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Cattle Fly Lice Cattle Pinkeye Protection For Sale In District Of Columbia

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Permectrin II Animal and Premise Insecticide Concentrate
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / each

Permectrin II provides long-acting killing power for flies, lice, mites, ticks, fleas and mosquitoes. Apply to swine, beef, and dairy cattle, horses, sheep and premises. Cattle rub: 1 qt/20 gal oil.
District of Columbia
Prozap Insectrin CS Pour-On
Prices start at : 21.69 USD / each

Body weight, up to a maximum of 12 ml. When treating dairy cattle, beef cattle, and calves, it effectively controls horn flies, face flies, and lice, plus aids in the control of horse flies, stable flies, house flies, mosquitoes, black flies, and ticks.
District of Columbia
Prices start at : 28.69 USD / each

Dominator ear tags are approved for use on beef cattle, non-lactating dairy cattle and calves. Use 2 tags to control horn flies, including synthetic pyrethroid-resistant horn flies, for up to 5 months and as an aid in the control of face flies .Use the...
District of Columbia
Dust Bag Refill - Permectrin
Prices start at : 69.95 USD / each

Refill cartridges. Contains 4 x 12-1/2 lb.
District of Columbia
Ultra Boss Permethrin Insecticide Pour-On for Cattle, Sheep, Goats and Horses
Prices start at : 37.99 USD / each

Apply 3 ml per 100 lbs body weight to cattle, calves and horses. Apply 1.5 ml per 50 lbs body weight to goats and sheep. For use in a cattle rub, mix 100 ml Ultra Boss Pour-On per gallon of #2 diesel oil or mineral oil.
District of Columbia
Patriot Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 45.95 USD / each

Use 2 tags for optimal control of horn flies and ear ticks and to aid in the control of face flies, lice, stable flies and house flies. Offers protection against pyrethroid-resistant horn flies for up to 5 months.
District of Columbia
Python Dust Bag Kit
Prices start at : 69.95 USD / each

Python Dust Bag Kit includes high quality dust bag and 12.5 lb Python dust bag cartridge. The Python Dust Bag Kit treats up to 30 head of mature cattle for up to 8 weeks. Contains zetacypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide.
District of Columbia
Dustacator Mineral Feeder & Livestock Duster
Prices start at : 449.95 USD / each

Special rack will hold up to 4 mineral or salt blocks or loose mineral can be placed in rubber tub. It is best to add a couple of bags of powder at a time, rather than adding a whole bucketful (four bags).
District of Columbia
Prozap Bovi-Bullet for Face Fly Control
Prices start at : 9.95 USD / each

The Prozap Bovi-Bullet face rub is designed for effective and economical control of face flies, horn flies, lice, and ticks on cattle and other livestock. Superior insecticide charging and wicking action allow for low-stress application of insecticides...
District of Columbia
GardStar Plus Insecticide Tags
Prices start at : 23.49 USD / each

Use one tag for control of susceptible horn flies. Use GardStar Plus ear tags to control susceptible horn flies, face flies, Gulf Coast ticks, spinose ear ticks and as an aid in the control of lice, stable flies and houseflies.
District of Columbia
Evergreen Pro 60-6 Fly Insecticide Concentrate
Prices start at : 107.95 USD / each

To kill and repel face flies, dilute 2 oz. Per gallon of water and apply to wet the hair. Contains 6% pyrethrins and 60% piperonyl butoxide. Apply as a fog or fine mist (at approximately 2 oz.
District of Columbia
StandGuard Pour-On Insecticide for Beef Cattle and Calves
Prices start at : 38.99 USD / each

900 ml treats 90 calves or 60 cows. Contains gamma-cyhalothrin for control of horn flies and season-long control of lice on beef cattle and calves. Apply along the backline at the rate of 10 ml per head under 600 lbs., 15 ml per head over 600 lbs.
District of Columbia
Corathon Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 49.99 USD / each

The Corathon ear tag contains 25% more active ingredients than its predecessor, Co-Ral Plus. Corathon insecticide cattle ear tags are organophosphate tags that contain 35% diazinon and 15% coumaphos.
District of Columbia
Python Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 36.89 USD / each

Approved for use on beef and dairy cattle, including calves and lactating dairy cows. Use 1 tag to control horn flies for about 3-4 months and as an aid in the control of face flies.
District of Columbia
Face Flyps
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / each

One box is enough flyps for one cattle rub. Polyester orlon strips made to hang from rub.
District of Columbia
Stryker Insecticide Concentrate
Prices start at : 38.99 USD / each

Stryker Insecticide Concentrate may be applied through mechanical aerosol or ULV generators including thermal fogging equipment or through spraying equipment. Contains 6% pyrethrins and 60% piperonyl butoxide.
District of Columbia
Bull Master II Mineral Feeder
Prices start at : 168.00 USD / each

Livestock raise cover with their nose to access mineral. Use with cattle, horses, sheep and goats. Poly feeder tub is split into three compartments to allow the feeding of multiple products and to prevent contamination.
District of Columbia
FarmGard Permethrin Concentrate Pest Control for Livestock & Dogs
Prices start at : 17.79 USD / each

Use indoor and outdoor around the farm and home. FarmGard Permethrin Concentrate makes up to 266 gallons of spray! Economical broad-spectrum insecticide that controls pests for up to 4 weeks on a single application.
District of Columbia
Prozap Insectrin X Fly Spray Concentrate
Prices start at : 7.49 USD / each

Contains 10% Permethrin for long lasting control and quick knockdown of flies, mosquitoes, lice, mites, and ticks. One quart makes up to 200 galllons of spray. Product diluted with water must be used within 24 hours.
District of Columbia
Prozap VIP Insect Spray for Dairy & Beef Cattle, Horses & Premises
Prices start at : 20.79 USD / each

Spray to each animal. Repeat as necessary, but not more than once daily. Brahman and Brahman cross cattle should not be treated as they may show hypersensitivity to organophosphates.
District of Columbia
GardStar 40% EC
Prices start at : 20.29 USD / each

For spray or back rubber use in lactating dairy, beef, swine, horses, sheep, poultry, goats. With water to make up to 50 gallon spray. Contains 40% permethrin. Cattle rub: mix 4 oz/10 gal diesel or mineral oil.
District of Columbia
Prozap Insectrin Permethrin Dust
Prices start at : 40.95 USD / each

Beef and Dairy Cattle and Horses: Horn flies, lice, face flies: Place Prozap Insectrin Dust in a dust bag suspended in areas frequented by cattle or in gateways or lanes through which the animals must pass daily for water, feed, or minerals.
District of Columbia
Piliguard Pinkeye-1 Trivalent Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 14.19 USD / each

Annual booster is recommended. Single dose protection against pinkeye caused by Moraxella bovis in cattle. Give 2 ml SQ or IM in the neck 3-6 weeks prior to the onset of pinkeye season.
District of Columbia
Ocu-guard MB-1 Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 12.39 USD / each

Annual booster is recommended. Single dose protection against pinkeye caused by Moraxella bovis in cattle 2 months of age or older. Give 2 ml SQ prior to the onset of pinkeye season.
District of Columbia
Synergized DeLice Pour-On Insecticide for Cattle, Sheep and Premises
Prices start at : 29.29 USD / each

Ready to use as a spray. Cattle rub: 1 qt/2 gal. To a maximum of 5 oz. Synergized DeLice Pour-On Insecticide for Cattle, Sheep and Premises contains permethrin and piperonyl butoxide as a synergist.
District of Columbia
Piliguard Pinkeye + 7 Cattle Vaccine
Prices start at : 83.49 USD / each

For prevention of Clostridium chauvoei, septicum, novyi, sordellii, perfringens Types C & D and Moraxella bovis. Repeat in 3 to 4 weeks. Give 5 ml SQ prior to the onset of pinkeye season.
District of Columbia
Prozap Bovi-Strips Face Flaps for Cattle Backrubber
Prices start at : 19.39 USD / each

Simply tie the Bovi-Strips to the Bovi-Rub for additional insecticide application to the face and sides of livestock. The Prozap Bovi-Strips face flaps are designed for use with the Bovi-Rub.
District of Columbia