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Butterfly Attracting Plant Herbaceous Plant For Sale In Las Vegas

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Great Globethistle, Giant Globe Thistle, Great Globe Thistle, Common Globe Thistle Echinops sphaerocephalus
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* Plant forming huge clumps with white or grayish spherical flowers 2-3" across, in late summer; rough, thistley foliage, dark green, good for the back of a large border. * This is a glandular, woolly perennial which approaches a maximum height of two...
  • Height: 5-6 feet
  • Germination: 91%
  • Crop Year: 1994
  • Common Name: Great Globethistle, Giant Globe Thistle, Great Globe Thistle, Common Globe Thistle
  • Quantity: 1 lb
  • Seeds Per Pound: 36,320
Las Vegas
Globe Thistle, Southern Globethistle Echinops ritro
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

Blooms late summer to early fall. * The flowers are often used for dried flower displays. * If all the flowers are removed early in the season, the plant will often produce a second flush of bloom later in the summer.
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 36
  • Family: Asteraceae
  • Quantity: 0.86 lb
  • Common Name: Globe Thistle, Southern Globethistle
  • Collection Locale: Holland
  • Genus: Echinops
Las Vegas
Bi-Color Butterfly Bush
Prices start at : 5.00 USD / each

Great cut flower. It is an excellent attractant for butterflies and hummingbirds. Grows 6-8' tall. Panicles grow up to 10'' and feature raspberry and butterscotch yellow florets beginning in summer and lasting into fall.
  • Colors: Orange, Purple, Yellow
  • Season Color: Summer
  • Genus: Buddleia x weyeriana 'Bicolor'
  • Spread: 4-6'
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun
Las Vegas
Christmas Candlestick, Klip Dagga, Lion\'s Ear Leonotis nepetifolia
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

It has very soft serrated leaves that can grow up to 4 inches wide. It can also be found growing abundantly in much of Latin America and the West Indies. * Leonotis nepetifolia is known in Trinidad as shandilay and the leaves are brewed as a tea for fever,...
  • Species: nepetifolia
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 335
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Genus: Leonotis
  • Family: Lamiaceae
  • Purity: 98%
Las Vegas
French Marigold Tagetes patula
Prices start at : 1.95 USD / 1 packet

* The French marigold ( Tagetes patula ) is a species in the daisy family ( Asteraceae ). The growing plant repels whitefly and can be grown near tomatoes to keep that crop free of the insect.
  • Species: patula
  • Common Name: French Marigold
  • Botanical Name: Tagetes patula
  • Family: Asteraceae
  • Genus: Tagetes
  • Germination: 99%
Las Vegas
Transvaal Daisy, Barberton Daisy, Gerber Daisy Gerbera jamesonii
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

Grow as annuals in St. Louis, either in the ground or in containers. * No serious insect or disease problems. * A flower, the Barberton daisy ( Gerbera jamesoni ) was discovered in Barberton , Mpumalanga Province , South Africa (1889) by Robert Jameson...
  • Seeds Per Pound: 145,280
  • Purity: 99%
  • Botanical Name: Gerbera jamesonii
  • Common Name: Transvaal Daisy, Barberton Daisy, Gerber Daisy
  • Germination: 91%
  • Quantity: 0.92 lb
Las Vegas
Sweet William
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / each

Sweet William is a popular favorite because this perennial has large clusters of small blooms that come in striking colors of red, pink, white, and bi-colors. Sweet William blooms in early summer with flowers that have a sassy, spicy fragrance.
  • Deer Resistant: Yes
  • Zones: 3-9
  • Season Color: Spring, Summer
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
  • Colors: Dark Red, Pink, Red, White
Las Vegas
Yellow Cone Flower, Bush\'s Purple Coneflower, Yellow Coneflower Echinacea paradoxa
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

The basal leaves are long and slender or very narrowly lanceolate. * The yellow rays are strongly downturned and the disk is dark brown. Echinacea paradoxa is native to Missouri , Arkansas , Oklahoma , and Texas , and is listed as threatened in Arkansas.
  • Family: Asteraceae
  • Botanical Name: Echinacea paradoxa
  • Common Name: Yellow Cone Flower, Bush's Purple Coneflower, Yellow Coneflower
  • Quantity: 0.15 lb
  • Germination Test Type: Cut
  • Germination: 91%
Las Vegas
Blue Cardinal Flower, Great Blue Lobelia Lobelia siphilitica
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

* It was believed by some native North American Indian tribes that if the finely ground roots were secretly added to the food of an arguing couple then this would avert a divorce and they would love each other again.
  • Quantity: 0.2 lb
  • Collection Locale: Pennsylvania
  • Purity: 78%
  • Germination: 86%
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Genus: Lobelia
Las Vegas
Basket-flower, American Star-thistle, Basket Flower, American Starthistle, American Basketflower, Sweet Sultan, Shaving Brush Centaurea americana
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

The plant can reach 5-6' tall and has rough 4" long lance-shaped leaves. * The name basket flower refers to the stiff, straw-colored bracts just beneath the flower head, which are divided at the tip into long, sharp teeth.
  • Height: 5-6 feet
  • Common Name: Basket-flower, American Star-thistle, Basket Flower, American Starthistle, American Basketflower, Sweet Sultan, Shaving Brush
  • Germination Test Type: Actual
  • Quantity: 2.03 lb
  • Collection Locale: China
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: annual
Las Vegas
Butterfly Weed, Butterfly Milkweed Asclepias tuberosa
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

Its main use in present day herbalism is for relieving the pain and inflammation of pleurisy. The leaves are spirally arranged, lanceolate, 5-12 cm long and 2-3 cm broad. * Orange flowers in late summer; grows well in dry soil; native to eastern U.S
  • Botanical Name: Asclepias tuberosa
  • Lot#: 9501
  • Germination: 69%
  • Family: Asclepiadaceae
  • Genus: Asclepias
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 64
Las Vegas
Cream Scabious, Cream Pincushions Scabiosa ochroleuca
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* Scabiosa ochroleuca, commonly called cream scabious, is a species of scabiosa with creamy yellow flower heads. It is native to Europe and western Asia.
  • Quantity: 0.19 lb
  • Genus: Scabiosa
  • Height: 2-3 feet
  • Germination: 96%
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 90
  • Botanical Name: Scabiosa ochroleuca
Las Vegas
Arizona Sun Dwarf Gaillardia
Prices start at : 6.49 USD / each

Plant 10'' apart in full to part sun. Ideal for cut-flowers. Blooms from early summer into fall! Enjoy masses of 3'' orange-red blooms tipped with yellow. Winner of the prestigous 2005 Fleuroselect Gold Medal!
  • Spread: 10-12''
  • Colors: Orange, Red, Yellow
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun
  • Season Color: Summer
  • Zones: 3-9
Las Vegas
Meadow Sweet, Siberian Meadowsweet, Meadowsweet Filipendula palmata
Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 packet

Inflorescence terminal, paniculate, many flowered. Stems sulcate, pubescent or glabrescent. * Plants 0.6–1.5 m tall. Occidentalis) and Queen-of-the-prairie (F. Well-known species include Meadowsweet (F.
  • Height: 36-48 inches
  • Collection Locale: Russia
  • Botanical Name: Filipendula palmata
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 3
  • Purity: 99%
  • Species: palmata
Las Vegas
Upright Prairie Coneflower Ratibida columnifera     - Ratibida columnaris
Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 packet

* Ratibida columnifera , commonly known as Upright Prairie Coneflower or Mexican Hat , is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family, Asteraceae , that is native to much of North America .
  • Botanical Name: Ratibida columnifera
  • Height: 24-30 inches
  • Purity: 57%
  • Germination: 40%
  • Germination Test Type: estimate
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 216
Las Vegas
Dense Blazing Star Liatris spicata   Floristan White
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* This is the white flowering form. Native to moist prairies and sedge meadows. * Liatris spicata , the dense blazing star or prairie gay feather , is an herbaceous perennial plant native throughout most of eastern North America .
  • Germination: 63%
  • Purity: 75%
  • Germination Test Type: Cut
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 16
  • Lot#: 9401
  • Genus: Liatris
Las Vegas
Twoleaf Senna, Twin-leaf Senna Senna roemeriana
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

Named for Ferdinand Roemer, a German geologist who collected specimens in the New Braunfels, Texas, area from 1845-47. * This attractive perennial maintains a neat mound shape and grows 1-2 ft.
  • Family: Fabaceae
  • Crop Year: 1997
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Quantity: 0.46 lb
  • Seeds Per Pound: 88,530
  • Botanical Name: Senna roemeriana
Las Vegas
Dwarf Red Porterweed
Prices start at : 8.99 USD

1/4" soft red blooms adorn the long spike-like bloom stems from spring to frost. Porterweed is known to reseed particularly in mild winter climates. Porterweeds are likely the number one favorite nectar plant for butterfly gardeners and surely for the...
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade
  • Pruning: Not needed except to remove spent flower stems though it's not required, pinch to improve branching.
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 10,11
  • Container Size: 3.5 inch / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
  • Fertilizing: Spring-frost or year round in warm, frost free conditions.
Las Vegas
Yellow Coneflower, Prairie Coneflower, Gray-head Coneflower, Gray-head Mexican-hat Ratibida pinnata     - Rudbeckia pinnata
Prices start at : 1.95 USD / 1 packet

It can grow in moist or dry habitat. * It is native to the central and eastern United States and Ontario in Canada. * Ratibida pinnata is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common names pinnate prairie coneflower, gray-head...
  • Purity: 99%
  • Seeds Per Pound: 463,080
  • Common Name: Yellow Coneflower, Prairie Coneflower, Gray-head Coneflower, Gray-head Mexican-hat
  • Collection Locale: Colorado
  • Quantity: 1.9 lb
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 460
Las Vegas
Flat-Top Goldenrod, Shiny Goldenrod
Prices start at : 6.99 USD

Large, flat displays of rich yellow flowers are born over an exteded period in summer that lasts until early fall. In our area it flowers at the same time as Slender Blazing Star, Liatris acidota , and they make nice companions in the meadow or a garden...
  • Deer Resistance: Moderate to High
  • Grows To: 18-30"H x 12-18"W
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 8,9 at least
  • Native To / Origin: US- mainly west LA and east TX but also into AR and MS
  • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic, Neutral
Las Vegas
Candlestick Tree, Empress Candlebush, Christmas Candles
Prices start at : 9.99 USD

The Candlestick Tree does readily reseed, consider removing ripe seed pods to prevent unwanted seedlings. Attracts butterflies as well as serves as a host to Sulphur butterfly caterpillars.
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 10,11,(9?,8?)
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun
  • Salt Tolerance: Moderate
  • Container Size: 4.5 inch / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
  • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic, Neutral, Mildly Alkaline
Las Vegas
Glossy Privet Ligustrum lucidum
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* Ligustrum lucidum ( Glossy Privet , Chinese Privet or Broad-leaf Privet ) is a species of privet native to the southern half of China . Good results have also been achieved when the fruit has been used in treating respiratory tract infections, hypertension,...
  • Family: Oleaceae
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
  • Quantity: 1.83 lb
  • Collection Locale: China
  • Crop Year: 2016
  • Genus: Ligustrum
Las Vegas
American Elderberry, Common Elderberry
Prices start at : 7.99 USD

In the colder winter portions of its range it should planted in spring or early summer so that it has ample time to establish before winter sets in. The nectar rich flower clusters host a wide variety of pollinators and its ripe fruit is sure to attract...
  • Salt Tolerance: High soil and aerosol salt tolerance
  • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic, Neutral
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade
  • Grows To: 6-12'H x 6-12'W
  • Container Size: 4.5 inch / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Las Vegas
Bee Insect Garden
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / each

Our Conservation Garden Assortment attracts and helps protect nature's hardest workers. Our seed mats contain the perfect blend of seed to create a beautiful garden and participate in recovering this important natual resource.
Las Vegas
Dill Anethum graveolens
Prices start at : 1.95 USD / 1 packet

* The leaves are eaten raw or cooked, used as a flavouring in salads etc. * In Canada, dill is a favorite herb to accompany poached salmon. Both the dill "weed" and seed is used. * Depending on where it is grown, is either a perennial or annual herb.
  • Crop Year: 2017
  • Collection Locale: Oregon
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Height: 16-24 inches
  • Common Name: Dill
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 206
Las Vegas
Early Bird Gold Black-Eyed Susan, Rudbeckia
Prices start at : 5.99 USD

Rudbeckia fulgida is native to much of the central and eastern United States. A must have perennial! Early Bird Gold Rudbeckia produces wave after wave of bright golden yellow, 3-4" daisies from late spring to fall on a nicely branching plant.
  • Grows To: 12-18''H x 12-18''W (Flower stalks 24''H)
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 4,5,6,7,9
  • Deer Resistance: Rarely Bothered
  • pH Range: Mildly Acidic, Neutral, Mildly Alkaline
Las Vegas
Henry Eilers Quilled Sweet Coneflower
Prices start at : 9.99 USD

Images courtesy of North Creek Nurseries. The sweetly scented foliage gives it its common name. Henry Eiler's is unique in that is has petals that are quilled or rolled into tubes as well as having flowers that are more yellow than gold all with the same...
  • Grows To: 4-6'H x 2-3'W
  • Container Size: 4.5 inch / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 4,5,6,7,8,9
Las Vegas