To control raccoons, an electric fence with 3 strands placed at 3–4" normally provides adequate control.Normally dry corn is left out for several frosts, but the ears may be picked after the husks begin drying.
Even treated corn seeds risk low germination under 60°F (16°C). Please see the Sweet Corn Comparison Chart for minimum soil temperature at planting for individual varieties. We offer most varieties untreated for organic growers.
The inherited sugar enhanced (SE/se) traits are what make these corn varieties unique. Added to that are more sugars, making every ear as sweet as can be. Avoid letting starts get root bound and avoid damaging roots when planting.
To control raccoons, an electric fence with 3 strands placed at 3–4" normally provides adequate control.Normally dry corn is left out for several frosts, but the ears may be picked after the husks begin drying.
When we buy fresh fruits and veggies locally, we're all supporting the communities we live and work in with fresher produce, lower prices, and a smaller carbon footprint. That's because Meijer buys from local farmers whenever possible.
Successive plantings can be made through early summer; most growers prefer to extend the sweet corn season by planting a few varieties of different maturities.Consult your local Extension office for Integrated Pest Management information.
It matures early for a quality bicolor and its flavor is sweet. Its has great tasting yellow and white kernels. One of the sweetest and most tender corns ever developed. Good eating quality.
Displays good, cold-soil vigor for short-season areas. Quickie is a great tasting bi-color corn. One of the earliest corns to mature. Corn has fine flavor, lasting sweetness and tenderness.
Reduce insect pests in the next corn crop by prompt plowing-in or removal and composting of cornstalks after harvest.When kernels are full and "milky," generally indicated by a drying and browning of the ear silks.
Disease Resistance Codes: Common Rust, Stewart's Wilt
One of the sweetest of the SE genotype. An early maturing corn that is very sweet. Hard to beat this old-time favorite with excellent taste. A customer favorite.
Even treated corn seeds risk low germination under 60°F (16°C). Please see the Sweet Corn Comparison Chart for minimum soil temperature at planting for individual varieties. We offer most varieties untreated for organic growers.