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Calla Bulbs

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Albomaculata Calla Lily
Prices start at : 14.98 USD / Bag of 1

The bulbs are irregular, sort of like ginger roots, and several can be planted in the same pot. Rehmannii , and these have more narrow leaves than the classic white type. Complemented by a cigarillo-shaped center cone (spadix) in a rich, golden yellow,...
  • Planting Time: Spring / Summer
  • Full Sun: Yes
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Days to Bloom: Blooms in 70-112 days. (10-16 weeks)
  • Soil Type: Clay Soil, Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil
  • Mature Plant Size: 12-14" tall
Picasso Calla Lily
Prices start at : 14.98 USD / Bag of 1

The bulbs are irregular, sort of like ginger roots, and several can be planted in the same pot. Rehmannii , and these have more narrow leaves than the classic white type. Beautiful in bouquets, be sure to include a piece of its charming, spotted foliage.
  • Flower Size: 3-5" flowers
  • Light Requirements: Full Sun
  • Bulb Spacing: 3 bulbs per sq. ft.
  • Botanical Name: Zantedeschia Picasso
  • Bulb Size: 14-16 cm
  • Bloom Time: Mid summer until frost
Odessa Calla Lily
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 1

The bulbs are irregular, sort of like ginger roots, and several can be planted in the same pot. Rehmannii , and these have more narrow leaves than the classic white type. When you pair the blooms with its bold, speckled leaves, this variety has the bones...
  •  Cut Flowers
  •  Rabbit Resistant
  • Days to Bloom: Blooms in 70-112 days. (10-16 weeks)
  • Additional Information: Perennial in zones 8-10. Annual in zones 3-7.
  • Foliage: Green upright foliage with white specks.
  • Mature Height: 20-24" tall
Nashville Calla Lily
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 1

The common white one* is Zantedeschia aethiopica , and like all callas, it's hardy in the US only in Zones 8 through 10. Sometimes the clumps grow 36' high. Growing Callas: Callas are native to South Africa, and today they're not only easy to grow, but...
  •  Deer Resistant
  •  Full Sun
  •  Containers
  • Light Requirements: Full Sun
  • Poisonous or Toxic to Animals: All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested. Toxic to dog and cats.
  • Days to Bloom: Blooms in 70-112 days. (10-16 weeks)
Purple Rain Calla Lily Mix
Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Bag of 3

The bulbs are irregular, sort of like ginger roots, and several can be planted in the same pot. Rehmannii , and these have more narrow leaves than the classic white type. Growing to be 1-2 ft tall, use this blend to create elegant summer bouquets.
  • Days to Bloom: Blooms in 70-112 days. (10-16 weeks)
  • Bulb Spacing: 3 bulbs per sq. ft.
  • Mature Plant Size: 14-20" tall
  • Botanical Name: Zantedeschia Purple Rain Mix
  • Poisonous or Toxic to Animals: All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested. Toxic to dog and cats.
  • Planting Time: Spring / Summer
Best Gold Calla Lily
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 1

Most all callas have pointed or heart-shaped foliage that's dark green, spattered with white spots. They enjoy being root-bound. The bulbs are irregular, sort of like ginger roots, and several can be planted in the same pot.
  •  Rabbit Resistant
  •  Full Sun
  • Bulb Spacing: 3 bulbs per sq. ft.
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Days to Bloom: Blooms in 70-112 days. (10-16 weeks)
  • Poisonous or Toxic to Animals: All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested. Toxic to dog and cats.
Orange Blend Calla Lily Mix
Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Bag of 3

Sometimes the clumps grow 36' high. If you plant your bulbs in spring, you'll have flowers in about 70-112 days. Most of the very colorful callas are a separate species, C. They enjoy being root-bound.
  • Botanical Name: Zantedeschia Orange Blend Mix
  • Mature Height: 14-20" tall
  • Days to Bloom: Blooms in 70-112 days. (10-16 weeks)
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Planting Depth: Bulbs/Tubers should be planted 3-4" below the soil line.
  • Flower Color: Mixed
Salsa Calla Lily Mix
Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Bag of 3

Known for their elegance, callas are the quintessential cut flower and are striking additions to container gardens. Callas are native to South Africa, and today they're not only easy to grow, but available in a literal rainbow of colors.
  •  Poisonous or Toxic to Animals
  •  Deer Resistant
  • Planting Depth: Bulbs/Rhizomes should be planted 1-2" below the soil line.
  • Mature Height: 14-20" tall
  • Advantages: Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant, Easy to Grow, Cut Flowers, Containers
  • Soil Type: Clay Soil, Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil
White Florist Calla Lily
Prices start at : 16.98 USD / Bag of 1

Their fluted blooms and refined foliage make them a favorite for floral arrangements, but they also lend a sense of elegance to the landscape. Sometimes the clumps grow 36' high. Zantedeschia aethiopica prefers moist soil and can even thrive when sited...
  • Mature Height: 24-36" tall
  • Advantages: Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant, Easy to Grow, Cut Flowers, Containers
  • Planting Time: Spring / Summer
  • Bulb Size: 16-18 cm
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Containers: Yes
Calla Lily Care In Winter – Caring For Calla Lilies Over Winter
This is important to calla lily care in winter because allows the outer skin of the rhizome to toughen up and will help it survive the winter. Store them in a cool, dry place, somewhere that stays around 50 F.
Planting A Calla Lily In A Pot: Care Of Container Grown Calla Lilies
This can allow you to immediately place established, ready to bloom container grown callas on the deck or patio earlier in the spring. Because of bloom time and plant hardiness, many gardeners find it easier to grow potted calla lily plants.
Blushing Beauties - Pink varieties of Zantedeschia aethiopica
Flushing a luminous rosy pink, a host of elegant floral goblets soar on robust stems above mounds of glossy arrow-head leaves. Yet you would be hard pressed to find any but the white varieties - and perhaps ´Green Goddess´ - being used in this way.A...
El Segundo
Do You Deadhead Calla Lily Plants: Removing Spent Blossoms On Calla Lilies
Your aim is to remove the blossom as well as make the plant more attractive.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Use a set of garden shears or a pair of scissors to clip the stem off near the base.
Calla Lily Care – Tips On Growing Calla Lilies
Although calla lilies can remain in the ground year round in warmer climates, they should beDig up the rhizomes in autumn, usually after the first frost, and shake off any soil. Here are a few tips on growing calla lilies that will make them sparkle in...
Calla Lily Varieties – Information About Different Calla Lily Plants
The white calla lily is one of the most well-known and popular varieties, but if you're a fan, check out the many other colorful options.Calla lilies are not true lilies; they belong to the Arum family of plants and the genus.
Calla Lily Watering: How Much Water Do Calla Lilies Need
This South African native, which can reach mature heights of 3 feet (1 m.), is considered a marginal aquatic plant, which means it grows in moist soil along riverbanks, ponds or streams, or around the edge of a water garden or rain garden.While calla...
Transplanting Calla Lilies: How To Transplant Calla Lily Outside
Plant the rhizomes 3 to 4 inches deep and transplant potted calla lilies into a hole dug to fit the depth of the pot. In cooler zones, the rhizomes must be treated as annuals orin a frost-free area.
Help For Yellowing Calla Lilies: Why Calla Lily Leaves Turn Yellow
Check with yourAnother common reason for yellowing calla lilies is. Are a deep, rich green. Learn why calla lily leaves turn yellow, and more importantly, what to do about it to save your callas.If your biggest plant problem is, “My calla lily leaves...
Dividing Calla Lilies – How And When To Divide Callas
Are handsome enough to grow for their foliage alone, but when the bold, single-petaled flowers unfurl they are sure to attract attention. In cooler areas, you might prefer to divide the rhizomes in late summer or fall when you dig them up for winter storage.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Green Calla Lily Flowers – Reasons For Calla Lilies With Green Blooms
The spathes are modified leaf structures, which fold around the spadix. This may be due to cultivation problems, lighting or the age of the blooms.Unless you are growing the ‘Green Goddess' variety of calla, you might be surprised by green calla lily...
Why Calla Lilies Don\'t Bloom: Making Your Calla Lily Bloom
If you think that your calla lilies are not blooming because they are getting too little light, you will need to transplant them to a sunnier location.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });While the same things...
Calla Buds Not Blooming – Reasons Why Calla Lily Buds Don\'t Open
Don't trim the leaves on your plant until they yellow or die, or you could be cutting off its nutrient supply.Why doesn't my calla lily bloom is an easy question to answer. On the other hand, if you have calla lilies not blooming, specifically if they...
Calla Lily Seed Info: How To Grow A Calla Lily From Seed
Once the calla lily has grown a while, it can be transplanted into a larger pot or transplanted outside. It is best to plant two seeds per pot right underneath the soil. Calla lilies, imported to American from South Africa, are an exotic addition to any...
Calla Lily Problems: Reasons Why My Calla Lily Is Drooping
Count yourself lucky if you are producing such huge flowers and cut them off and bring them indoors in a vase to enjoy. Drooping calla lilies may also be from excess nitrogen or a fungal rot disease.These plants are as lovely for their sword-shaped leaves...
Calla Lily Hardiness: Will Calla Lilies Come Back In Spring
It depends on how you treat your plant and where you put it for the winter.Keeping callas year round is possible, but how you treat your plant to get blooms again next year will depend on your hardiness zone.
Feeding Calla Lilies : How To Fertilize Calla Lily Plants
This natural, slow release product will feed the tubers for a year as it gradually works into the soil. Inspect your tubers every year if you have to lift them and overwinter tubers indoors.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Large White/Pale Pink and Purple
Price : CALL

They make my heart sing. In time to plant in Florida; This will make my heart sing and there is very little I want in life. The little white ones I have smell like heaven when they bloom next to my door.
United States