Pet Naturals of Vermont Protect Flea & Tick Repel Spray A natural flea and tick repellent formulated by nature. The oils have been used for centuries by indigenous people of the amazon to keep pests from detecting a scent from their skin Does not contain...
Shake Well Before Use. Ear Mite Remedy Contains Aloe Vera to soothe the ear. Wipe Remainder of Liquid with Cotton. Apply Five Drops In Ear and Gently Massage Base of Ear For 3 to 5 Minutes.
Bio Spot Active Care Flea & Tick Spray For Cats Fast-acting formula that delivers effective results, Kills fleas and ticks and repels mosquitoes, Kills flea egss for up to 2.5 months, Contains igr to help prevent reinfestation, Made in the usa Size: 8...
Kills 100% of existing fleas in less than 24 hours. Frontline Plus Cat Frontline Plus Cat, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. Continues killing fleas for an entire month or more.
Zodiac Flea & Tick Collar for Dogs Kills fleas and ticks for up to 7 months. Works even after temporary wetting. Kills fleas which may transmit tapeworms. Works in as little as 24 hours.
Contains (S)-Methorpene, Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) to kill flea eggs for up to one month. Zodiac Spot On Flea and Tick Control for Dogs kills and repels fleas , ticks and mosquitoes for up to 30 days.
This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK,DC, & HI Size: 10 Ounce Allow additional time for delivery. Convenient ready-to-use puffer container with applicator tip.
Controls fleas, ticks and ear mites. No-Bite Ear Mite Control No-Bite Ear Mite Control comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! For use on dogs and cats.
Zoguard Plus Dogs Zoguard Plus Dogs is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Only for dogs and puppies 8 weeks or older. Kills fleas ticks flea eggs flea larvae and chewing lice.
An invention born from a concern for animals, people and the planet. The sisters came up with the idea from their years of work with bio-energetics. Shoo Tag Dog Flea/Tick Shoo Tag Dog Flea/Tick in stock and ready to ship.
Vetality Avantect II For Dogs Repels and kills fleas flea eggs ticks and mosquitoes. Repels bitings flies and kills lice. Waterproof.Contains imidacloprid permethrin and pyripoxyfen the active ingredients found in k9 advantix ii for dogs
Allow additional time for delivery. Ideal for multi-pet households. Convenient shaker top for easy application. A dry alternative to topical sprays. Controls fleas and ticks. For use on dogs and cats.
Kills fleas eggs & breaks the flea life cycle. Cleans & deodorizes. Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo in stock and ready to ship. Allow additional time for delivery.
Kills Fleas, Ticks, Bed Bugs and More With Simple Monthly Application Repels For Up To 4 Weeks Safe For Use On Dogs and Puppies Of Any Age Made With Natural Cinnamon, Mint and Lemongrass Oils 5 Months Of Treatment In Each Box Ingredients:Natural Cinnamon,...
Agrilabs Ear Mite Killer Performer Ear Mite Killer for the treatment of ear mites, flies, gnats, mosquitoes, fleas, ticks and lice on dogs, cats and horses. Safe for use on puppies and kittens over 12 wks of age.
It also helps to protect your pets and family from illness by killing ticks that may transmit Lyme disease.Contains 9.8% fipronil and 8.8% (s)-methoprene.Directions: Apply one tube from back of neck to a point midway between neck and tail.
Pack contains 3 - 1.5ml tubes.Contains: Active Ingredients: Permethrin 45%, Pyriproxyfen 1.9%. Kills fleas, ticks, flea eggs, larvae and mosquitos. Sergeants Squeeze-On Dog For dogs and puppies under 33 pounds.
Made in the USA. For dog and puppies. Contains lanolin to help condition coat. Water resistant in humid and wet conditions. 3 month supply. Kills adult fleas and ticks and contains an insect growth regulator to kill flea eggs and larvae for up to 30 days.
This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK & HI Size: 10 lbs The 10 Lb. bag treats 5000 Sq. Ft. Product contains 25% Permethrin. Bonide Ant, Flea and Tick Killer Granules The Ant, Flea, and Tick Killer Granules kills ants, fleas, ticks,...
Sergeant"S Dual Action Flea & Tick Collar For Dogs Kills Fleas and Ticks For 6 Months Long-Lasting Protection For Necks Up To 20 Inches Size: 20.5 (1 Count)
For cats and kittens over 5 lbs, 3 month supply Starts killing fleas within 15 minutes Kills and repels mosquitoes Contains a coat conditioner Controls flea reinfestation for up to 1 month Made in the usa Size: Over 5Lb/3 Pack
Zodiac Power Spray for Dogs and Cats Dual-action spray contains an adulticide which kills and repels fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. Contains (S)-Methoprene Insect Growth Regulartor (IGR) to kill flea eggs for up to 2 months.
Unique blend of peppermint oil and clove oil extract was carefully formulated to kill fleas and ticks naturally and safely. Repels mosquitoes. Contains absolutely no pyrethrins or cedar oil.
Contains (S)-Methorpene, Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) to kill flea eggs for up to one month. Zodiac Spot On Flea and Tick Control for Dogs kills and repels fleas , ticks and mosquitoes for up to 30 days.
Do not use on puppies under 6 months old, or kittens under 7 months old. Repeat every 3 months. Ingredients: Pyrethrins - 0.18%, Mgk 264, And Nylar Bo-Bite IGR Flea & Tick Spray Bo-Bite IGR Flea & Tick Spray comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!...
Contains (S)-Methorpene, Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) to kill flea eggs for up to one month. Zodiac Spot On Flea and Tick Control for Dogs Zodiac Spot On Flea and Tick Control for Dogs comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! kills and repels fleas...
Alpha Hydroxys penetrate the lowermost levels of the skin (stratum corneum) cleaning out the skins pores and "lifting" the dirt away. Oxy Med Shampoo Oatmeal Shampoo Soothing Alpha-Hydroxy Oxy-Med Shampoo is a soothing coconut based shampoo formulated...