79016 (D) CIH 2612 Corn Head PLEASE CALL TO VERIFY EQUIPMENT LOCATION 12 Row 30" Spacing FT AHHC Rigid Chopping Corn Head End Row Augers Knife Gathering Rolls Hydraulic Deck Plate Contact Jeff Morgan in Hopkinsville, KY 270 784 4890
Zeisloft Farm Equipment - 800-919-3322 Very Nice - POLY SNOUTS - great condition - rolls, chains and auger in great shape. Ready to hit the fields. We have over 12 CIH 1063 corn heads available! Give us a call so we can match you up with your next head.
Successive plantings can be made through early summer; most growers prefer to extend the sweet corn season by planting a few varieties of different maturities.Consult your local Extension office for Integrated Pest Management information.
Latin Name: Zea mays
Days To Maturity: 73 Days
Disease Resistance Codes: Common Rust, Stewart's Wilt
If you want sweet, yellow tender corn with gold holding ability after harvesting then this corn is for you! One of the most tender and delicious yellow corn you can grow. Passion is a delicious and easy to grow corn.
A disease resistant corn with great flavor. One of the best eating corns around. Incredible corn has great sugar content and has excellent taste. The corn husk offer great protection and grow attractively.
Bring husked ears under cover to complete drying. Periodic test-popping will tell you when the kernels are dry enough to store, either on the cob or shelled.Maturity was recorded here at our farm.
Bring husked ears under cover to complete drying. Periodic test-popping will tell you when the kernels are dry enough to store, either on the cob or shelled.Maturity was recorded here at our farm.