Four row 2155 cotton express with only 1958 fan hours, run locally, no more than 350 acres a year. Has been shed kept, good spindles, accesories and manual. 1995 model 4 row 155, 1958 fan hours, 2232 engine hours, shed kept, never been out of state
2003 - CASE IH 2388 COMBINE Serial number: JJC0273105 Hour meter reading: 1455 H Comes with: 2015 hdr s/n AB6292, Rake-Up P/U s/n 14M97048, reverser, VSR, HHC, rock trap, specialty rotor, hyd F&A, hopper ext, spreader, grain loss monitor, 30.5Lx32,...
Front End Loader Assy, joystick control pkg, bucket quick attach, standard 6ft bucket, also includes custom 10ft hi-capacity snow bucket, removed from CaseIH 7120 Magnum tractor - includes mounting brkts & storage stands, nice condition!
Loader plugs into one set. Tractor has Powershift transmission, 3 pt., and 2 sets of hydraulics. Case 1070 Tractor with Dual 3000 loader. Case 1070 Tractor with DuAl 3000 loader. 2 sets of hydraulics.
Has alittle over 3800 hrs, been shedded since i've owned, Has a canopy, left hand reverser, single outlet, 540 pto, coolant heater, had injection pump rebuilt and turned up last summer has around 70-75 hp and new injectors at the same time, just recently...
Was working great before fire. 8465a round baler 1999 fully auto baler 5x6 bales.This baler will make tight bales with little problems Fire damage great for parts,monitor good Can work a delivery out.
Call if you have any questions. 12x12 shuttle transmission. Tractor comes with dual hydraulic remotes, heat/a/c, radio, and several other options. New case ih jx95 4x4 cab tractor with loader.
New condition, kept shedded when not in use. Tandem Axle, 295 bushel capacity manure spreader. Tandem Axle 295 bushel capacity manure spreader. Asking $9000.00