This bite-sized tropical fruit is perfect for snacking and satisfying a sweet craving. The beta-carotene found in dried cantaloupe is also important for eye health as it can help prevent cataracts and reduce the risk of developing age-related macular...
Dietary Fiber: 0.4g
Calories from Fat: 2
Ingredients: Cantaloupe, sugar, citric acid, sulphur dioxide (may contain pits and/or pit fragments). Packaged in the same facility as peanuts, tree nuts, soy, and milk products.
One bag contains about 12-15 pieces. Product of Thailand. Bulk – up to 6 months. Cantaloupe, Sugar, Citric Acid, Sulphur Dioxide. Store in a cool, dry place. Add some to your trail mix or granola.
Water the plant when the top one inch of soil is dry. During fall and winter, water lightly only every 3 to 4 weeks.the plant every other water period during spring and summer with a diluted houseplant food or cactus formula.Occasionally, the plant will...
The plant favors sandy soil but will also thrive in loam. Hang the bunches in a cool, dark and dry place for two to three weeks, or until the stems snap when bent. The creamy puffs add drama and softness to nearly any everlasting bouquet.
Judith Hausman's Blog – Eating Bunnies – Urban Farm Online Eating Bunnies All cultures have their food taboos and delicacies. Here's how I do the French-style dish. All cultures have their food taboos and delicacies.
Musky sweetness makes ‘Aphrodite' the cantaloupe of choice for sublime desserts and breakfast alike. Tender orange flesh of succulent new sweetheart delivers pluperfect melodious honey-sweetness.
Resistant to Alternaria, PM and DM. 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. 10 days, 75-80°F. (3 to 5 lbs.) Edisto 47 is finely netted and does well in hot, humid conditions. *Brix is a measure of sweetness.
On the road before dawn to beat the customers who will be waiting for them as they pull into their stalls. This scene is repeated across the country every Saturday morning.Melons, eggs, turnips and onions.
These single serving fruits measure 4-6 inches across and have deep orange flesh that is succulent, sweet, and delicious down to the rind. The ultimate melon for short-season areas, and the compact plants are ideal for small space or container gardens.
"Sudden wilt" is a complex disease and cold weather stress syndrome in late summer when plants have a heavy set of ripening melons, can cause plants to wilt almost overnight. Handle young plants carefully and never let the soil dry out.
Even hardened melon seedlings are tender. Grow seedlings at 75°F (24°C). After this point do not water the last week before fruits are ripe, as overwatering can cause bland fruit.Sow indoors in 50 cell plug trays or 2-3" peat pots in late April or one...
In a traditional melon patch, the gardener finds his or herself doing some sort of garden yoga, twisting and stretching to get a gander at how close they are to harvesting. Many gardeners have to come up with creative solutions in order to grow crops...
After that time, provide container grown cantaloupes with a general-purpose, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half strength every two to three the strongest three plants when the seedlings have at least two sets of true leaves by snipping...
*Brix is a measure of sweetness. 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. (3 1/2 – 5 lbs.) Our Certified Organic Hale's Best Jumbo cantaloupe features oval, ribbed and heavily netted fruits with salmon-orange flesh.
10 days, 75-80°F. Start early indoors or direct seed. Round to oval shape. *Brix is a measure of sweetness. (Eastern Shipper) 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. Well netted, bright orange and very aromatic.
Sante features bright orange, very firm flesh with a consistent brix of 17 plus. Intermediate resistance to PM Race 1 & 2. Start early indoors or direct seed. (4-5 lbs.) Sante F1 Hybrid is a hybrid western shipper with a very long shelf life.
Athena's vigorous vines stand up to field stress and its fruit seldom cracks. 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. 10 days, 75-80°F. (5-6 lbs) The Athena F1 Hybrid cantaloupe is an innovative variety whose fruit can stay on the vine to maximize their sweetness...
*Brix is a measure of sweetness. 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. (3 1/2 – 5 lbs.) Hale's Best Jumbo features oval, ribbed and heavily netted fruits with salmon-orange flesh. Start early indoors or direct seed.
They will not slip from the vine when ripe. Start early indoors or direct seed. Harvest when the melons change color where they rest on the ground and the stems develop a little drying or corking.
An All American Selection winner in 1969. Good texture and flavor. This hybrid resist yellow and black rot very well. Early maturing cabbage with tight heads! Stonehead is a fast grower with 6″ heads that average between 4-6 lbs.
Produces large, blue-green heads with cream colored inside. A rugged hybrid that produces well in Southern winters and Northern summers. Great field cabbage performance. Uniform cabbage that works great for markets.
Small children, even hard-to-please ones, love them. These are one of our favorite food inventions. Think of a ripe apple minus the tartness and you've got the sweet taste and snappy texture of baby carrots.
Simply saute with sweet butter or cube and toss into soups. They are a great time-save when cooking, too. These intensely sweet and crunchy carrots arrive ready to eat, no peeling or slicing required.
For earliest crops start in flats or plug trays and transplant. 3" in diameter. Holds well in the field without splitting. Thin fresh market varieties to 4" between plants. Harvest when roots are about 2-3" diameter; 8" diameter for storage varieties.If...
For earliest crops start in flats or plug trays and transplant. Fertile, well-irrigated soil promotes rapid growth which makes for a sweeter flavored crop. Sow 15 seeds/ft., 1/4- 1/2" deep, in rows 12-18" apart.
A ripe cantaloupe will separate from the stem with ease. Although not required, I like to plant them in small hill or mounds as I do with other cucurbit members. While many people prefer to use plastic mulch when they grow cantaloupes,Within about a month...