The shrunken gene (sh2) gives the dried kernels an extra-wrinkled appearance. For best results, isolate from any other corn. To top it off, no isolation is required from other normal types of sweet corn, making SE/se corn very popular.
Please see the Sweet Corn Comparison Chart for minimum soil temperature at planting for individual varieties. Floating row covers may be used on early plantings to help moderate soil temperature.Extensive crossing of super sweet varieties with non-super...
Disease Resistance Codes: Common Rust, Stewart's Wilt
After husking, spread out the ears in a dry, airy place and allow to "cure" for several weeks. Sow ¾–1" deep, 6–7" apart (or 2 seeds every 9", thinning to 1 plant), rows 30–36" apart.
Arrange in blocks of at least 4 rows for proper pollination, which is needed for well-filled ears. High resistance to common rust. Record the date on which about half the plants show silk.
12-30", Faceplate Changed to fit Flagship Combines (Like a 2412), Headsight Field Tracker & Auto Header Height Control, Hyd Deck Plates, Poly in Good Shape, Single Point Hookup
Since 1934, Zook Molasses Company grew and expanded its expertise to become what is now Golden Barrel Baking Products. Committed to only serving guests the best quality, this corn syrup is sure to be a welcome addition in your restaurant, bakery, or diner.