Use on sheep to control lice and keds. Use Ultra Boss Permethrin Insecticide Pour-On on lactating and non-lactating dairy cattle, beef cattle, calves, horses, lactating and non-lactating goats to control lice, horn flies and face flies, and to aid in...
Use 2 tags to control horn flies, including synthetic pyrethroid-resistant horn flies, for up to 5 months and as an aid in the control of face flies .Use the Allflex Universal Total Tagger to apply.
Approved for use on beef and dairy cattle, including calves and lactating dairy cows. Use 2 tags to control horn flies, face flies, lice, Gulf Coast ticks and spiose ear ticks for 4-5 months and to aid in the control of stable flies, black flies, house...
In 5 gallons mineral oil. Repeat treatment as needed, but not more than once every two weeks. When treating sheep as a pour on for lice and keds; apply 1 ml per 50 lbs. As a ready-to-use premise spray, 500 ml will treat approximately 7200 square feet.
Approved for dairy cattle with no milk withdrawal and no pre-slaughter withdrawal. Low volume dosage for maximum control of horn flies, lice, sheep lice, sheep keds, face flies, and ticks.
Diesel or mineral oil. Cattle rub: 1 qt/2 gal. Safe for beef, lactating dairy, sheep, and premises. Ready to use as a spray. Pour on at the rate of 1/2 oz. Faster knock-down of pests, yet low toxicity.
For cattle and mature horses, apply 3 ml per 100 lbs. Contains 3% diflubenzuron, 5% permethrin and petroleum distillate. Clean-Up II Pour-On is not effective in controlling cattle grubs; therefore, the product can be used on cattle at any time of the...
Apply along the backline at the rate of 10 ml per head under 600 lbs., 15 ml per head over 600 lbs. 900 ml treats 90 calves or 60 cows. Contains gamma-cyhalothrin for control of horn flies and season-long control of lice on beef cattle and calves.
Makes up to 50 gallons of spray. Gives long lasting control of horn flies, face flies, stable flies, house flies, horse flies and lice on beef and lactating dairy cattle, horses, sheep, goats and premises.
Use 2 tags to control horn flies and face flies for up to 5 months. Double Barrel VP tags are approved for use on beef cattle, non-lactating dairy cattle and calves. Use the Allflex Universal Total Tagger to apply.
One quart makes up to 200 galllons of spray. Product diluted with water must be used within 24 hours. For use on swine, beef, dairy cattle, horses, sheep and goats. Mix 1 quart to 20 gallons oil for back rubber use.
For dairy cows, dust bags may be suspended in the exit through which the cows leave the milking barn. Bags may also be placed in loafing sheds or in front of mineral feeders. In severe infestation, both animals and the bedding may be treated.
Proven effective with no withdrawal period. Safe for all animal species of all ages, and life stages. May be used to wash away mucus secretions and discharge. Based on advanced hypochlorous technology, Vetericyn Plus Pink Eye Spray is formulated at an...
FarmGard Permethrin Concentrate makes up to 266 gallons of spray! Economical broad-spectrum insecticide that controls pests for up to 4 weeks on a single application. Use indoor and outdoor around the farm and home.
Especially good for pinkeye control. Unique concept in lice and fly control for beef or dairy cattle. Galvanized top cover protects dust and mineral from rain. It is best to add a couple of bags of powder at a time, rather than adding a whole bucketful...
Use 2 tags per cow for effective control of face flies and pyrethroid susceptible horn flies for up to 5 months, and to aid in the control of Gulf Coast ticks and spinose ear ticks.
Simply apply Martin's Cyonara Pour-On Insecticide down backline, 10 ml for calves under 600 lbs., 15ml for cattle over 600 lbs. For use on beef cattle, cows, and calves. Ready-to-use liquid.
For spray or back rubber use in lactating dairy, beef, swine, horses, sheep, poultry, goats. Contains 40% permethrin. Excellent control of lice and keds on sheep. With water to make up to 50 gallon spray.
Body weight, up to a maximum of 5 oz. May also be used undiluted as a mist spray. Ready-to-use formula contains 1% permethrin and 1% piperonyl butoxide. Body weight, up to a maximum of 3 oz.
Superior insecticide charging and wicking action allow for low-stress application of insecticides on cattle. With a metal ring for easy hanging, the Bovi-Bullet is ideal for use in mineral feeders.
Stryker Insecticide Concentrate can be used to kill and repel horn flies, face flies, house flies, stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, mosquitoes, and gnats, and to control lice and sheep keds.
Tri-Zap is for use on beef and dairy cattle, calves, and lactating dairy cows to control horn flies, face flies, lice, and spinose ear ticks. 1-2 tags per head controls face flies for up to 2 months.
Mix 2-4 qt/50 gal water for a spray. Cattle rub: mix 1/2 gal/6.5 gal diesel. Organophosphate livestock insecticide spray for control of flies, lice and ticks in beef, dairy (including lactating), swine and horses.
For optimum control of horn flies, lice, Gulf Coast ticks and spinose ear ticks, and to aid in the control of face flies, use 2 ear tags per animal. Approved for use on beef and non-lactating dairy cattle.
The Python Dust Bag Kit is used for control of horn flies, lice, ticks and keds, and as an aid in the control of face flies, stable flies and other nuisance flies. Contains zetacypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide.