Use these figures to compare one variety to another, not to accurately predict maturity on a given day.If anything you purchase from us proves unsatisfactory, we will either replace the item or refund the purchase price.
Floating row covers may be used on early plantings to help moderate soil temperature.Extensive crossing of super sweet varieties with non-super sweet varieties will cause tough, starchy kernels in both types.
Commonly called Supersweet, sh2 varieties are some of the sweetest corn available. For best germination, soil temperature should be at least 70°F. Large quantities can be processed by placing into heaps and stomping the kernels off the ears.
(4-6′) Japonica Striped Maize is a beauty that has deep purple, almost black popcorn kernels. 3,000 seeds/lb. Each plant is uniquely colored. It makes a magnificent and edible Halloween or Thanksgiving decoration.
Colors include gold, red-bronze, brown, black, burgundy, white/cream and natural. 20,000-24,000 seeds/lb. These seeds form heads at the top of the plant (instead of a tassel) length 24-36”.
Use in fall arrangements fresh or dried.If anything you purchase from us proves unsatisfactory, we will either replace the item or refund the purchase price. Packet: 100 seeds.Direct seed from last frost date to mid-June.
Stalks reach up to 6 feet. The earliest plantings are preferred to ensure ample time for field drying. Commonly called Supersweet, sh2 varieties are some of the sweetest corn available.
Increase this rate for untreated seeds. Use these figures to compare one variety to another, not to accurately predict maturity on a given day.(1) treated with fungicide seed protectants (T), or (2) untreated seeds.
With slightly larger ears than of 16 to 18 tightly packed rows of snowy white kernels pack every ear of this succulent corn! The stalks reach 6 to 7 feet high and are wonderfully resilient, tolerating Rust, Stewart's Wilt, and Northern Corn Leaf Blight.
Increase this rate for untreated seeds. Use these figures to compare one variety to another, not to accurately predict maturity on a given day.(1) treated with fungicide seed protectants (T), or (2) untreated seeds.
Add its exceptional, Triplesweet holding capacity and you have a truly peerless white corn. Days to maturity are calculated from date of direct seeding. It combines the exceptional tenderness and sweet corn flavor of SE/se varieties with the extra sweetness,...
Grows 5-6 feet tall and produces 5-7 inch ears, each filled with golden yellow kernels. The earliest plantings are preferred to ensure ample time for field drying. Commonly called Supersweet, sh2 varieties are some of the sweetest corn available.