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Happy Fruitcake Month
Guests at the 2011 nuptials of Prince William and Kate Middleton tucked into an ornately iced, eight-tiered wedding fruitcake. Light, colorful and delicately infused with orange-flavored liqueur, it can please even those who claim not to like fruitcake.
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Living High on Grits and Tomato Gravy
But add a helping of tomato gravy and a baking powder biscuit, cathead size of course, and that is the perfect breakfast. Whenever I need something done around the house I forgo the honey-do list.
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The Cherokee, my long ago ancestors, made hominy grits by soaking corn in lye water and beating it with a corn beater. Well water was then poured through the ashes . It is definitely a favorite of most southern dishes.In the southwest, big hominy is called...
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Greens, Pepper Sauce, and Cornbread: Southern Cuisine
Three of my siblings are brothers and five are sisters, one of whom is no longer with us. Then we add a little water to the pan, lower the temperature setting, cover the pot, and let the greens boil until they are tender.
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What to do if you get sent a bouquet of roses (or if you buy one for yourself)
Dismantle your bouquet (yes, do it), immediately placing stems in a pitcher or bucket of lukewarm water (cold). (I show here a stand-in bouquet that fellow DG subscriber frostweed received as a birthday surprise from her thoughtful son.
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What to do with all that . . . oregano
It makes a sort of tall carpet, and it covered with tiny blossoms in the spring. When your garden gives you an over-abundance of summer tomatoes, it is a good time to cook up a batch of pizza sauce and freeze it in one-cup portions to have on hand in...
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Winter Fruit Pies with a Twist
The pears will release a lot of liquid as they cook.Stirring frequently, simmer the mixture until thickened and the pears are coated in caramel (about 30 minutes for very ripe pears).Stir in the rum and cook for 1 minute.
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Most of the time there were several different flavors of mint, and each flavor had a particular use.grows in sunny fields or along roadsides with a rich sandy loamy soil. Preparations from leaves are used to treat feverish colds and headaches, to relieve...
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Vanilla Sugar: DIY for an Easy and Elegant Gift
My young daughter was skeptical when I said we were going to make vanilla sugar. I made a small, one-bean batch and talked her into trying it the next morning. Sure, it smelled delicious, but how would it taste?
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Au menu du jour: bredes diverses
Is the subject of the day and the subject suggests that spoons and slicing knives will be here more present than spades or pruning shears. (Read: Today's menu: Greens) This being a garden-oriented article we will talk about greens: plants, veggies and...
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Wheat - you can live without it!
And I eat the leftover torte for breakfast the next day!First, preheat oven to 350º F and make sure the rack is in the middle. Information from the Celiac Sprue Association and other help groups indicates that many people (working with their doctors)...
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Dave\'s Garden Book Review: The Best Vegetable Recipes
Gardeners love books, as the number of titles devoted to the subject attest. Summertime means vegetables and with the abundance of fresh offerings from the garden and farmer's markets, it is time to expand our horizons.
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Rhubarb: A Plant for the Ages
Stir well and spread evenly into baking dish. They were taken from plants started by my dad when I was a young child.Rhubarb is a cool-season perennial which is very winter hardy. The root stock from which my plants were started are over 60-plus years...
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Pumpkin Pie for Your Thanksgiving
Because my mother didn't like it, she never baked that kind of pie, so I grew up without knowing the delight of a good pumpkin pie. Moreover, I thought it had a horrible taste! Sometimes a friend would give me a piece of pumpkin pie, but none was tasty...
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Guernsey and Jersey milk cows for sale
Price : CALL

Please text or call us on 502 353 0762. Very gentle and broke to lead. Tested A2A2 by Igenity. Will make a great nurse/family cow &/or ET recip. We are asking $1600 with delivery We have a registered Guernsey cow bred AI confirmed by vet ultrasound.
Lavender Festivals
I mainly grow Grosso and Provence lavender and they both work well for cooking. Lavender is best used in desserts and is often companioned with lemon. I've listed a few below to get you started.
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The Subtle Saffron: Growing and Using
Powdered saffron loses flavor quickly. I use fine scissors to carefully cut the stigmas and drop them into an envelope before taking them inside. A couple dozen corms should be enough to get you started for a few special saffron dishes.
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Cilantro: From Seedling to Salsa
When the plant starts to flower it becomes very bitter. You will be able to harvest cilantro 40-50 days after planting. Following is a super-easy recipe (compliments of my mother-in-law) using fresh cilantro--and if you happen to be in that crowd of folks...
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Making mincemeat out of green tomatoes
It seemed like mom froze tons of these Brownie bars in the fall so we enjoyed wonderful snacks all winter and spring.side note, thinly sliced green tomatoes could be substituted for the eggplant in Eggplant Parmesan.
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Herb Pastas: Making Healthy Homemade Herb Noodles
You are limited only by the herbs you have access to, your imagination, and your personal taste preferences.I prefer unbleached or bread flour because of its availability, health benefits (compared to bleached white flour) and ease of use.
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Cabbage: Its History, Uses And Culture
Modern studies do show that cabbage has antibacterial properties and actually reduces inflammation.Cabbage was introduced into Europe by the conquering Romans and there the plant was bred into the familiar form we recognize today.
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Save your money: Delicious cups of wonder from the world of COFFEE
Pour the hot milk into the coffee and top with whipped cream.Sprinkle Baking Chocolate on top. Suddenly, a coffee shop was THE place to be found. We only use 1 to 2 TINY drops of this oil for one recipe.For 2 large cups of coffee, poor 1 cup very strong,...
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What to do with all that thyme
But it's easy to have more thyme than you can use in your garden. Use the ideas above as a jumping-off point. Thyme is such an intensely flavored herb, and it is an essential ingredient in so many traditional spice mixtures.
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Holiday Meals
In the countryside, people have their own pig which they raise especially to be butchered about a week before Christmas. First comes the real food, which takes much more time to be cooked !
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Root Vegetables Combine for a Warming Winter Stew
That was all the progress she made toward homemade soup that week, but once she had the rutabaga in the house she could rest easy, knowing soup was now possible.I think I may be incapable of making "soup." Once I get underway and start chopping things...
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Will the Real Cinnamon Please Stand Up?
Harvest involves pruning, rather than cutting down the trees. Try adding a few bits to your coffee filter basket, teacup, or potpourri. Sticks of Ceylon cinnamon look rather different; the inner bark is thinner, softer, and lighter in color.Rather than...
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Ahhhhh, Cornbread (Cornmeal)
I sat quietly, and moved my beans and corn around on the plate so that I had a big yellow flower with big green leaves right in the middle of my plate, but I didn't eat.I don't remember the rest of the story, but I do know I went to bed without my cornbread...
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