New Jersey
Ultra Boss Permethrin Insecticide Pour-On for Cattle, Sheep, Goats and Horses
Prices start at : 37.99 USD / each

Use on sheep to control lice and keds. Apply 3 ml per 100 lbs body weight to cattle, calves and horses. For use in a cattle rub, mix 100 ml Ultra Boss Pour-On per gallon of #2 diesel oil or mineral oil.
United States
New Jersey
Prozap Screw Worm Ear Tick Spray for Livestock
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / each

Protects beef and dairy cattle, sheep, hogs, and horses from attacks of stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, horn flies, mosquitoes, ticks, and gnats. For ear ticks, spray directly into ear.
United States
New Jersey
Saber Pour-on
Prices start at : 51.99 USD / each

Contains lambdacyhalothrin, 10 ml per head or 600 lbs. Effective low dosage rates approved for beef cattle of all ages. Provides long-losting control of horn flies and biting and sucking lice on beef cattle.
United States
New Jersey