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Caladium Varieties

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White Queen Caladium
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 3

Spectacular Ground Cover: Many gardeners use these colorful plants as a ground cover for shady areas. The cold-sensitivity of Caladiums is why they've become big favorites for pots, baskets, and patio planters.
  • Bloom Time: Foliage plant all season
  • Neonicotinoid-Free: Yes
  • Bulb Spacing: 5 bulbs per sq. ft
  • Light Requirements: Half Sun / Half Shade, Full Shade
  • Foliage: Bright white heart-shaped leaves with red veins and green highlights.
  • Additional Information: Perennial in zones 9-10. Annual in zones 3-8.
Caladium Mix
Prices start at : 19.98 USD / Bag of 5

If you start them indoors, you can simply put the pots outside once your weather is warm. Spectacular Ground Cover: Many gardeners use these colorful plants as a ground cover for shady areas.
  •  Neonicotinoid-Free
  •  Containers
  •  Full Shade
  • Advantages: Easy to Grow, Containers
  • Plant Type / Life Cycle: Annual
  • Foliage Color: Variegated
Florida Cardinal Caladium
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 3

Spectacular Ground Cover: Many gardeners use these colorful plants as a ground cover for shady areas. The cold-sensitivity of Caladiums is why they've become big favorites for pots, baskets, and patio planters.
  • Bloom Time: Foliage plant all season
  • Neonicotinoid-Free: Yes
  • Additional Information: Perennial in zones 9-10. Annual in zones 3-8.
  • Light Requirements: Half Sun / Half Shade, Full Shade
  • Planting Time: Spring / Summer
  • Botanical Name: Caladium Florida Cardinal
Carolyn Whorton Caladium
Prices start at : 13.98 USD / Bag of 3

This is how many northern gardeners grow these beauties. Only 18" tall, 'Carolyn Wharton' Caladium has speckly pink leaves with wide green margins. Use about 1 1/2" of soil over the tubers.
  • Advantages: Easy to Grow, Containers
  • Common Name: Carolyn Whorton Fancy Leaf Caladium
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Containers: Yes
  • Mature Plant Size: 18-24" tall
  • Plant Type / Life Cycle: Annual
Tapestry Caladium
Prices start at : 15.98 USD / Bag of 3

In the south, that means May. And in fall, the pots make everything simple. Spectacular Ground Cover: Many gardeners use these colorful plants as a ground cover for shady areas. A hybrid of the popular Christmas and Red Flash varieties, this Caladium...
  •  Easy to Grow
  •  Half Sun / Half Shade
  • Foliage Color: Variegated
  • Advantages: Easy to Grow, Containers
  • Common Name: Tapestry Fancy Leaf Caladium
  • Bulb Spacing: 5 bulbs per sq. ft
Do Caladiums Bloom: What Is The Flower-Like Bud On Caladium Plant
In some species, such as, the spathe/spadix is a magnificent form and considered the most attractive feature of the plant. These foliage plants occasionally have a surprise up their metaphorical sleeve.
Bringing Caladiums Out of Winter Storage
However, they're not too far from the greenhouse - just in case. When spring approaches, she begins to water the pots of caladium tubers. However, it never freezes, and the really cool temperatures are short in duration.
El Segundo
Caladium Care Indoors – Growing Caladiums As Indoor Plants
You can extend the foliar display a little bit by bringing containers indoors, but eventually the leaves will die back and the tuber will go dormant until warm temperatures arrive.Still, bringing plants inside in containers will preserve the tubers and...
Tips For Growing Fancy Leaf Caladiums
In fact, it's easy to grow fancy leaf caladiums once you know how.The tubers can be found in nurseries and garden centers or on several internet sites that specialize in the species.
Caladium Plant Care: How To Plant Caladiums
Then cut off the foliage, place the tubers in a netted bag or box, and cover in dry. Fertilizer will help strengthen the plants in order to produce adequate tubers for the following growing season.Caladiums need to be watered on a regular basis, especially...
Caladium Plant Problems – Caladium Plant Pests And Disease
If you see ragged margins on foliage, look for the creatures and hand pick them off the plants. Take care with irrigation and fertilization and you'll be preventing caladium problems.Caladium plants are not typically troubled by insects, but sometimes...
Winter Care For Caladiums – Learn About Caladium Care In Winter
Brush away any loose soil, cut out any rotted areas, and apply aStoring caladium bulbs is easy. Even in these areas, though, a heavy mulching of 3 inches is the recommended winter care for caladiums to keep them from dying in the colder temperatures.In...
Planting Caladiums – When To Plant Caladium Bulbs
But when to plant caladium bulbs varies depending on where you live. Either way, you are now left with the very important question of “when to plant caladium bulbs?”One of the most important things you can do for properis to plant at the right time.
Caladium hybridizing - Making your own unique plant creation
It may be two years before they are large enough to show their unique distinguishing colors. You don't see much in the way of colors until they've grown for 6 months to a year after they germinate.
El Segundo
Thai Caladiums - Will they rock the Caladium world?
Until I saw this one, I had never seen a Caladium with a shiny leaf before.As far as I have been able to determine, the origin of these new Caladiums is rooted in royalty. As a hybridizer myself, I'd love to know what parent(s) the Thai breeders used...
El Segundo
Growing Caladiums: A Bright Spot Of Color For Shady Areas
They are easy for all skill levels, and fit the budgets of nearly every gardener. Do you have a slightly shady spot where bright flowers refuse to bloom? Several grades of tubers are available, with prices ranging from very inexpensive for the smaller...
El Segundo
Asparagus, Precoce D\'Argenteuil
Prices start at : 1.75 USD

Space 12-18 inches apart in rows 3-6 feet apart. Precoce D'Argenteuil Asparagus is a treasured heirloom from France with flavorful stems and pale pink buds that turn white when steamed.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Collard Greens
Prices start at : 1.25 USD

Recommended north and south of the Mason-Dixon line. Here's a staple from every Southern table! Georgia Southern Creole Collard Greens ( Brassica oleracea ) have that down-home taste and a good tolerance to heat and cold.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Prices start at : 1.75 USD

Mulch the first winter for protection. This variety can be planted one season and produce a crop the next year! Excellent germination. Seedlings planted one year should be ready to harvest the following year.
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Caladuims: Colorful Accents for Shady Areas
Coleus is another plant that enjoys similar conditions and they are quick to wilt when water levels run low, so they are both beautiful and useful in containers where you grow caladiums.
El Segundo
Soybean seeds used for a variety of foods
Price : CALL

Waste resulting from the processing of corn (cake and meal) - a lovely concentrated animal feed. Soybean seeds are used for cooking a variety of foods, it has great importance as a a fodder crop.
We have varieties of live snails for sale
Price : CALL

We are supplier of all kinds of snails.We have large quantity of all kinds of Live snail for sale.Ranging from 400g to 800g (mature snails). The snails shell contains huge quantity of calcium and is a great source of food.Buyers from USA,Europe and Asia...
Brussels Sprouts, Long Island
Prices start at : 1.55 USD

Harvest “sprouts” from the bottom up when they start to appear. Great steamed or roasted; ready in 100 days. Also clip the top of the plant to encourage good heading. Crops are shallow rooters, side dress with compost a couple weeks after they've...
  • brand: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Caladiums
(including myself) They will make your containers and gardens shine! They like warm, damp, shady conditions during their growing season and dry conditions when they are dormant. If you have a hard time finding them for sale in your area, our Garden Watchdog...
El Segundo
Basil, Cinnamon - Microgreen Seed
Prices start at : 9.50 USD / 1 Ounce

Watering with a dilute fertilizer solution is appropriate for media with no inherent nutrient value, or for slow-growing species that might exhaust fertility before reaching harvest stage.
  • Latin Name: Ocimum basilicum
  • Micro Mix Component: Yes
  • Days To Maturity: 16 - 25 Days
  • Life Cycle: Annual
Basil, Dark Opal - Microgreen Seed
Prices start at : 9.00 USD / 1 Ounce

Broadcast seed thickly on the media surface with seeds 1/8- 1/4" apart, press seeds firmly into media for maximum soil contact, and cover lightly with sowing mix, vermiculite, or humidity dome.
  •  Hydroponic Performer
  •  AAS (All-America Selections) Winners
  • Days To Maturity: 16 - 25 Days
  • Latin Name: Ocimum basilicum
Radish, Red Arrow - Microgreen Seed
Prices start at : 5.45 USD / 1 Ounce

54,600 seeds/lb. in a greenhouse or protected area. Optimal ambient temperatures are variety-specific, but 65–75°F/18–24C°...
  • Micro Mix Component: Yes
  • Hybrid Status: Open Pollinated
  • Life Cycle: Annual
  • Days To Maturity: 10 - 15 Days