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Q&A With The FarmBus
Lilly, who also holds an art degree from Virginia Commonwealth University, transformed the yellow school bus into a roving work of art with the help of friends. At the same time, I was in a job I hated and wanted to do something different.
All the Types of Lilies are Lovely
In some species this stem may exceed 6 feet (2m), but most types are of a moremanageable size. A name they share with the WhiteArum Lily, a plant which is is not a true Lily at all!Sometimes the plants based on L.
El Segundo
Potted Bougainvillea Plants: Tips For Growing Bougainvillea In Containers
You can use a water-soluble fertilizer mixed at half strength every seven to 14 days, or apply a slow-release fertilizer in spring and midsummer.Bougainvillea blooms on new growth.
Catalog Fun Continues!
Here are a few of my must-haves if you want to check them out for yourself: Origanum libanoticum (Cascading ornamental oregano) Agastache cana Rosita (Rosita Hummingbird mint) Three different Penstemons: Mersea Yellow, alamosensis and Tall Orange Mix...
Causes Of Problems With Eucalyptus Trees
Prune heavily and destroy all wood at the first sign of infection and hope for the best. Leaves turn yellow and drop and it is common to see eucalyptus trees dropping their branches as the disease takes hold.
A Fresh Take on Foraging
Each event attracts upwards of 100 diners eager to taste wild foods. Since opening Forage in 2010, Kim has accepted foraged foods ranging from pink grapefruits, tomatoes and oregano to kumquats, breadfruit and mustard greens , turning them into gourmet...
Peculiar Pocketbook Flower
Do you remember the little leather change purses with snap clasps at the top that our grandmothers or great-aunts used to carry? Since it is listed as hardy to zone 6, it actually has a chance of surviving here in zone 5B, though the seedlings which I...
El Segundo
Eating Beach Cherries: Can You Eat Beach Cherries From The Garden
It can also be propagated from hard cuttings, although this process is a bit slow as well. They produce brightly colored fruit and can be found not only in Australia but in the tropical rainforests of Indonesia, the Pacific Islands and Hawaii.
Farm Tour in Woodford County Kentucky
Northside Elementary Students Help Conserve and Restore Stream, Park Area After a big Kentucky breakfast, including the requisite biscuits and sausage gravy (good thing–we needed the energy!) we climbed into our bus and headed to Midway's Northside...
What Are Midgen Berries: Learn About Midgen Berry Plants
In cooler regions, the green foliage takes on reddish tones.The plant flowers in the spring and summer in its natural habitat. Midgen berries are mild in flavor, somewhat akin to ain flavor combined with essence of ginger, eucalyptus and nutmeg.
Problems With Agapanthus
Lift and divide the bulbs of deciduous species every six years. To grow it successfully, you need a pot with plenty of drain holes and an extremely well-draining potting mix. If you grow lilies in pots in USDA zone 8 or below, bring them indoors before...
Santa Monica
What Are Moon Lilies?
Once the flowers fade, they are replaced by round, spiny fruits that lend the plant another common name: thorn apple. They may become weedy or unwieldy with age and will benefit from occasional care to improve their appearance.
Santa Monica
Wild Garlic Control: How To Kill Wild Garlic Weeds
Select herbicides which are suitable for the landscape site where they are being applied and deemed most effective for use on wild garlic weeds, such as the application of 2.4 D or dicamba, when the weeds are 8 inches tall.
7 Chickens to Raise for Colorful Eggs
Display a rainbow of colorful eggs on your kitchen counter or farmers market booth by keeping one of these chicken breeds. While this makes them prolific egg layers, they tend to be leaner and more nervous than Type B birds.
How to Adopt a Rescue Dog
Furthermore, most rescues have you sign a contract that states if a problem occurs or an issue arises that prevents you from keeping your pet—say, your child develops an allergy—you'll return the animal to them to re-home.