12-30", Faceplate Changed to fit Flagship Combines (Like a 2412), Headsight Field Tracker & Auto Header Height Control, Hyd Deck Plates, Poly in Good Shape, Single Point Hookup
Pick it right off the stalk and cook for dinner. Jubilee is one of the most popular varieties we sell and is excellent for late summer enjoyment. Stalks reach 6 feet tall, and the 9 inch ears have deep, tender yellow kernels.
Corn is ready to eat 18-24 days after ear silks first show; the warmer the weather, the sooner you can pick it.Varies widely with weather conditions and planting dates. Strong germination for early, cool soil planting and great eating quality.
We offer most varieties untreated for organic growers. Arrange in blocks of at least 4 rows for proper pollination, which is needed for well-filled ears. Use these figures to compare one variety to another, not to accurately predict maturity on a given...
If you plan to grow both super sweet and non-super sweet varieties, avoid cross-pollination using any one of the following three options: 1) Plant super sweet varieties at least 300 feet from non-super sweet varieties, or 2) Stagger plantings by a 12-day...
We're sure your customers love this one. The husk package is medium green with moderate flags and covers the tip well. Bicolor kernels and good tip fill. This is one of our favorite corns to grow for market! Providence is a TripleSweet bicolor sweet corn...