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Canna, Cannova Yellow
Prices start at : 8.39 USD / 1 Pkt. (10 seeds)

Radiant, vividly colorful tropical beauty unleashes a summer fanfare of yellow spikes of flag-like, lilylike blooms held above large, lush, bluish-green pointed leaves. Robust plants prefer full sun and average to moist soil.
  • Flowering: Yes
  • Growth Habit: Herbaceous
  • Sun: Full Sun
  • Sow Method: Indoor Sow
  • Spread: 14-20 inches
  • Life Cycle: Annual
Canna, South Pacific Scarlet Hybrid
Prices start at : 8.39 USD / 1 Pkt. (10 seeds)

Tolerates heat, rain, damp soil and will even endure a bit of frost. AAS winner blooms and reblooms from early summer well into fall. Each 18-36” tall plant flourishes a half-dozen flowering stems, crowned with 4” gladiolus-type blooms.
  • Flowering: Yes
  • Height: 18-36 inches
  • Ornamental Use: Beds, Borders, Cut Flowers
  • Bloom Duration: 12 weeks
  • Sun: Full Sun
  • Flower color: Red
Canna Lily Seed Harvesting: Can You Plant Canna Lily Seeds
Canna seeds have to be prepared beforehand by softening the seed coat to encourage germination.Canna seed propagation involves soaking, heating and scarification. Sometimes it takes a few attempts to get it right.
Containers For Canna Lily Plants: How To Plant Cannas In Pots
They have large leaves, so choose a pot that is durable and will support the large roots and tall plant.Plant complimentary blooms of other bulbs and flower seeds for an attractive mixed container to bloom at different times of the year.
Can I Transplant Cannas: – Learn When To Transplant Canna Lilies
In cool climates, canna bulbs are planted each spring, then in fall they are dug up, divided and stored away from the winter chill to be replanted in spring. In cooler climates, zone 7 or lower, the rhizomes need to be dried out, thenin a location that...
Common Pests Of Canna Lilies – Tips On Managing Canna Lily Pests
They are marvelous plants with a tropical flair and an amazing ability to reproduce themselves as rhizomes replicate. Unless there is a sudden infestation of many caterpillars or larvae, hand picking is usually sufficient to control and slight problems.Many...
Canna Lily Care: How To Grow Canna Lilies
They like plenty of heat, so place them in full sun. They also require monthly fertilizer that is relatively higher infor continual bloom. During spring, when planting of canna lily plant, wait until the threat of frost has passed.
Why Won\'t My Cannas Bloom – What To Do When Your Canna Will Not Flower
Canna lilies need at least 6 hours of sunlight each day.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Canna lilies also require consistently moist soil.
Canna Bulb Storage – Tips For Storing Canna Bulbs
Keep reading to learn how to store canna bulbs from your garden.Before you can start storing canna bulbs, you must first lift the bulbs from the ground. Once the foliage is dead, carefully dig around the canna bulbs.
Canna Mosaic Virus: Dealing With Mosaic On Canna Plants
Are beautiful, showy flowering plants that have a well-earned spot in plenty of gardeners' backyards and homes. Eventually, this can lead to plant stunting and death.. The one that infects cannas and is frequently referred to as Canna Mosaic Virus is...
Canna Lily Deadheading: Tips For Deadheading Canna Lily Plants
Some gardeners are adamant that canna lily deadheading needlessly kills future blooms, while others faithfully cut spent flower stalks down to the ground.Neither method is necessarily “wrong,” since canna lilies are prolific bloomers.
What Is Canna Rust: Learn How To Treat Rust On Canna Leaves
Keep reading for information on canna rust, including canna rust symptoms and tips for treating cannas with rust.Cannas growing in southern regions of the U.S. are more often afflicted with canna rust, a fungal infection caused by the pathogen.
Canna Lily Fertilization – Tips For Feeding A Canna Lily Plant
Doing it right means that you can enjoy flowers throughout the growing season.These beautiful flowering perennials are a staple in warm-climate gardens because they provide color, flowers, height, and pretty and striking leaves.
Tropical Dreams - How To Grow Canna
Cannas are a tropical plant and, like most tropical plants, they need to live in moist, wet areas.Feeding your cannas is simple. Are one of the most amazing garden plants you can grow.
El Segundo
Cannaceae: More than meets the eye
Whether its the Italian hybrids you go for, Australian Zodiacs or America's eye-catching Tropicanas, there is a canna somewhere for everyone. Spread with cream & top strawberries, kiwi fruit & passionfruit pulp.
El Segundo
You Can Have Your Canna and Eat it, Too
The exposed flesh had a slight tendency to turn brown.Having read that the tubers are quite fibrous and would need to be boiled for a "long" time to soften them, I arbitrarily chose one hour on medium heat (just slightly above a simmer).
El Segundo
The Brazilian (Canna) Skipper
The butterflies instinctively knew what they required long before anyone realized how beautiful their food plants were. Their proportionately large eyes take in their surroundings from a totally new form.
El Segundo
Zone Envy - admit it, you\'ve felt it too!
I don't want a zone 6 imitation tropical garden, I want a year-round natural dry summer heat that I can turn on whenever I want. But they didn't come back. And potentillas - I just love potentillas.
El Segundo
What Are Dormant Tubers?
A tuber is the enlarged portion of an underground stolon. They come out of dormancy either due to temperature or length of day.The following familiar plants are grouped according to how the tubers should be cared for after the growing season.Bear in mind...
El Segundo
Out of Chaos a Mystery Plant is Born
I'm sitting in my office in Iowa City staring at the radar on my computer screen. Once there, I find hardly any of the building's occupants assembled. Outside a ferocious storm is raging.
El Segundo
White Buttefly Ginger Bulbs
Price : CALL

These are tropical plants that grows to be around 6f tall. Has big beautiful white fragrant flowers. 2 White Butterfly Ginger Bulbs - These plants are ideal plants for landscapeing around your home.
Canna Lily Bulbs For Sale
Price : CALL

They are healthy from a very reputable wholesale vendor. There are at least 3 or 4 of each and are (color/foliage): Stadt Feltbach (peachy orange/deep green) Aida (medium pink/dark green) Salmon Pink (salmon pink/dark green) These are all dwarfs.
Canna Bulbs Or Plants
Price : CALL

Please email me if you have canna bulbs or plants for sale, please as soon as you can, thanks I would like red with green foliage 6 feet tall and also yellow with green foliage 6 feet tall, thanks
United States
Heirloom Red Giants
Price : CALL

Plant these foot long bulbs horizontally in a hole that is 3\" deep and cover with 2\" of soil. Enjoy bright red, butterfly and humming bird attracting blooms all summer and fall long.
Sale:  Very nice canna rhizomes
Price : CALL

These cannas are unnamed, but very vigorous and beautiful. Tall 6' yellow and orange canna lilies similar to Yellow King Humbert, Medium tall 5' heirloom clear yellow canna rhizomes, Medium 4' bright red with large blooms canna rhizomes, very tall 6'+...
99 robert kemp bulbs
Price : CALL

99 robert kemp canna bulbs/ now these are the tall ones . Large 3 to 5 eyed bulbs in great shape. Around 99 robert kemp bulbs for how much?i,m needing to know how cheap i an buy these for nexy spring?
United States
Price : CALL

I live in florida and would like to try growing callas. I don't know if callas will grow in florida and that is the reason for the smaller order. Would love to buy 50 or so white calla bulbs.
United States