Apply to swine, beef, and dairy cattle, horses, sheep and premises. Permectrin II provides long-acting killing power for flies, lice, mites, ticks, fleas and mosquitoes. Cattle rub: 1 qt/20 gal oil.
Synergized DeLice Pour-On Insecticide for Cattle, Sheep and Premises contains permethrin and piperonyl butoxide as a synergist. Diesel or mineral oil. Ready to use as a spray. Safe for beef, lactating dairy, sheep, and premises.
Clean-Up II Pour-On is not effective in controlling cattle grubs; therefore, the product can be used on cattle at any time of the year without fear of host-parasite reactions commonly associated with grub treatment products.
VetCaps are fired from a VetGun (sold separately) at a range of 15' - 30' away. AiM-L VetCaps are softgel capsules containing liquid parasiticide for horn fly and lice control in cattle over 600 lbs.
✓ For optimal lice control, an initial application followed by a second treatment two weeks later is recommended.
✓ Treatment for flies can be repeated as needed, but not more than once every two weeks. Do not apply more than four times in any 6-month period.
✓ No additional labor required. One person can dose a herd in a fraction of the time required with other methods.
✓ No added stress to the cattle and calves. By handling the cattle in the manner they are generally use to, the rancher can more easily deliver the insecticide safely from a remote distance.
Provides up to 5 months control of horn flies, including pyrethroid-resistant horn flies. Optimizer insecticide cattle ear tags contain 21% diazinon. Use the Y-Tex UltraTagger to apply.
Martin's Permethrin 1% Synergized Pour-On kills lice, horn flies, and face flies on beef cattle and lactating and non-lactating dairy cattle. Mix one pint per gallon #2 diesel or mineral oil for backrubber use.
Corathon insecticide cattle ear tags are organophosphate tags that contain 35% diazinon and 15% coumaphos. The Corathon ear tag contains 25% more active ingredients than its predecessor, Co-Ral Plus.
Or less-15 ml per head for 600 lbs. Provides long-losting control of horn flies and biting and sucking lice on beef cattle. Effective low dosage rates approved for beef cattle of all ages.
Use indoor and outdoor around the farm and home. Mixed with water it may be used as a spray, dip, or sponge-on application. FarmGard Permethrin Concentrate makes up to 266 gallons of spray! Economical broad-spectrum insecticide that controls pests for...
Contains gamma-cyhalothrin for control of horn flies and season-long control of lice on beef cattle and calves. 900 ml treats 90 calves or 60 cows. Apply along the backline at the rate of 10 ml per head under 600 lbs., 15 ml per head over 600 lbs.
Use 1 tag per calf. Cylence Ultra insecticide cattle ear tags are synergized pyrethroid tags that contain 8% beta-cyfluthrin and 20% piperonyl butoxide. Apply Cylence Ultra insecticide tags with the Allflex Universal Total Tagger.
Martin's Lice Ban Pour-On has a zero-day pre-slaughter interval and milk discard time. Martin's Lice Ban Pour-On provides effective control against sucking lice, biting lice, house flies, stable flies, horse flies, black flies, horn flies, deer flies,...
Use 2 tags for optimal control of horn flies and ear ticks and to aid in the control of face flies, lice, stable flies and house flies. Use the Allflex Universal Total Tagger to apply.
One quart makes up to 200 galllons of spray. Contains 10% Permethrin for long lasting control and quick knockdown of flies, mosquitoes, lice, mites, and ticks. Product diluted with water must be used within 24 hours.
Synergized formula with lambdacyhalothrin and piperonyl butoxide for long-lasting control of horn flies and lice in beef cattle and calves. 900 ml treats 90 calves or 60 cows. Or less; 15 ml per head over 600 lbs.
Martin's Pen and Poultry insecticide Spray provides protection for up to 28 days. Martin's Pen & Poultry Insecticide Spray is used for control of lice and mites on poultry and in and around animal housing.
Python Magnum insecticide cattle ear tags are synergized pyrethroid tags containing 10% zetacypermethrin plus piperonyl butoxide. Use the Y-Tex UltraTagger to apply. Approved for use on beef and dairy cattle, including calves and lactating dairy cows.
Use as a pour-on, mist spray, or backrubber. Prozap Insectrin CS contains 7.4% permethrin and 7.4% piperonyl butoxide. Apply 2 ml per 100 lbs., up to a maximum of 20 ml. Repeat treatment as needed, but not more than once every two weeks.
Per gallon of water. Per 1000 cubic feet of space). Refer to label for dilution rates and directions. Apply sufficiently to wet the face but not more than 1-1/2 oz. Per gallon of water and apply using spray which produces large wetting droplets.
Ready-to-use liquid. One gallon treats 378 head of 600 lb. Martin's Cyonara Pour-On Insecticide provides effective control of horn flies, biting lice, and sucking lice. For use on beef cattle, cows, and calves.
For low-pressure spray application against horn flies, face flies, stable flies, ear ticks, and lice on beef cattle, lactating and non-lactating dairy cattle, sheep, goats, and horses, dilute 4 oz.
Easily applied with special adhesive. Shut-Eye for Pinkeye treatment is a protective eye patch that completely covers the infected eye. Specify calf or regular size. Kit includes 10 patches and 1 tube of adhesive.
Within any 12 month period, do not treat any animal with this product more than once, or with any other product containing abamectin, including abamectin insecticide ear tags. Capsules burst upon contact with the animal to deliver insecticide in a similar...
✓ No added stress to the cattle and calves. By handling the cattle in the manner they are generally used to, the rancher can more easily deliver the insecticide safely from a remote distance.
✓ No chute or special handling facilities needed. Reduces the chance of injuries.
✓ No additional labor required. One person can dose a herd in a fraction of the time required with other methods.
✓ No need to handle cattle to apply an insecticide.
For use in a cattle rub, mix 100 ml Ultra Boss Pour-On per gallon of #2 diesel oil or mineral oil. One quart will treat 57 head of 550 lb cattle; one gallon will treat 229 head 550 lb cattle.
Dosage measuring cup included in bulk pail. Delivers 100g IgG, along with other important nutrients, including viable lactic acid bacteria, vitamins, and minerals. Colostrx CR Colostrum Replacer has been formulated to ensure calves receive valuable immunity...