We have three factories and employing about 200 excellent members. We can also provide OEM processing. Description: Dalian Puyuan International Trade Co., Ltd. Emily Pets Pine Cat Litter is a 100% natural product.
As one farmer is learning, slow and steady is the key to growing good food and taking care of the land that provides it. Any day that I learn something new is considered successful in my book.
“I love the open spaces of Cochise County,” Terri Allen says. Catch a glimpse of bobcats (they love the hen house), javelina, mule deer, coyotes, jackrabbits or other native desert animals on an evening stroll.
Chuck and Lynn Pugh After the couple's children grew up and their priorities shifted, Lynn quit her job and started Cane Creek Farm in 2001. Farmers: Chuck and Lynn Pugh Location: Cumming, Georgia Specialties: Organic produce and farmer education You...
Bacon fat is recycled into goat milk soap, coffee grounds and eggshells go into the worm bin and compost, and leftover food and spent greenhouse plants are fed to the farm's chickens and goats.
Those are issues that affect all of us in the long term.” One thing that's different about the internship program at Buena Vista: better housing. The general atmosphere is small town; the residents of Buena Vista are health-conscious, friendly and helpful,...
“And that was the start of Fiore di Capra, Inc.” The dairy drums up a lot of business from people who are allergic to cow's milk and seek out goat's milk as an alternative. “We live in a dry area so we have to purchase almost every bite of food...
Also, given our location in the Caribbean, there is an incredible amount of interest of experiencing a tropical organic farm. So we are gradually shifting to a diversity of perennial crops and expanding our flock of silvopastured sheep as our mainstay...
Bicycles and growing cycles—everything's a-spinning to keep this small-scale farm in business. We also use our cargo bike to haul things back and forth from the field. With over 40 different crops and an active CSA, the duo is committed to building...
As a society, we have to begin to place more value on our food and agree to pay more for healthy, quality food. Today, Freedom Run Farm holds the distinction of being the first farm in Kentucky to be 100-percent grassfed certified by Animal Welfare Approved...
Machine is in excellent working condition and ready to work. Visit our website for more details. We have more machines for sale: CAT 14G CAT 140G CAT 140H CAT 966G Kawasaki Wheel Loaders Many more
Much like in California , there are few places in Arizona that aren't reliant on out-of-state water, and when a 15-acre vegetable plot is at the heart of your business, that can be a problem.
In National Geographic 's June 2014 article “How to Farm a Better Fish,” Joel K. Hopefully, this article pushed you in the right direction to begin your research into whether commercial aquaculture would be beneficial to your small farm.
But despite the name change, the essence of the farm's history is still alive. Scottie Jones In 2006, the Jones started a farm stay to provide additional income to cover the costs of farm upkeep, machinery and labor.
A wood-burning stone, popcorn popper, Singer sewing machine, and an antique bed and dresser make my room feel both old-fashioned and new. “I was shoveling dirt to keep the water on my crops.” Lili DeBarbeiri McKenzie shares the following tips for...
If it doesn't rain, nothing happens,” he says Clifton been the heart of the cattle and mining region since the 1880s. They also get to try Jean's prickly pear syrup, a well-known treat in the ranch world, in which she uses agave syrup instead of sugar.
These things are hard to come by at the height of the season when your immediate task is to get vegetables out to customers. “Diversity is important in farming; when a crop doesn't do well it's helpful to have other crops as a backup to make up the...
If you come for a visit, check out the farm's handmade steam distiller used to make lavender oil. Gardens and Greenhouse: Enjoy several gardens, including the the lavender fields and the Rose Greely Garden, as well as the historic Lord and Burham greenhouse,...
Some have gone the greenhouse route, while another small sect has taken the hydroponic greenhouse path. Is it beneficial to invest in facilities to grow the crop year-round? We chose these for their demand and adaptability to greenhouse environment growing...
“When folks are visiting the area they want to see the real deal, so we, as a working farm, are able to attract about 40,000 visitors each year to sample our products, learn about maple-syrup making through our display and maple walk, and help out our...
Wine Tasting: No visit to the Santa Barbara area would be complete without sampling local wine. Bees play an extremely important role in almond production, as almonds need pollination for fruiting to occur.
The farm's social media presence has helped them grow to their current level of success. On this Vermont farm, heritage breed animals are raised happily on pasture to feed the surrounding community.
“They regulate their body temperature; they use them to nudge their babies around, to dig themselves mud puddles, and to communicate and establish rank within the herd. I see their horns as their hands.” Horn density can also indicate dominance.
“There has really been a change in the way organic farming is done,” Dumas says. With its eye on a bright future, RichCrest is slowly building its infrastructure. “This was a way to solve our labor shortage,” Dumas says.
A citrus grove established in the 60s takes on new life with a new pair of owners working their way toward full-time farming. Firsthand Advice To anyone thinking about farming , the Parkers offer a word of caution: ”It's a lot of hard work and long...
We let our daughters check the nest boxes for eggs while Wendy shared more about their farm's vision. This primarily includes raising heritage breeds and breeds that naturally pasture well and never giving them hormones, steroids or antibiotics.
You may also find eggs, tomatoes, organic honey and squash. Habitat areas for wildlife, such as hawks, ravens, rabbits, roadrunners, quail, chipmunks and many species of songbirds can be enjoyed during the day.