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Veteran-to-Farm Program to Provide Ag Training
“We believe the agricultural community is well-suited to provide jobs to returning veterans,” says Jerry Sinift, CEO of IAC. Between 2000 and 2009, veteran unemployment rose from 3 percent to 8 percent, according to a report from the Department of...
Horse Farm Management
You might even find you prefer the binder-and-folder system or that you'd rather set up your own program. Minimize Mud Grass doesn't grow in mud, of course, so if an area is turned to mud, it has to be rehabilitated, replanted and given time to rest before...
Millennials Seek Out Nontraditional Farming
Tags aquaponics , farming , hydroponics , millennials , new generation farmers , vertical farming “Food jobs have steadily left our cities for the past 100 years, and local food demand is driving production that is now bringing some of these jobs back...
Female Veteran-to-Farmer Programs Rising
In the summer of 2012, through a partnership with Annie's Project and the USDA Risk Management Agency, the Farmer Veteran Coalition hosted the Empowering Women Veterans: Business, Agriculture and Well-being conference, its first-ever conference designed...
Aunt Bett and the Divorce Dilemma: Lobelia
What's gonna happen to Nita and the others? Not knowing what to do about it, we usually just patted her shoulder and tried to get her to play jacks at recess. I don't know what happened to Charlie or to Emma Mae, but I do know that Anita finished high...
El Segundo
Students Celebrate FFA Week
The leading agricultural education organization challenges its members to realize their potential during National FFA Week. The National FFA Organization, formerly known as Future Farmers of America, is a national youth organization of 523,309 student...
Spotlight on Go Gardening U-Picks and Farm Stands
While many gardeners love to grow their own fruits and vegetables, sometimes it isn't that simple. With the Go Gardening directory at your fingertips, a family friendly weekend afternoon could be quite tasty.
El Segundo
Helen Hayes: the woman and the rose
This step will help you visualize the garden before actual work has begun. Once the rose garden is complete all the research, planning and hard work will be worth the effort.Helen Hayes, the woman.
El Segundo
4 People Who Judge Your Urban Chickens
From rural career farmers to city dwellers, judgments are all over the map. Rachel Hurd Anger Chicken keepers have supporters and critics everywhere. It's self-preservation, like how my Polish hen plays dead in the presence of my dog.
Program Promotes Agricultural Literacy
As part of the Ag EDbassadors program, a select group of Illinois high school students gathered at the University of Illinois in November 2010 to learn effective ways to promote agricultural education in their local elementary schools.
Welcome to Camp T.U.R.F.
“The farm tour was designed to educate the kids about small farms, biodiversity and sustainability,” says Kathy Moore, owner of Anichini-Moore Ranch & Farm and an administrative council member of the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education...
3 Sustainable Farming Majors & What To Expect From Them
Reading, writing and ‘rithmetic have nothing on no-till, nutrition and native plants—at least not in sustainable-agriculture degree programs. Sustainable ag education has never been more accessible, thanks in part to college and university programs.
Nebraska Farmer Provides FFA Scholarships
Tags FFA members , National FFA Organization , Nebraska FFA , Ron Grapes Family Broadening Agricutlure Experience Fund , supervised agriculture exprience “This endowment will perpetually fund dreams of students for generations—and I did it all through...
USDA Report: We Need More Farmers!
“America needs as many farmers as we can get, and we can't have something like student-loan debt standing in their way,” Ackoff says. But enough about me. Plus, Ackoff points out, unless you're from a farm family—and fewer people are these days,...
11 Steps to Starting an Agricultural Education Program in Your School
Survey local businesses. What will students achieve and what experiences will they have? What careers will be available? According to The National FFA Organization (formerly Future Farmers of America), creating a proposal and getting started is easier...
About Us
At Hobby Farms , we know that growing healthy food and maintaining a sustainable farm hold top priority in your life. Bowers, who spent childhood summers on a family farm in Tennessee, is also an oil painter, junk sculptor and occasional stage performer...
2012 Ag-Communication Scholarships Available
“Yamaha is proud to help these ag students, but the program is structured so that the ag community might benefit most in the long term,” says Steve Nessl, Yamaha's ATV/SxS marketing manager.
Get Your Farmhome-based Business Started
Unless you are bringing home full-time contract work from a previous position, you'll probably have to adjust your expectations. “The girls in rodeo were buying and the rest weren't,” she says.
3 Lesson Plans for FFA Students
The options are practically unlimited. Most teachers create their own lessons based on what's relevant in their region. It's not unusual for them to have a beehive in their crawlspace, food experiments stashed everywhere, and construction projects (including...
Use Your Owner\'s Manual for Tractor Maintenance
If you don't have your owner's manual, visit a dealer that sells your tractor's brand. “We try to make as complete a manual as possible, with all versions together to cover the model completely,” Jensen says.
For the Love of Flowers...
It's true that you never know where life will take you – and how fortunate we are when it takes us into the garden! << More Dirt on Gardening >> A nursing friend now has a landscape design firm, a former PR rep is busy maintaining flower beds for others...
Farming Film Contest
For the official rules and information about how to participate, visit Alltech's contest website . The film festival will be held in conjunction with Alltech's 27th Annual International Animal Health and Nutrition Symposium, held May 22 to 25, 2011, in...
Brussels Sprouts Advice
This is really annoying, not because of my horticultural machismo being dented, but because I really like eating steamed sprouts with mustard. Sprouts are one of the vegetables of which I have never grown particularly good specimens.
Health-minded Farmers\' Markets
Tags health care facility , healthy care system , healthy education , hospital-hosted farmers' markets Like many health-care-facility farmers' markets, Virtua Camden hosts health-education programs each week, offering nutritional counseling, health screenings,...
Bird Flu Strikes Again
Poor biosecurity efforts was pinpointed as the main cause of the spread of the disease, but there's more exploration going on. Read the full Minnesota study here , and keep tabs on the national avian-influenza situation on the USDA website .
Spiritual Meanings of Lucky Bamboo
Three stalks are common and lucky bamboo with this many stalks are given as gifts, the three shoots signifying happiness, wealth and longevity. Ten signifies completion or perfection, while twenty one stalks are considered extremely lucky and are used...
Santa Monica
Q&A With The Hub Farm visited the Hub Farm to learn about how their operation works. The DPS Hub Farm will continue to be a critical initiative within DPS with the added benefit of having a nonprofit that advocates for and develops funding and partnership...