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Calcium In Oranges

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Mega CMPK Bolus
Prices start at : 29.49 USD / each

The Mega CMPK Bolus provides a supplemental source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium for cattle, sheep, swine, and horses. CMPK Bolus disintegrates within five minutes of consumption to deliver quick, therapeutic levels of minerals to the...
Ultra Calc Plus Oral Mineral Bolus for Freshening Dairy Cows
Prices start at : 39.95 USD / each

Feeding Directions: Remove bolus from packaging and place into proper bolus applicator. Do not give to cows that are lying down. Caution: Do not give to cows without a swallowing reflex, animals down, or recumbent with milk fever.
M.F.O. Solution
Prices start at : 6.59 USD / each

Solution of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and dextrose. For use as a supplemental nutritive source.
Oral Cal MPK
Prices start at : 6.49 USD / each

Solution of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and dextrose. For use as a supplemental nutritive source.
Cal-C-Fresh Oral Calcium Supplement for Dairy Cows
Prices start at : 6.29 USD / each

Oral calcium & B-vitamin gel with buffer, for hypocalcemic fresh cows. Repeat every 12 hrs. Elevates serum calcium levels. Helps maintain normal calcium levels during freshening and post partum periods.
Stainless Steel Balling Gun for Ultra Calc Plus Bolus
Prices start at : 156.95 USD / each

Stainless steel balling gun designed to administer the Ultra Calc Plus Bolus for freshening dairy cows.
C.M.P.K Gel Nutritional Supplement for Dairy Cattle
Prices start at : 6.79 USD / each

Give one tube within 6 to 12 hours prior to calving. Give another tube within 6-12 hours after calving. Do not give to cows that are unable to swallow. Requires 3-tab dosing gun for administration.
Calcium Gluconate 23% for Animal Use
Prices start at : 5.99 USD / each

Sterile solution of calcium gluconate for use in treatment of milk fever in cattle caused by calcium deficiency. Administer IV or IP.
RTU Calcium Drench for Cows at Freshening
Prices start at : 36.99 USD / each

Use on fresh cows or heifers before and after calving to stimulate appetite, and reduce the incidence of milk fever, displaced abomassum, and retained placenta. Administer 200 cc before and after freshening.
Plants need calcium, too, just like teeth and bones!
It is the fifth most abundant element (by mass), usually found in sedimentary rocks in the mineral forms of calcite, dolomite and gypsum.We often see it as marble or limestone, which is formed by calcium carbonate rock dissolved in water containing carbon...
El Segundo
Seabird Guano Phosphate For organic fertilizer
Price : CALL

Except for phosphorus,it is also abundunt in nitrogen (up to 15% higher) in arid areas because of less decomposition.It is a kind of quality nitrogen guano,Can be directly applied.
Mono-Dicalcium Phosphate (MDCP) 21% Feed Grade
Price : CALL

Slightly hygroscopic, soluble in hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and slightly soluble in cold water, almost insoluble in ethanol. Professional manufacturer and supplier of feed grade mono-dicalcium phosphate (MDCP) 21%.
Dicalcium Phosphate (DCP) 18% Feed Grade
Price : CALL

Physical Property: White powder or granule, odorless, soluble in dilute Hydrochloric, Nitric and acetic acid; slightly soluble in water , insoluble in ethanol, when heated to 75 , it may lose crystal water , convert to Anhydrous.
We have varieties of live snails for sale
Price : CALL

We can guarrantee buyer constant supply of these snails throughout the year. We have large quantity of all kinds of Live snail for sale. We are supplier of all kinds of snails.We have large quantity of all kinds of Live snail for sale.Ranging from 400g...
Live,dried and Frozen Snails
Price : CALL

We have best quality and sizes ranging from 16cm to 20 cm and up. Proper sanitation, shipped in ventilated bags. Snails have very high nutritive value and shells have high level of calcium.
Seaweed Marine Pure Collagen
Price : CALL

It\'s cheap, it\'s effective. A superb nutrition source for inner health and skin care. No chemical added. Back to nature. PROTEIN - 21 times more than milk. OMEGA 3 DAN OMEGA 6 - 2326 times more than fish.
Telok panglima garang
Geoffrey Nelson
Price : CALL

I worked with an egromonist, Jim Evans, that used calcium polysulfide to open up soils and allow the plants to get to the nutrients in the soil. The areas where I manage have very high clay contents in the soil.
United States
Calcium polysulfide
Price : CALL

For use on kiwifruit and pip fruit crops in fight against diseases and pests Registered pursuant to the Pesticides Act, 1979, Contains 200gm/L sulphur as polysulphides of calcium in the form of a soluble concentrate We are basic manufacturer of Calcium...
Shanghai Shi
Calcium Cyanamide
Price : CALL

Ple inform us your lowest quotation on our email id contact us on mobile number Specifications cyanamide content : 60% and above Physical state pure product is white but commercially dark gray powder melting point 1300 c boiling point 1150 c (sublimes)...
Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu
Price : CALL

My leach field has a d-box with 4 pipes leaving box. I wood like to buy a product to help the water drain into the ground. I am looking to buy calcium-polysulfide to treat my leach field that has standing water on ground
United States
New York
Single Superphosphate
Price : CALL

Wanting to buy between 20-30, 000 tonnes of SSP in bulk Potentially from any country. Seeking 20- 30, 000 tonnes SSP in bulk intiitally with a view to an ongoing arrangments. Looking at delivery in Dec-Jan 2004/5
Chloradane in Large Quantities
Price : CALL

We have chloradane for sales in Larger quantities, this has been the best of all, many have tried others, but chloradane has proved to be the best. Our Calcium Polysulfide Insecticides and chloradane are packed carefully and very active, we can ship overnight...
Ddt insecticide
Price : CALL

Ddt insecticide just a small amount to kill a continuing bed bug infestation in our home Ddt insecticide just a small amount to kill a continuing bed bug infestation in our home which we cannot get rid of
United States
New York
Need DDT for bed bugs
Price : CALL

Looking to buy A.S.A.P. I'm tired of loaying games with these things. Looking to buy A.S.A.P. Will travel to neighboring states if needed to pick it up. Need DDT for bed bug problem.
United States
0-46-0 Fertilizer Wanted
Price : CALL

Requesting 0-46-0 Fertilizer in bags. 300# bagged needed for acreage in Cadiz, OH. I live near Akron, OH and can pick-up anywhere in-between. Would like to pick-up within short driving distance of Akron to Cadiz, OH.
United States
Purchase for lawn control
Price : CALL

Would like to purchase for lawn control. I live in Fairview, TN I have been unable to find a source for this item.
United States
Need to purchase DDT
Price : CALL

Would like to purchase one gallon for home. Have tried DIY products. Need to purchase DDT for bed bug problem.