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Cattle Fly Lice Cattle Pinkeye Protection For Sale In Atlanta

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Cattle Armor 1% Permethrin Synergized Pour On
Prices start at : 28.45 USD / each

Body weight, up to a maximum of 3 oz. May also be used undiluted as a mist spray. Equil Cattle Armor Permethrin Synergized Pour On controls lice and flies on beef cattle, lactating and non-lactating dairy cattle, and calves.
GardStar 40% EC
Prices start at : 20.29 USD / each

Excellent control of lice and keds on sheep. With water to make up to 50 gallon spray. Contains 40% permethrin. For spray or back rubber use in lactating dairy, beef, swine, horses, sheep, poultry, goats.
Brute Pour-On
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / each

Contains 10% Permethrin. Y-Tex Brute Pour-On provides long-lasting residual control of lice, horn flies and Gulf Coast ticks on lactating and non-lactating beef and dairy cattle. When applied to horses as a whole body wipe, Y-Tex Brute Pour-On controls...
Prozap Insectrin X Fly Spray Concentrate
Prices start at : 7.49 USD / each

Product diluted with water must be used within 24 hours. One quart makes up to 200 galllons of spray. For use on swine, beef, dairy cattle, horses, sheep and goats. Contains 10% Permethrin for long lasting control and quick knockdown of flies, mosquitoes,...
StandGuard Pour-On Insecticide for Beef Cattle and Calves
Prices start at : 38.99 USD / each

Contains gamma-cyhalothrin for control of horn flies and season-long control of lice on beef cattle and calves. Apply along the backline at the rate of 10 ml per head under 600 lbs., 15 ml per head over 600 lbs.
GardStar Plus Insecticide Tags
Prices start at : 23.49 USD / each

GardStar Plus cattle insecticide ear tags contain 10 permethrin. Use GardStar Plus ear tags to control susceptible horn flies, face flies, Gulf Coast ticks, spinose ear ticks and as an aid in the control of lice, stable flies and houseflies.
Dustacator Mineral Feeder & Livestock Duster
Prices start at : 449.95 USD / each

Full circle dust bag releases dust every time cattle eat mineral. By overloading the skirt with four bags of powder, the powder can solidify with moisture off the cattle when wet with rain and from humidity in the air.
Stryker Insecticide Concentrate
Prices start at : 38.99 USD / each

Stryker Insecticide Concentrate provides a multi-purpose, quick-knockdown insecticide approved for crop, livestock, and premise use. Stryker Insecticide Concentrate can be used to kill and repel horn flies, face flies, house flies, stable flies, horse...
Atroban 11% EC Insecticidal Spray Concentrate for Livestock and Premises
Prices start at : 26.29 USD / each

Contains permethrin. Makes up to 50 gallons of spray. Gives long lasting control of horn flies, face flies, stable flies, house flies, horse flies and lice on beef and lactating dairy cattle, horses, sheep, goats and premises.
Python Dust Bag Kit
Prices start at : 69.95 USD / each

High quality dust bag and 12.5 lbs. The Python Dust Bag Kit is used for control of horn flies, lice, ticks and keds, and as an aid in the control of face flies, stable flies and other nuisance flies.
Bull Master Mineral Feeder
Prices start at : 142.95 USD / each

Includes 3 steel stakes. Livestock nose under and raise edge of rubber shield to eat mineral. 15 gallon rubber tub is mounted on steel frame and covered by 3/8" reinforced rubber shield.
Martin\'s Permethrin 1% Synergized Pour-On
Prices start at : 24.99 USD / each

Contains 1% permethrin and 1% piperonyl butoxide. For use on sheep and lambs, lactating, non-lactating dairy and beef cows, and calves. Martin's Permethrin 1% Synergized Pour-On is ready to use as a pour on or mist spray.
Tri-Zap Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 54.99 USD / each

Tri-Zap is a sustained-release ear tag containing a synergized formulation of Zetacypermethrin, a potent, enriched pyrethroid compound and Abamectin, a highly active macrocyclic lactone that has never before been used in combination on cattle, plus the...
Prozap Bovi-Rub Cattle Fly Control Backrubber
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / each

The Prozap Bovi-Rub backrubber is designed for effective and economical control of flies, grubs, lice, and ticks on cattle and other livestock. Hang near water, mineral feeders, or in alleyways to encourage use.
Permectrin II Animal and Premise Insecticide Concentrate
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / each

Cattle rub: 1 qt/20 gal oil. Apply to swine, beef, and dairy cattle, horses, sheep and premises. Contains 10% permethrin. Permectrin II provides long-acting killing power for flies, lice, mites, ticks, fleas and mosquitoes.
Prozap Bovi-Bullet for Face Fly Control
Prices start at : 9.95 USD / each

Superior insecticide charging and wicking action allow for low-stress application of insecticides on cattle. With a metal ring for easy hanging, the Bovi-Bullet is ideal for use in mineral feeders.
AiM-L VetCaps
Prices start at : 78.60 USD / each

Capsules burst upon contact with the animal to deliver insecticide in a similar way to pour-on products. Allows one person to easily apply insecticide from horseback, pickup, ATV, or while on foot.
  •  Treatment for flies can be repeated as needed, but not more than once every two weeks. Do not apply more than four times in any 6-month period.
  •  No additional labor required. One person can dose a herd in a fraction of the time required with other methods.
  •  For optimal lice control, an initial application followed by a second treatment two weeks later is recommended.
  •  No added stress to the cattle and calves. By handling the cattle in the manner they are generally use to, the rancher can more easily deliver the insecticide safely from a remote distance.
Dustacator Replacement Skirt
Prices start at : 78.95 USD / each

Full circle dust bag releases dust every time cattle eat mineral. By overloading the skirt with four bags of powder, the powder can solidify with moisture off the cattle when wet with rain and from humidity in the air.
Warrior Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags
Prices start at : 40.89 USD / each

Warrior insecticide cattle ear tags are dual organophosphate tags containing 30% diazinon and 10% chlorpyrifos. Use 2 tags to control horn flies, lice, Gulf Coast and spinose ear ticks up to 5 months and aid in control of face flies, stable flies and...
Prozap Insectrin Permethrin Dust
Prices start at : 40.95 USD / each

0.25% permethrin. For reduction of face flies, bags must be located so animals will be forced to use them daily and hung at a height so that the face is dusted. Prozap Insectrin Permethrin Dust contains 0.25% permethrin.
Aim-A Vetcaps (Abamectin) for Vetgun
Prices start at : 88.50 USD / each

AiM-A VetCaps offer effective in-season control when rotated with AiM-L VetCaps. AiM-A VetCaps are softgel capsules containing abamectin parasiticide for control of horn flies in beef and non-lactating dairy cattle over 600 lbs.
  •  No additional labor required. One person can dose a herd in a fraction of the time required with other methods.
  •  No need to handle cattle to apply an insecticide.
  •  No added stress to the cattle and calves. By handling the cattle in the manner they are generally used to, the rancher can more easily deliver the insecticide safely from a remote distance.
  •  Do not slaughter within 90 days of treatment.
Prozap VIP Insect Spray for Dairy & Beef Cattle, Horses & Premises
Prices start at : 20.79 USD / each

For protection from face flies, house flies, stable flies, mosquitoes, and gnats, apply 1 to 2 oz. Care should be taken that Prozap VIP Insect Spray does not come in direct contact with the lactating dairy cow's teats unless they are washed with an approved...
Moraxella Bovoculi Bacterin Pinkeye Vaccine for Cattle
Prices start at : 18.95 USD / each

Previously, the only way to biologically prevent M. The first and only commercially available vaccine for prevention of pinkeye in cattle caused by Moraxella bovoculi. Because it is a preventative for only M.
Boss Pour-On Insecticide for Beef & Dairy Cattle & Sheep
Prices start at : 32.79 USD / each

Contains permethrin. SHEEP: 1 1/2 ml per 50 lbs. Up to maximum of 18 ml. Low volume dosage for maximum control of horn flies, lice, sheep lice, sheep keds, face flies, and ticks. Animals, 1 gallon will treat 256-500 lb.
Prices start at : 28.99 USD / each

Optimizer insecticide cattle ear tags contain 21% diazinon. For optimum control of horn flies, lice, Gulf Coast ticks and spinose ear ticks, and to aid in the control of face flies, use 2 ear tags per animal.
Farm & Ranch Spray for Insect Control
Prices start at : 17.49 USD / each

Ready-to-use formula. Repeat treatment when flies are troublesome. Use as a wipe or spray on beef and dairy cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, and horses for protection from stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, face flies, house flies, horn flies, mosquitoes,...
Bull Master II with The Fly Killer Kover
Prices start at : 338.95 USD / each

Poly feeder tub is split into three compartments to allow the feeding of multiple products and to prevent contamination. The one quart reservoir holds insecticide and dispenses to saturate felt.